Dhra Texas Diesel Nationals Oct 13/14

I'll be there, you folks better tell me where the secret drinking tavern is this time, I had beer for everyone in Vegas. (I a DHRA member after Vegas, so you can tell me). lol

If anyone is giving away a "pulling size" turbo and/or injectors, I'll be competing in Houston, otherwise I'll have to see if I can make some rank, because the military isn't paying great as an E-4.

I can't wait until Oct!!!!!
I think they are investing their money into the war, not my ridicoulsly expensive hobby. :doh:

A lot of people on base do ask "why do you need a truck like that" I smiply smile and give a little chuckle.
Timbeaux38 said:
I'll be there............. I havent puked in Texas yet LOL

LMAO! Ohhhh lord I've pu... wait, have I? In Texas? Hold on, lemme think. Nope lol I haven't actually. But tell you what, there ain't no good thing about pukin. Eghads lol BUT I got a MAD azz buzz off budlight in texas once lol. I'm such a light weight... 2 bud lights and it was all over.
Ohhh Lordy I can see this is not the group to go drinkin with lol. After I finished reading this thread, I can see you boys like to put down wagers, threats and temptations to tip it back like wild men lol. That'll never do for this wimpy drinker :p
I'll be there, would be nice to place high on both days sled pulling rather than this rained-out bull****:evil
Pangela said:
LMAO! Ohhhh lord I've pu... wait, have I? In Texas? Hold on, lemme think. Nope lol I haven't actually. But tell you what, there ain't no good thing about pukin. Eghads lol BUT I got a MAD azz buzz off budlight in texas once lol. I'm such a light weight... 2 bud lights and it was all over.

Pangela. Care to explain the avatar? I think I know, but scared to ask.....:hehe:
DSTRBD said:
wow. little early to be thinking about this event. my check liver light still hasnt stopped blinking from last year........

Gonna see how long this thread will be in 4 months bro....

BTW. Make sure and line us up another Parking lot chariot. :hehe: :rockwoot:
Pangela. Care to explain the avatar? I think I know, but scared to ask.....:hehe:

LOL you swear I have that teeny little waist. And ew? who wants to get that dirty :p
imelmo said:
.....or would it?

lol YOU might find it amusing... but trust me. I already talk too much, laugh too much and do things that aren't lady like. My mother's already digging a grave to roll over in. So yeah lol... I TRY and behave as much as possible. But, two beers to me, is like the cape is to Superman lmao. But... not in the good way.
Well then I'll just share my Coke bottle with ya. ;)
imelmo said:
Well then I'll just share my Coke bottle with ya. ;)

LOL well I only want to share if it's been spiked with our mutual friend Jack :D
Pangela said:
LOL well I only want to share if it's been spiked with our mutual friend Jack :D

With Danny it's more like he spikes the Jack with coke LOL LOL

I'll be there, come a really hot place or high water :evil