Diesel Powered Rails

Like I said, we have a ton of new things we're having built and that we're going to try out.

And I suddenly just became a lot more anxious about this year. When and where are you debuting the new rail?


"Hey whats up... my name is Alex Laughlin! I graduated from Stephenville High School!!! college...screw it! i am currently dating sierra mayfield and she is the best thing in the world. we pretty much are always together and i never get tired of her. shes fun and absolutely gorgeous. u touch her, ill kill u. I race dragsters in the NHRA and IHRA and also drive the worlds fastest diesel dragster for Dr. Performance. I race shifter karts as well in the International Karting assosiaion and raced Legend cars few a few years to. I play golf and im gonna be a bad ass professional race car driver! I guess thats all you need to know except im just pretty much a really cool. any problems, tell me "

Um, "3chips= blown headgaskets.......twice?" Please dont ban me for that' it was just waving in front of me.
Wonder if someone could talk Don Gartlits into building a diesel rail, then he could be the first to break 200mph in a diesel also,
You all can probably guess who I want to see in the 6's first...:bigsmile:

To be honest, it'll be cool just to see SOMEONE in the 6's, whoever it is. I wish everyone luck.

It takes a lot of hard work guys, and I'm sure you've put in as many hours, if not more. So whoever gets there first, I'm willing to bet it's well deserved.

Good luck guys.

There is even a pic in the pictures file on the myspace page that shows the "worlds fastest diesel dragster" in action at the race in Houston. You have to have a myspace account to view it though. Thought I would let everybody know there is evidence of the "worlds fastest diesel dragster":woohoo:LOL
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, It was quite a pass. We first got her all staged up (the guys pushed it out of the shop) then we got it spooled up
(the guys drank a beer & then got ready to push), then we launched !! (one of the guys farted while pushing) then we started dropping cylinders ( one of the guys fell down while pushing) But we still went fast. After that, I kissed my girlfriend that was waiting for me at the end of the trailer & she said she loved me. Being a bad ass race car driver is pretty much cool. Thats all you need to know now, if you have a problem let me know! LOL LOL LOL LOL

Dustin, i am on a lot smaller scale than your self, with mainly a 1/8 mile bracket toy but i to built this ride up using a power glide. We used a turbo spline shaft and factory 182 planets, several people have told me the 182's are weaker so its at the shop getting replaced with factory 176's. Question is did yall ever even try them or did you go str8 to aftermarket planets? Would you think they would hold high 6's in trhe 1/8 mile, this is where im going to be trying to get the truck. Not sure what that will be in the 1/4, what 10's- i will mostly be at the local 1/8 mile tracks and thats the way i geared it. Will my poor glide hold up?? The first convertor they built seemed to stall around 4k they tightening it up now to somewhere in the 15-1800 range. What do you think? Thanks Ryan

There is a picture of our blown up stock 1.82 carrier on our website.... A stock 1.76 will hold up for a while but not long. Use a straight cut set, we run 1.80s..... THe glide will hold up fine, just put good parts in it. The input shaft will eventually be the weak link, we use a high dollar one. A Vasco one will be OK for a while.

Converters? Good luck. It will take a few shts to get one you like for the truck. Keep trying different ones...
Ha Ha, everyone gang up on Alex here, Like i just said to John Robinson in a PM, my freaking girlfriend made my Myspace profile , I never even log on... So carry on about these other guys that actually have a shot at the World Record...
Ha Ha, everyone gang up on Alex here, Like i just said to John Robinson in a PM, my freaking girlfriend made my Myspace profile , I never even log on... So carry on about these other guys that actually have a shot at the World Record...

So your saying she sends you a comment, then logs off and gets on your profile to send one back to herself??

:doh:LOL :bs:
Ha Ha, everyone gang up on Alex here, Like i just said to John Robinson in a PM, my freaking girlfriend made my Myspace profile , I never even log on... So carry on about these other guys that actually have a shot at the World Record...

That's not what we've heard, Bunny Man… Sounds like the only thing that would slow you down is a Cosmetics factory :group:
Regardless, Im not any diesel world record holder, as far as i know Sheid and the Bentz guys are way ahead of me in this. Like i said, im not the one who wrote that and who are you to look me up on myspace just to see this... Fletcher, you and your boy TMONEY have a freakin hard on for beating me up. And now, someone I was friends with, has now stabbed me in the back, John! I drive a diesel dragster. PERIOD! Good Luck to EVERYBODY trying to get their rail to the 6's first.
Dieseldragster, thanks man for the replay. Im going to give it hell and see if it will live, i didnt understand if you had really tried the factory panets much or not but ill find out soon if the 176's will cut the mustard. Theres no big money in the tranny, less than 1K including the convertor. I tried to put that money in all the right places though exept i didnt spend big for the str8 cut planets. Well see.
question real quick.. a little off-topic but... what's the world record for fastest 4 cyl car?? :evil
I believe its still Brent Rau with his Eclipse running 6.86 @ 199
Regardless, Im not any diesel world record holder, as far as i know Sheid and the Bentz guys are way ahead of me in this. Like i said, im not the one who wrote that and who are you to look me up on myspace just to see this... Fletcher, you and your boy TMONEY have a freakin hard on for beating me up. And now, someone I was friends with, has now stabbed me in the back, John! I drive a diesel dragster. PERIOD! Good Luck to EVERYBODY trying to get their rail to the 6's first.

Oh come on Alex, can't we just have some fun. If your friends with John Robinson at all you know that he has fun with everything. I myself have noticed that everyone is so uptight about everything lately. Why is this? like a bunch of dogs markin territory. Oh and Alex take it from me, if your girlfriend is running your myspace your better off deleting it! Just speaking from past experiencesLOL. On that note I would just like to say I don't care who hits the 6's I just want to see it. Good luck
Regardless, Im not any diesel world record holder, as far as i know Sheid and the Bentz guys are way ahead of me in this. Like i said, im not the one who wrote that and who are you to look me up on myspace just to see this... Fletcher, you and your boy TMONEY have a freakin hard on for beating me up. And now, someone I was friends with, has now stabbed me in the back, John! I drive a diesel dragster. PERIOD! Good Luck to EVERYBODY trying to get their rail to the 6's first.

First of all, you chastised me for having, as you say " ridiculous posts" Well, I don't really see any validity in that. But, what I do notice is there's
a lot of similarities between our diesel interests and puppetry. So, I think it's important for us to consider theses commonalties when respectfully corresponding. Dale Carnegie once said "the best testimony is from the person who experienced it" Puppet culture can be vary strong and meaningful if applied correctly.

A friend of mine (abide puppet lover) frequently fishes w/ his shock puppet. About a year ago he was fishing in the Kenai river (Alaska) a LARGE brown bear approached him. Equip with his hand puppet, he quickly reaches down in to the dirt and rubs two lines across the top of his sock puppet then raises his hand and begins growling. The bear suddenly stops, turns and runs away. Now, as you know, a bears eye sight is poor, so, it's obviously the bear thought he was confronting an Artic circle tundra prairie Badger.

No one knows where puppetry first began, most scholars seem to agree that puppetry as an art form started in China beginning with shadow puppets.
However, that is only one particular kind of puppet. Puppetry has existed in many other countries long before the introduction of shadow puppets in the Chinese theater.

Man has always been interested in creating and controlling other worlds, as well as in trying to define his own. Puppetry can be considered as an extension of one's self. It may be inspired by the need to explain, explore, embrace or critique the human condition of expression. It's still one of the safest ways to act out, act up, entertain, educate, commiserate or wonder out loud. Unburdening yourself and releasing your feelings aligns your spirit. Personally, I have used a faceless hand puppet along with story telling to fulfill my need to see the good guys win and justice done. It has always been both a sword and a shield to me. It is my armor in a world of frustrations. I'm sending you a sock and a permanent marker, Don't be judgmental about this and keep in mind that a couple of eye balls complimented with a high pitched voice might place a smile on your face. :cheer:
WHAT, your kidding right! Seek Help Fast. Take your sock with you please. Sorry...
Dieseldragster, i looked at that site and didnt see the picture of the blown up 1.82's where are they and also how do you enlarge the pictures to be full screen? Great site though
I can vouch for blowing up a few sets of stock 1.82's, in a 2300 lb car with 640 or so horsepower. In other words, they are weak! I swapped to stock 1.76's and the problem was solved. I used to keep a 1.82 and a 1.96 tranny around (with the 1.96 for higher altitude races). A friend recommended just keeping a looser converter for the higher altitudes. I think both my 'glides now have stock 1.76 (although one of them has been at the tranny builder's shop for 14 years, so who knows if he can even find it).

As far as Fletcher's posts, I'm beginning to think of them like a magic 8-ball. They're vague and weird enough that they can apply to any situation...

Michael Pliska