Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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lol total it twice? must of missed it the 2nd time. I got done balein hay at around 9pm when it was dark and went up a gravel road where somedumbass took the road close sign out of and drove off where there used to be a bridge. And i lost alot of money on that truck and insurance gave me $11300 for that truck and i bought it back and had around 9000 to completely rebuild it back and i ended up spending alot more money out of my pocket. Well i haul grain for people, scrap iron, sell alot of firewood and parts, and run a dozer and do lots of little odd jobs to make it work. Thanks for the comment buddy

So he didn't approve of you rebuilding that pos 99 or 01 or whatever TWICE after you totaled it TWICE?

How does that work anyways? I've been looking for a way to get an entirely new body, paint, chrome, etc. for my truck, but between work and college I just can't make the numbers work. How does a person go about getting insurance money like you do?

BTW...the next time you blow smoke on my ol 95' and almost rear-end the car in front of you I'll try to catch it on video...dumazz
LOL LOL LOL LOL C'mon, why won't you pick on me? LOL LOL LOL LOL

We don't need to see MORE pics of those "guns" :hehe:

I can't hang in this fight though.. I've only had one diesel (that's broke), I have no job, and I'm fat.. But it's fun as hell to watch you guys :kick:

And is it just more or is it painfully obvious that Daddy bought all those trucks? Amazing what happens when a guys Dad owns the business and he mysteriously makes more then he's worth :poke:
We don't need to see MORE pics of those "guns" :hehe:

I can't hang in this fight though.. I've only had one diesel (that's broke), I have no job, and I'm fat.. But it's fun as hell to watch you guys :kick:

And is it just more or is it painfully obvious that Daddy bought all those trucks? Amazing what happens when a guys Dad owns the business and he mysteriously makes more then he's worth :poke:

Interested in moving to the midwest? I could use a hand and I have LOTS of parts around to fix that truck of yours! Oh and Im not prejudice against fat people.
Interested in moving to the midwest? I could use a hand and I have LOTS of parts around to fix that truck of yours! Oh and Im not prejudice against fat people.

I'd be dragging three babies and a g/f that doesn't work, with me. I don't think I'm worth it to you. lol. If I hadn't gone back to college recently I'd be damn tempted though!
I'd be dragging three babies and a g/f that doesn't work, with me. I don't think I'm worth it to you. lol. If I hadn't gone back to college recently I'd be damn tempted though!

3 kids is fine...we get away with child labor in Iowa or we wouldnt be so rich here ya know....just kidding kids are great! I want 10 but the wife says maybe only one more. If plans change drop me a PM!
lol total it twice? must of missed it the 2nd time. I got done balein hay at around 9pm when it was dark and went up a gravel road where somedumbass took the road close sign out of and drove off where there used to be a bridge. And i lost alot of money on that truck and insurance gave me $11300 for that truck and i bought it back and had around 9000 to completely rebuild it back and i ended up spending alot more money out of my pocket. Well i haul grain for people, scrap iron, sell alot of firewood and parts, and run a dozer and do lots of little odd jobs to make it work. Thanks for the comment buddy

1. I'm not, nor will I ever be your "buddy". Do not in any way associate me with your retarded self. It embarrasses me to live in Missouri after you come on here and crap up a great website.

2. I still don't understand how you can forget a bridge has been removed and then blame it on people moving the sign...especially when some of your locals say they saw the skid-marks which were 200+ feet long before flying off into the ravine (that implies you were driving too fast, probably while watching your mirror for how much smoke you could blow).

3. Don't make foolish statements about your dad laughing at you spending money on your trucks like you do. For one, I've seen him driving it at a test and tune sled pull, so he must not be completely against it. For another thing, he sure did a great job of harassing Rodney after you totaled your truck and blamed broken parts on our shop...he still funding your projects AND fighting your fights?
He keeps refreshing this thread as fast as he runs his mouth....

Thanks for the non-google info Seth!
Thanks for confirming a stereotypical retard seth.

Drove off a bridge. That's priceless.
Well when its dark and your goin 40mph yeah your prolly not going to get stopped in time. And i actually didnt see it till i got right there cause it was Dark! Its a little ass bridge not the one goin across the mississippi. And that guy was not my dad that pulled it there that was someone else which i dont want to give out a name. And lol are you stupid? I had a clutch put it there and either you or one of the other mechanics forgot to tighten several bolts and you guys even put the wrong clutch in! I ordered a con fe not ofe. No wonder why it slipped! Next time you see my dad you ask him what he thinks of me fixin up my trucks and see what he has to tell you. I just love how local people think were made of money and my daddy funds my trucks. Are you really that jealous that you have to go and assume that stuff? Just cause you go to college and dont make diddly squat doesnt mean i can have a good income doing what i do. You have no clue what your sayin bout me. And good job you might want to tell rodney you guys just lost some business. I was gettin tired of gettin screwed everytime i went TO DPE ANYWAY. Good luck screwin more people over. Ya i never got any money back for dpe's screw up on that clutch either. And the clutch was put in way after i had the truck redone
Well when its dark and your goin 40mph yeah your prolly not going to get stopped in time. And i actually didnt see it till i got right there cause it was Dark! Its a little ass bridge not the one goin across the mississippi. And that guy was not my dad that pulled it there that was someone else which i dont want to give out a name. And lol are you stupid? I had a clutch put it there and either you or one of the other mechanics forgot to tighten several bolts and you guys even put the wrong clutch in! I ordered a con fe not ofe. No wonder why it slipped! Next time you see my dad you ask him what he thinks of me fixin up my trucks and see what he has to tell you. I just love how local people think were made of money and my daddy funds my trucks. Are you really that jealous that you have to go and assume that stuff? Just cause you go to college and dont make diddly squat doesnt mean i can have a good income doing what i do. You have no clue what your sayin bout me. And good job you might want to tell rodney you guys just lost some business. I was gettin tired of gettin screwed everytime i went TO DPE ANYWAY. Good luck screwin more people over. Ya i never got any money back for dpe's screw up on that clutch either. And the clutch was put in way after i had the truck redone

Pretty sure I'm not jealous. I would tell you to go back over this thread and attempt to figure out why I wouldn't be jealous of you. But I would be under the assumption that you could read, which I'm not.

BTW, I own my truck, and have my own house (not a double wide). And yes, sometimes people go back to school to advance in life. Believe it or not, people don't always consider swinging from Daddies nuts the best career choice.
Holmes, do you have a huge st joe diesel sticker on your back glass?
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