Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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  • motivator40756654c3dd879b1dad9117840016f1677ef52b.jpg
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Notice the cortizone in the cabinet on that pic? Her mouth staying open that much signifies that AJAX, not cortizone is the preferred substance for removing the funk she would give a man.
More fun ones for motivational pics....


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i have nothing to add........

i just read all of this stupid thread and ummm......... wow........
Its amazing, 6 posts, and maybe 15min of the poster's time and its smooth sailing.

Now if captain crayon would have done the same this would not be leading to a 300 post blood bath.
This thread breaks every rule of the sites TOS.....sometimes you just gotta say screw it and let it ride though...............LOL
2. I still don't understand how you can forget a bridge has been removed and then blame it on people moving the sign...especially when some of your locals say they saw the skid-marks which were 200+ feet long before flying off into the ravine (that implies you were driving too fast, probably while watching your mirror for how much smoke you could blow).

Who knows, the chic might have been :bang
this is epic. man.. it must suck to wake up everyday and be such a complete douche bag. how does one exist day to day.. its simply amazing. good job on making everyone on compd hate you!!
Last activity was today at 2:12pm.

Wonder what happened to all his witty comebacks?
Last activity was today at 2:12pm.

Wonder what happened to all his witty comebacks?

The Freddy film must have given him an idea!

Did anyone catch the pic of his "shack" he had on his facebook? It was about a 12x12 building he even had a woodstove in. Looked like an old chicken coop. Bet those walls are filled with stories!!!!
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