Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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Guess he doesn't like us anymore and is afraid to come back... I can't say I'd stick around if I was getting roasted that way but hey! he had it coming- just didn't know Chris,Jason, and basically all of CompD could be so good at revenge! Kudos to keeping douche nozzles from screwin over honest members.

holmesfarm Status: Not Here
Last Activity: Today 08:53 PM
I love the fact that he keeps checking the thread.

I'll give $25 shipped. Paypal, so I can dispute when it doesn't work.
i hope he gos to TS! b/c all of this will still be fresh in our minds!
yup i will be there and scheids and every pull about to watch and have fun so whats the big deal about me going? Am i not allowed???????????
It actually used to be a hog building. And its filled with tires and wheels and tons of parts.

The Freddy film must have given him an idea!

Did anyone catch the pic of his "shack" he had on his facebook? It was about a 12x12 building he even had a woodstove in. Looked like an old chicken coop. Bet those walls are filled with stories!!!!
Since your going to be at the bash in Louisiana how about i bring it there if i still have it and you can buy it for $200??

I love the fact that he keeps checking the thread.

I'll give $25 shipped. Paypal, so I can dispute when it doesn't work.
yup i will be there and scheids and every pull about to watch and have fun so whats the big deal about me going? Am i not allowed???????????

Nope, but we won't be surprised if you're in the running for Douchebag of the year award, doing burnouts in the parking lots.

Although, it shows something that you came back here...not sure what, but it's something!
ahh come on now with the names. Sorry should i not go out on 10 hour drives and support the pulls and drags and pay money to watch? And no i wont be doing burnouts in the parking lots. Just spent $1400 on a set of tires.
ahh come on now with the names. Sorry should i not go out on 10 hour drives and support the pulls and drags and pay money to watch? And no i wont be doing burnouts in the parking lots. Just spent $1400 on a set of tires.

If you won't be contributing to the downfall of Diesel performance by smoking out other vehicles, street racing, mudding, and mindless burnout, then by all means, some ahead and have a good time.

But, I'm just basing my opinion on the fact that you've admitted to doing burnouts in public at a diesel event before?
01-30-2010, 12:54 AM #42

Name: highroller54
Title: Green Behind the Ears
Status: Not Here
Join Date: Mar 2008
Member`s Gallery
Posts: 35 Finnally went and picked up the turbo you sold me today, looks good, thanks again! Chad.
Im not going to give it away for $300! A nice cd player from walmart cost $200 and a garmin gps is $100 so go buy ya one of them and you will be set if you want to spend $300. And that bezel cost $75 bucks alone.

Would you take $200 for it?

haha dont think so

I will sell you my garmin gps and a portable dvd player for $200 then you can watch movies and have navigation in your truck how bout that?

BUMP $200 shipped

Ya i want someone to buy it so they can get on here and shut most of you up that are bashin it!
We are not bashing the player, we are bashing you.

Does the concept of ripping people off mean nothing to you?
Crawl back into your bedroom in your Daddy'd doublewide would you!!:hehe:
Dont think ive ripped anyone off and its there word against mine. Should i start bashin peoples thread and low balling everything so i can fit in? Now i could do the same thing to the guy that i bought a used ii cp3 from that i didnt put on for a couple weeks and say it did not work and i wanted part of my money back but im not that type of person. Now answer this ? If you have never been interested in my double din and would never buy it cause according to some of you its a POS why take the time to bash it and tell me what you think its worth and you just know so much about it?? If someone buys it for $200 they will be very happy with it i guarantee. If all you want to do is talk about my personal life and post pictures of me and make jokes and post my familys address and phone number whats the point of calling this COMPETITION DIESEL? Is that what its all about? I dont think thats right for someone to go and post how much money my dad makes or there phone number and assume everything about me when they dont know diddly squat about me. You can call me fatty and a douchebag and say i have man ******* and make fun of all my pictures that you pull up and post of me and my gf but thats me havin fun and i love the way i am and what i do. You guys remind me of a bunch of jealous high school kids that liked to talk behind my back and scratch my truck when i wasnt around cause i was the kid with the nice truck.

We are not bashing the player, we are bashing you.

Does the concept of ripping people off mean nothing to you?
Well he doesnt live in a doublewide and why would that matter?? Do you have to go out and live in a $700,000 dollar mansion to be somebody?

Crawl back into your bedroom in your Daddy'd doublewide would you!!:hehe:
Dont think ive ripped anyone off and its there word against mine. Should i start bashin peoples thread and low balling everything so i can fit in? Now i could do the same thing to the guy that i bought a used ii cp3 from that i didnt put on for a couple weeks and say it did not work and i wanted part of my money back but im not that type of person. Now answer this ? If you have never been interested in my double din and would never buy it cause according to some of you its a POS why take the time to bash it and tell me what you think its worth and you just know so much about it?? If someone buys it for $200 they will be very happy with it i guarantee. If all you want to do is talk about my personal life and post pictures of me and make jokes and post my familys address and phone number whats the point of calling this COMPETITION DIESEL? Is that what its all about? I dont think thats right for someone to go and post how much money my dad makes or there phone number and assume everything about me when they dont know diddly squat about me. You can call me fatty and a douchebag and say i have man ******* and make fun of all my pictures that you pull up and post of me and my gf but thats me havin fun and i love the way i am and what i do. You guys remind me of a bunch of jealous high school kids that liked to talk behind my back and scratch my truck when i wasnt around cause i was the kid with the nice truck.

Post the model number.
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