Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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Dont think ive ripped anyone off and its there word against mine. Should i start bashin peoples thread and low balling everything so i can fit in? Now i could do the same thing to the guy that i bought a used ii cp3 from that i didnt put on for a couple weeks and say it did not work and i wanted part of my money back but im not that type of person. Now answer this ? If you have never been interested in my double din and would never buy it cause according to some of you its a POS why take the time to bash it and tell me what you think its worth and you just know so much about it?? If someone buys it for $200 they will be very happy with it i guarantee. If all you want to do is talk about my personal life and post pictures of me and make jokes and post my familys address and phone number whats the point of calling this COMPETITION DIESEL? Is that what its all about? I dont think thats right for someone to go and post how much money my dad makes or there phone number and assume everything about me when they dont know diddly squat about me. You can call me fatty and a douchebag and say i have man ******* and make fun of all my pictures that you pull up and post of me and my gf but thats me havin fun and i love the way i am and what i do. You guys remind me of a bunch of jealous high school kids that liked to talk behind my back and scratch my truck when i wasnt around cause i was the kid with the nice truck.

I said this before, and will say it again since you have just continually ignored it.

YOU posted a radio for sale asking $750.
YOU refused to give a model name or part number when asked.
YOU became belligerent when it was proposed that the radio is a cheapo.
YOU have refused offers that were exceeding what your now accepting.
YOUR radio is on ebay right now for $300 BRAND NEW.

Its pretty safe to assume you knew damn well that thing was only worth $200. That explains pretty clearly why YOU refused repeated requests for a name and PN.

It doesn't take an FBI profiler to figure this out.

You want to keep throwing the "I'm a farmer, trust me" chit. We don't care.
You pulled this in same chit with your 96 truck.

Maybe, if you had any damn sense in your head, you may realize this is from where YOU shot YOUR mouth off in the SDX thread.

Lets see, we (Chris and Jason really) discredited all your claims in the SDX thread. That shows that you are a liar. This mess over the radio
just further proves that you are a liar. More specifically you are a liar that tries to deceive people into believing that your this vastly accomplished bad ass farmer that is selling Grade A parts for Grade A prices.

The truth is you work for your parents, live in a shack, and try to pass off junk as treasure to pad your thin ass bank account.

On Edit:
You said you don't want to pull the radio.
But you also said you have sold the truck.

Should be easy to get the number shouldn't it.
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I said this before, and will say it again since you have just continually ignored it.

YOU posted a radio for sale asking $750.
YOU refused to give a model name or part number when asked.
YOU became belligerent when it was proposed that the radio is a cheapo.
YOU have refused offers that were exceeding what your now accepting.
YOUR radio is on ebay right now for $300 BRAND NEW.

Its pretty safe to assume you knew damn well that thing was only worth $200. That explains pretty clearly why YOU refused repeated requests for a name and PN.

It doesn't take an FBI profiler to figure this out.

You want to keep throwing the "I'm a farmer, trust me" chit. We don't care.
You pulled this in same chit with your 96 truck.

Maybe, if you had any damn sense in your head, you may realize this is from where YOU shot YOUR mouth off in the SDX thread.

Lets see, we (Chris and Jason really) discredited all your claims in the SDX thread. That shows that you are a liar. This mess over the radio
just further proves that you are a liar. More specifically you are a liar that tries to deceive people into believing that your this vastly accomplished bad ass farmer that is selling Grade A parts for Grade A prices.

The truth is you work for your parents, live in a shack, and try to pass off junk as treasure to pad your thin ass bank account.

Thank you. You hit the nail on the head as you typically do. Might as well post that over on CF for them idiots too I suppose. Think of it as your weekly gift to charity.
I said this before, and will say it again since you have just continually ignored it.

YOU posted a radio for sale asking $750.
YOU refused to give a model name or part number when asked.
YOU became belligerent when it was proposed that the radio is a cheapo.
YOU have refused offers that were exceeding what your now accepting.
YOUR radio is on ebay right now for $300 BRAND NEW.

Its pretty safe to assume you knew damn well that thing was only worth $200. That explains pretty clearly why YOU refused repeated requests for a name and PN.

It doesn't take an FBI profiler to figure this out.

You want to keep throwing the "I'm a farmer, trust me" chit. We don't care.
You pulled this in same chit with your 96 truck.

Maybe, if you had any damn sense in your head, you may realize this is from where YOU shot YOUR mouth off in the SDX thread.

Lets see, we (Chris and Jason really) discredited all your claims in the SDX thread. That shows that you are a liar. This mess over the radio
just further proves that you are a liar. More specifically you are a liar that tries to deceive people into believing that your this vastly accomplished bad ass farmer that is selling Grade A parts for Grade A prices.

The truth is you work for your parents, live in a shack, and try to pass off junk as treasure to pad your thin ass bank account.

On Edit:
You said you don't want to pull the radio.
But you also said you have sold the truck.

Should be easy to get the number shouldn't it.

jackblack99 likes this!!
Well since you say its the same exact on as the one on ebay for $300 right now why do you keep asking for the part number??? You just assume its the EXACT same one cause of the pictures of one you found on ebay. If you even want then buy that $300 one off ebay and quit posting on here ok? Like i said your not interested and never have been so why post what you assume on everything? And there you go assuming i work for my parents. Yes i do help them farm and does that not mean i dont have any ground of my own? Or haul grain for people or cut wood, haul scrap iron and do lots of odd jobs to make it work? And that shack would be where i put all of my parts and wheels and tires i have for sale. And there you went assuming i live in it

I said this before, and will say it again since you have just continually ignored it.

YOU posted a radio for sale asking $750.
YOU refused to give a model name or part number when asked.
YOU became belligerent when it was proposed that the radio is a cheapo.
YOU have refused offers that were exceeding what your now accepting.
YOUR radio is on ebay right now for $300 BRAND NEW.

Its pretty safe to assume you knew damn well that thing was only worth $200. That explains pretty clearly why YOU refused repeated requests for a name and PN.

It doesn't take an FBI profiler to figure this out.

You want to keep throwing the "I'm a farmer, trust me" chit. We don't care.
You pulled this in same chit with your 96 truck.

Maybe, if you had any damn sense in your head, you may realize this is from where YOU shot YOUR mouth off in the SDX thread.

Lets see, we (Chris and Jason really) discredited all your claims in the SDX thread. That shows that you are a liar. This mess over the radio
just further proves that you are a liar. More specifically you are a liar that tries to deceive people into believing that your this vastly accomplished bad ass farmer that is selling Grade A parts for Grade A prices.

The truth is you work for your parents, live in a shack, and try to pass off junk as treasure to pad your thin ass bank account.
Well since you say its the same exact on as the one on ebay for $300 right now why do you keep asking for the part number??? You just assume its the EXACT same one cause of the pictures of one you found on ebay. If you even want then buy that $300 one off ebay and quit posting on here ok? Like i said your not interested and never have been so why post what you assume on everything? And there you go assuming i work for my parents. Yes i do help them farm and does that not mean i dont have any ground of my own? Or haul grain for people or cut wood, haul scrap iron and do lots of odd jobs to make it work? And that shack would be where i put all of my parts and wheels and tires i have for sale. And there you went assuming i live in it

Sometimes if you just shut your mouth the flaming will stop, but you just keep this going with the smart ass comments. Truthfully what i'm starting to think is that you're a little attention Wh*re. So far you've just made yourself look like an idiot to a bunch of people on here. But if you enjoy wearing the flame suit and getting roasted by everyone here keep on talking and making idiotic comments.
I just read this whole thread, holmesfarm, you keep making your self look worse and worse, if you quite feeding the fire they will also quite, but until then this is hilarios.
Well since you say its the same exact on as the one on ebay for $300 right now why do you keep asking for the part number??? You just assume its the EXACT same one cause of the pictures of one you found on ebay. If you even want then buy that $300 one off ebay and quit posting on here ok? Like i said your not interested and never have been so why post what you assume on everything? And there you go assuming i work for my parents. Yes i do help them farm and does that not mean i dont have any ground of my own? Or haul grain for people or cut wood, haul scrap iron and do lots of odd jobs to make it work? And that shack would be where i put all of my parts and wheels and tires i have for sale. And there you went assuming i live in it

1. Your English teacher is climbing a tower with a rifle right now.

2. Why wont you post the model name and number?

3. Your saying there is a radio that looks just like yours, that has the same features as yours, that has the same screen images as yours, and it is not your radio? Please explain, wait, give a part number.

4. I would call those observations, not assumptions.

5. So you don't rent 1500 acres and $250,000 worth of equipment?
For sale thread...... Go on doctor phil if you want to talk about someones personal life.
Hey guys its getting good over at CF now too....Holmes found a new friend...LMAO
Man HOLMESFARM why dont you just stop trying to prove your right, you have been proven wrong to many times to have a chance at all of turning this thread around and into your good. If you are going to screw people over then act like you didnt know take it some where else not this site, and why the hell dont you give us a # let someone check your story out on the radio if it is right i am sure everyone will say there sorry, but the simple fact of this story is you are a crook and a A$$ that does not and will not shut the hell up when its what needs to be done. I have nothing against you or do i care to find out if you are a good guy or a bad guy but threads like this will make you look worse and worse very fast
I think hes too stupid to comprehend any advice. I bet his daddy whips him regularly.
Figured you would have your silencer ring MIA next to where it says you have 5"mbrp exhaust on your truck. Man should i post what all i have done to my turd? Would that make me as cool as you? You think your as cool as the other retards posting crap about me so you have to join in also? May i ask why you joined compdiesel?

No his dad must not because if he did douche nozzle wouldnt be such an idiot scammer
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