Double din 7" dvd,navigation,bluetooth, tv tuner and lots more!!

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Holmesfarm, This about sums up you and your conman antics.

I will sell you my garmin gps and a portable dvd player for $200 then you can watch movies and have navigation in your truck how bout that?

No thanks man. I run an Alpine in my truck.... I was going to put yours in my golf cart....
lol ya ive watched you same guys guys give alot of people on here crap for something there trying to sell and low ball them and try to get something for nothing. It doesnt matter to me you can low ball me and call me a idiot and scammer and all the other crap over the computer and your not provin a damn thing. Maybe if you actually sat in my truck and seen the double din work in person you would have different thoughts but most of you like jasonczerak like to get on here and low ball people and start arguments on anything and think you know everything. How about someone just delete this thread so i dont have to keep checkin it to see what smart ass comments most of you leave.... I will put it on ebay or craigslist for someone that will actually want it and not spend all day on a website telling me what they think its worth and how high and mighty they are
cause i dont want to take 15 mins to take it out unless i know someone really is buying it. An especially not for you since you make stupid comments on every thread i have and other peoples and i know for sure all you want to do is sit on here and tell me what you think of it and what its worth and how smart you are and post your pictures that you think is so funny. Do you ever work or do you get paid to sit on a computer and act like your working and start arguments like a big tuff guy?? Im not the only person you or the others like to do this to.
Could someone please delete this thread?? If you want a double din for $150-$300 bucks then go buy a used one or one off ebay. Mine works perfect and is still in the truck that i drive everyday so if someone wants to see it in person so they know there not gettin screwed then send me a pm.
looks like you have to much time on your hands by posting stupid pictures like that all the time. Maybe you should go apply for a job somewhere instead of starting crap on the computer. Im sure McDonalds is hiring or walmart so you might try there first.

Holmesfarm, This about sums up you and your conman antics.

If I give you $300 will you send me that damn thing and delete your account?
i think thats the best offer yet. maybe you can get 2 or 3 people in on this and you could make more than your askin
But.......... It is only 15 minutes, would of saved harassment and stupid pictures in comments. Just post the model number.

Either you're that stupid, or you're ripping people off. Which is it? We were trying to help you but you never seem to realize it. The point is there are very few idiots other then yourself here, you are wasting your time, though providing some good entertainment for some if us.

As for "my job", I don't need to sell a knockoff stereo to pay for a cp3. ;)
If you PM any of the Mods on here they will delete this thread for you...
i do get paid to sit on the computer for 8 hours a day. FYI.....BIG GUY LOLLOLLOL

I do too ;-) But real men don't use computers 8 hours a day and get paid for it. Real men "rent everything they own" and "farm".

Who's name is on the title of your truck anyways? Daddies?
lol good luck with harrasin and low balling other people on here. I forgot your always right and you know everything since you have told me that on every thread u comment on. This world wouldent be the way it is now if it wasnt for farmers and you probaly wouldent have the job you have now. Why do you even have a diesel truck if all you do is sit on a computer all day? Shouldent you be drivin a corvette or lexus or something? You can sit on your computer all day and think of reasons to make fun of me cause im a farmer and i "rent land" but you go out and start farming and try and buy 1000 acres of land for 3.5 million dollars and all the equipment, fertilizer, seed, fuel and all the other stuff and try and make it work and pay on it for 50 years. So your going to tell me im stupid for renting land for $140 an acre? You can sit there and feel good about yourself for trying to prove someone wrong on the internet for what there trying to sell and you have never seen it in person work or anything. No wonder why this country is so screwed up now and we have a president like we do now. Its because of people like you. I like how you gave me and tons of other people so much crap on here and told us how immature and stupid we were for doin burnouts in a parking lot at scheids extravaganza but in your picture your blowing smoke on someones vechicle. How old r u again?
You want to B!itch like a little girl for people low balling you but your the jack-ass who just in the last few weeks offered me about half of what Im asking for a Cummins plowtruck.

You claim your a farmer huh? You sure as hell dont talk like no farmer when it concerns mocking your operation! Id bet my left nut its your daddies farm or your bosses crap you claim to run. If Im wrong just post up a copy of a bank or FHA loan paper with your name on it and I dont want to hear any BS story about private information. I think your a damn schmuck! You have to sell a cheapo knock off radio to pay for a damn CP3 and there aint no damn farmer in my country that has to do that!!! Every farmer I know worth a damn runs off a LOC!
lol good luck with harrasin and low balling other people on here. I forgot your always right and you know everything since you have told me that on every thread u comment on. This world wouldent be the way it is now if it wasnt for farmers and you probaly wouldent have the job you have now. Why do you even have a diesel truck if all you do is sit on a computer all day? Shouldent you be drivin a corvette or lexus or something? You can sit on your computer all day and think of reasons to make fun of me cause im a farmer and i "rent land" but you go out and start farming and try and buy 1000 acres of land for 3.5 million dollars and all the equipment, fertilizer, seed, fuel and all the other stuff and try and make it work and pay on it for 50 years. So your going to tell me im stupid for renting land for $140 an acre? You can sit there and feel good about yourself for trying to prove someone wrong on the internet for what there trying to sell and you have never seen it in person work or anything. No wonder why this country is so screwed up now and we have a president like we do now. Its because of people like you. I like how you gave me and tons of other people so much crap on here and told us how immature and stupid we were for doin burnouts in a parking lot at scheids extravaganza but in your picture your blowing smoke on someones vechicle. How old r u again?

Your house; wait, I'm sorry; your double wide, you rent it, you said so in another thread. That's cheap.

This country is screwed up becuase there is lack of comprehension. In your case, lack of grammar and spelling skills as well..

I have a diesel because I can afford it and because that's what i chose to own.


Ohh, and for the record, I can make up reasons to make fun of your existence in less time then it takes for me to crap out chits that have more collective intelligence then your entire family.
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