Dumb things I see at Drag Races

"I would race but I don't want to break something." Does a burnout leaving the pits.

"I would race but I don't have money to blow on fuel." Blows smoke all over everyone when he leaves.
Deep staging with that huge stock turbo

Not sure what was meant by this one, but slower trucks (like my tow rig) need to deep stage if I'm going to leave anywhere close to the spot on the tree where I would normally leave in a faster car/truck.

I wish that NHRDA would go to a .5 pro tree. A guy might actually red light, tough to do on a .4 tree unless you just go on total instinct, or you crawl through the beam.
Tough but not impossible! Just don't throw that 0.500 tree on us in Pro Stock, I'd be red-lighting every pass!

If you can set up your truck to where you can leave on the bottom bulb (like Paul described) and get a decent RT, that's a great situation. Unfortunately my F350 leaves too slowly even when deep staged, so I have to watch the tree countdown. In my gasser race car I can slow its launch down enough (leaving at lower RPM) to leave off of the bottom bulb, and I'm much more consistent that way.

I still laugh at the guys who do burnouts in the parking lot when they didn't even have the balls to race.
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Not sure what was meant by this one, but slower trucks (like my tow rig) need to deep stage if I'm going to leave anywhere close to the spot on the tree where I would normally leave in a faster car/truck.

That was for the d bags who think they need to gently bring up the rpm's becuase they pulled the plate and don't want to "drown out" their big "stock turbo" with all their new found fuel. Meanwhile your already staged, and waiting, while that guy has yet to cross the first beam, but is already spooling his beast of a rig.

I don't think you fall into the category of person I speak of.

On edit I see I used the wrong term. Deep staging is not what I meant, brain fart, my bad.
I mean spooling (some would say staging) before ever hitting the beams, in preparation for when they finally light the first bulb.
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The chevy gasser guys that take off the headlight, air filter and drop the tire pressure down to 20PSI, does a big one wheel burnout and runs a 17.

Isn't that half of the crowd on Friday nights at Baytown!?!
I run N/T
Don't need the locals knowing what's up. :D

LIL Red has ran a drilled out pill full solenoid on the street more than once. Not the safest thing in the world, but the modded viper did get his ass handed to him.
First off, a big turbo and twin turbos usually take a bit to spool. You are dead meat if you bump into the first light and are not fully spooled with auto start. Best to talk to the the person you are racing before hand and let him know how long it takes to spool up so he doesn't go in and burn down waiting for you and vice versa. Decide who can spool the quickest and let the slow guy go in first. That saves a lot of hard feelings. If a guy double bulbs you just wait till he either burns up or lets off before even starting to stage.
- taking 10sec to get my stock DV'd 160horse truck spooled to 8psi with a 66/73...had to get it 'just right', then after 60ft breaking traction when it finally lights
- hitting the water box with street tires, even when i know i shouldnt, then not being able to break traction enough to do a few dry-hops to shake out the rest of the water (stock converter!)
- taking 10sec to get my stock DV'd 160horse truck spooled to 8psi with a 66/73...had to get it 'just right', then after 60ft breaking traction when it finally lights
- hitting the water box with street tires, even when i know i shouldnt, then not being able to break traction enough to do a few dry-hops to shake out the rest of the water (stock converter!)

Just curious did you change turbo setups? 66/73 is different than your sig.
Just curious did you change turbo setups? 66/73 is different than your sig.

most definitely. ran a 66/73/.91 T4 for a few months, non-gated with 131DV's, 5x14's and no lift pump mods.... was fun, but not a good setup.

switched to 63/68, did some more fuel mods and made a butt-load more power - killed the stock trans and now im penny pinching for a new one. I WILL NOT be going back to the track until I get some slicks, work on 4-link setup, and re-tune the afc
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I dont know if I have enough time to list all of the dumb stuff I have seen, but I'll try.

Cooler in bed.... no tailgate....4x4 launch.

Idiots that wont clean out their bed after we ask 47 times.

I saw a guy miss around in Indy once because he had his stereo cranked up and was dancing..... Yep, dancing....... by the truck. Didn't hear 3 calls to the lanes.

Morons spooling up in the lanes on the breaks on numerous occasions.

People asking about buybacks in classes with a pro ladder

Folks that do not pay attention to calls to the lanes or lane assignments, treating qualifying like a TnT.

Staying in the groove after heairng stuff go bang.

Track staff that refuse to let drivers go around the waterbox after allowing them to do so for 3 rounds of qualifying and 2 rounds of eliminations.

Track owners that insist they have a surface that can hold whatever we can throw at it after I explain multiple times, that it cannot...... Only to watch an index truck blow off the tires at the hit.

..... I'll think of more later
Track owners that insist they have a surface that can hold whatever we can throw at it after I explain multiple times, that it cannot...... Only to watch an index truck blow off the tires at the hit.

Track guy in Topeka after watching J-Rod in the dragster, Michael in DirtyMax and Spiderman blow the tires off say "There ain't a track in America that could hold that kind of power"
Owe the crew that pushes a V-6 mustang through the staging lanes to launch on cold temps and runs a 19. Can you tell I run with gassers mostly? LOL.