Extrude Honed injectors by Extrudehone?

On a 215 injector would the pop pressures need to be changed, when having them extruded??
Jim Bower the guy who runs the injector shop said 45% will be around 90-100hp

true but, that's what that little cross means at the end of the numbers... depending on the mods to the truck... that number will vary.
That is what I was thinking.. What would you want them set at and is there a reputable/inexpensive shop that would do that????

I usually set them at 260 bar (3800 psi)
Sorry I can't recommend a shop in your area, but maybe someone will Chime in with some info in your area.
You could ship them up here if you like.
Could you PM me a price quote on what it would be to get them gone through Snedge? 160hp 12valve injectors.