F250/Cummins Swap

Burn it off - YouTube

Old video.

Anyone know the run down on the Ford LSD? They look like a shit design because the tabs wear into the carrier. I either need to rebuild or replace mine.

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I'm thinking either an E-Locker or torsen. I don't know about the having to roll before it locks thing

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So I got on this kick last year that I was going to do an under seat box to augment the sub I already had. I spent a few hours fitting what I had amassed together over the last few days and decided I didn't like it. It was going to have to be sealed because of the low air space, and adding structure to it was going to take up even more internal volume. The floor pan is the biggest issue, I was going to try to thermoform some polymer panels I got on Amazon to build the floor facing part of the box. Ultimately, I decided I wanted to just add another sub to the box I already have behind the seat. I sold the 6 SKAR 6.5's I bought for the project and ordered another sub, and matching footprint mono and four channel amps. The chip in the Joying head unit I have isn't bad in terms of embedded audio, but they never sound as good as an external amp. Some time this week I will be pulling the box, cutting it and adding a backboard to mount the amps to. I currently have a 2003 Rockford Fosgate from the era before RF was a Walmart brand. I feel shamed for replacing it with a Korean amp but I simply don't have the mounting space to mount it and a matching four channel. I would love to couple it and a 501X with one of the bridges but I digress.

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Took me way longer than I intended. Had to go buy a router bit.
I have a black and decker jig saw that refuses to cut a vertical cut. The blade always deflects.
With that said, I built a jig to cut a perfect diameter, perfectly circular hole. Triple checked the center, blah blah. I cut this thing, and the end of the cut is 1/8" outside the starting point. I took a drum sander and reigned it back in, but I ended up closer to a 10" cutout than the 9.43" that it was intended to be.
When I removed the original subwoofer, I caught on that I had been running it on 8 ohms for several years, which is just as well because the Fosgate p would have killed it if it weren't. New config has the amp bridges at 4ohms. I added a backboard to the box to give me space to mount the 2 and 4 channel amps behind the seat. I neglected the fact that it had to clear the cab vent so I had to cut a hole in it to clear. I got to run it briefly but the batteries went down on me. I should be able to do some tuning tomorrow.

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Fuck, shoulda built two I'm in need of one bad. I'm doing the whole shebang on mine this winter.
You can pick up that box on Amazon under the Rockville or Qpower brand name. I think I bought that one in 2017 as a single sub unit.

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Good looking out. How to do plan in routing your wiring? I hadn't gotten far enough to map mine out yet but was figuring I may have to pull all seats and carpet to do it right
Good looking out. How to do plan in routing your wiring? I hadn't gotten far enough to map mine out yet but was figuring I may have to pull all seats and carpet to do it right
From what I remember, there is a track down each side. I already have an RCA pair, power and remote run down the passenger side. I'll be pulling that out and replacing it. I ordered 18ga 9 conductor trunk, 6 channel RCA and a pair of 10 pole molex connectors. I plan to split the adapter harness at the head unit. I'll pair the factory side speaker wires to the 9 core trunk and use the molex connectors between them so it can be unhooked easily.
I'm trying to decide how I want to mount the amps. They don't fit horizontally with the fan between them the way I want it. I have been working on a model to enclose them, mount the fan and shroud the wiring. I'm going to be limited by the size of the print bed on the 3D printer, but I may have a trick for joining print parts to try out.

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Dam, that thing is gonna fuckin jam when you're done. I'm pretty jealous, nothing better than some quality music on long hauls to get you through 20 hour drives
I don't condone listening to %90 of what Slipknot has done musically, so I have no fucking clue what this song is. It does however make those subs move a shit ton of air through the cab vents. This is with the Rockford Fosgate Punch 201S pushing the subs still. Part of me wants to find a matching 301X or 501X so I can keep that 201S and have a matching set.
November 10, 2022 - YouTube

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Shit is slamming. Kind of embarrassed that I thought my $100 Craigslist kicker sounds good haha anything more would make the ole 2nd gen fall apart I think.
That's awesome. Saw slipknot a couple years ago, I've been to some wild concerts but that one takes the fucking cake.
Minor update, I made a run to the wife's cousins to drop off his saw. Fuel was probably a needle width from the red. I stopped at the station I usually get fuel from there in town and they were out of diesel. The 50 miles to empty chimed on the dash on the way home, but it was still maintaining fuel pressure. That puts it somewhere around 470 miles on this tank. I will have to see what station has fuel in order to top off and run mileage again.

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Getting deep in that fuel tanks guts ( and my wallet). That's 33 gallons out of a 35 gallon tank and it was still maintaining 13.3psi which is normal output.

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Well..... We weren't really looking for one, only half heartedly. My wife flips the phone around and shows me this one on marketplace. It was on an 05 truck that was pieced together and multicolored, guy bought it to relocate from Oregon to Ft Campbell to be near his son.
It's an ARE. It's a little rough, the biggest issue is that it's made for other model tail gates. My gate has the bump in the middle, and has the integral step. The hatch hits that bump before it will close completely. It has this knob apparatus to crank the side windows out, which work like the rollers on a sliding drawer. One of the rollers has jumped out of the track.
It's carpeted and has interior lights. We got it in order to use for sleeping in. I plan to eventually buy a Decked USA pull out drawer system. As soon as I do, the wife will want a 5th wheel camper. I will snap some pictures later.

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Looks nice. If you got the integrated step tailgate that means yours weighs 100ibs also. I had a cap in the past where you could flip open the side windows to reach in and grab stuff up at the front of the bed vs crawling all the way in there everytime. I'd want to find something that has that capability but I don't the the ARE have it