Freds truck drags sacramento ca

That video is a little misleading. The red pickup crashed early on in the day. Brad's was in the late afternoon.
I pulled the chute and started to brake lightly but i had no sence of depth perception. I new the return road rails were near but had no exact idea. I braked a little harder and before i new it the slicks locked up and bounced.

Sounds like the chute pulled the back tires up, glad you were not seriously injured.
I wonder if there was oil on the track under the right side of the car, and as you hit the brakes it pivoted you towards the guardrail? Glad you are healing up, and so sorry to hear of this!
Did anyone ck the track where things started to bo bad? Any idea what happened to the little red truck that hit the wall earlier?
Yikes, glad you are okay Brad. Hope you have a speedy recovery. I tottaly agree on the saftey gear. We will spend thousands on go fast parts but will not ensure our own saftey. People grip when they ask a 14 second truck driver to wear a helment.

Best to you and your family

Malcolm and Tamara