Fuel Economy cam updates

I think you should just drop the "economy" crap and sell these as "towing" cams. :D

Unreal the difference in this an a stock cam when the motor has to move 30K. My neighbor rode with me to take his tractor to Enid. His first comment to me after about 10 miles was "it don't smoke anything like it used to, does it?" I only drove in 5th due to the weight at around 2200-2400 around 60 mph. Burns clean as a whistle with cruise set.

I have read every cam thread I can find & the 19 pages here are great. I appreciate the time & testing done by others. There is only one question that I didn't see answered, at least for me. How does altitude affect camshaft profiles? It sounds like the 188/208 might be a good cam for my truck, but I live at 4,400 feet & travel to areas with altitudes of 7,000 to 10,000 feet. When I tow, my 5th wheel is 12,500 lbs.
With a 62 mm you can still get by with the 208 exhaust profile. If you tow heavy and you have issues getting on top of the charger at higher elevations, try the 220 exhaust profile. It will get you on top of the charger considerably better, at the expense of a small amount of efficiency.
What an amazing thread thus far! A lot of the info went over my head but the fact that such info has been gathered by members willing to take the time to test products, posted and archived here is just sweet!

Zach, you've got to be unbelievably slammed among all the testing and work you do!!
I have learned how to drive around the turbo for the most part. If I am taking off on a steep incline with the trailer, I have to feather the throttle a bit until the turbo lights - then off we go. A quicker, earlier turbo spool would be great, but I don't want a cam so big that I sacrifice possible mileage gains & egt drop. The highest egt's I see are 1450, with my 5th wheel on a steep climb.
Yes, I stay pretty busy,

JSF350 won the fuel economy section of diesel power a few years ago with the 188-220-108 It will cool the egts very well. The 188-208, since it has less drive energy for your turbo spool, is better for smaller turbos that require less heat energy to spool. If you have a 66mm or larger then go for the 220. 64mm is on the fence, you could go either way. I have a 62-68-12 in my daily driver with the 188-208-106.5
