Girl new to the forum!

this thread will never end if you keep posting pictures like that.

also..... will answer any questions you have, for the price of one picture per 3 answers.

do that over a common rail and then ask how to keep it from melting it down maybe some guys will focus better and finlly figur out the true cause of why some melt them and others have good luck. or post pics like that then ask a question and youll have 10 pages of info :welcome:

when a girl posts pics,.. comp D is like a pack of hounds on a 3 legged cat :hehe:
welcome to CompD! I'm sure i'll see you at a pull some time soon. the Buck is sept 11. we normally get there early and grill some brats and drink some beer before going in.

An MSD box and chrome parts in the engine bay. Not exactly a factory correct resto. Anybody else have a nice set of legs blocking there view of the engine or is my computer just acting weird? BTW welcome.
i like the view just fine aint really worried about that engine .... come on :lolly: