Here it is ... stand alone ECU for the CR-Cummins

You're asking for trouble without giving people control of there own engine. Your taking all the responsibility away from the owner and putting it right on yourself. If I make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's my own fault. If you make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's your fault. Your reasoning is absurd. It sounds to me like you want to keep everything the same as it was. Everyone in the dark. At least with a hand held programmer I have the choice of what options I pick. With your controller, everyone will totally be in the dark, without a clue of whats going on in there engine. You will be the only big shooter with all the control. Just look at the quote below.........

Sorry, you have to contact me ... I'm the sales rep for them here in the USA ... and the continent America
You're asking for trouble without giving people control of there own engine. Your taking all the responsibility away from the owner and putting it right on yourself. If I make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's my own fault. If you make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's your fault. Your reasoning is absurd. It sounds to me like you want to keep everything the same as it was. Everyone in the dark. At least with a hand held programmer I have the choice of what options I pick. With your controller, everyone will totally be in the dark, without a clue of whats going on in there engine. You will be the only big shooter with all the control. Just look at the quote below.........

:pop: I'm sure in a few months all the other options will be out and there will be several choices. Competition always makes people work harder to produce a better product. Cant wait to see what else come out in the near future..........
You're asking for trouble without giving people control of there own engine. Your taking all the responsibility away from the owner and putting it right on yourself. If I make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's my own fault. If you make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's your fault. Your reasoning is absurd. It sounds to me like you want to keep everything the same as it was. Everyone in the dark. At least with a hand held programmer I have the choice of what options I pick. With your controller, everyone will totally be in the dark, without a clue of whats going on in there engine. You will be the only big shooter with all the control. Just look at the quote below.........

I think you are missing the reasoning behind Volkers decision to not release the software yet. He is only one man, to be able to provide everyone with the tech support they would need would consume every waking minute he has. With EFI live there is multiple forums to go ask questions, not so with the stand-alones.
I think you are missing the reasoning behind Volkers decision to not release the software yet. He is only one man, to be able to provide everyone with the tech support they would need would consume every waking minute he has. With EFI live there is multiple forums to go ask questions, not so with the stand-alones.

Thanks Glenn ;-)
You're asking for trouble without giving people control of there own engine. Your taking all the responsibility away from the owner and putting it right on yourself. If I make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's my own fault. If you make a mistake and blow up my engine, it's your fault. Your reasoning is absurd. It sounds to me like you want to keep everything the same as it was. Everyone in the dark. At least with a hand held programmer I have the choice of what options I pick. With your controller, everyone will totally be in the dark, without a clue of whats going on in there engine. You will be the only big shooter with all the control. Just look at the quote below.........

All of you are not listening! Not Yet, doesent mean not ever! This is brand new and we could have said nothing then when we new more (testing)realeased it with software. Just wanted to inform people what was on the horizon!

All of you are not listening! Not Yet, doesent mean not ever! This is brand new and we could have said nothing then when we new more (testing)realeased it with software. Just wanted to inform people what was on the horizon!


then I wouldnt have said anything at all. Now you have a million questions.
Just the way its gonna be untill we get answer's
You guys act like Volker and John OWE you something...

In the end this is Volkers products and he can do with it what he sees fit.

This unit IS NOT ready for production yet... It's barely in the Beta state. It was just put out there so you guys would know that SOMETHING was on the horizon.

My understanding of it is more like the SCT guys had going on in the beginning.... Certain performance shops will have the software to tune these ECM's... And others who proove they are knowledgable enough to possess such a powerful tool will be allowed the option to purchase it.

I agree with Volkers idea here.... Just because you have money doesn't mean you're entitled to something. In this case you're gonna have to be smart enough to proove you know how to use the tool.

I think Volker isn't looking to sell this to 10,000 people. I think he's looking for 10-20 trucks maybe more later... that he can personally keep an eye on that want the best available.

Only time will tell though, because as stated, THIS IS STILL IN VERY EARLY BETA!

Volker - Keep up the good work! Lookin' forward to getting one of these when they are available.
someone wants us to spend 10k on a standalone and they dont owe us anything, ****ty service I

the title of this thread should say

here it is cummins standalone- available in 2011
Good god.. I wonder why there is any advertisement of any product ever made.. oh yeah.. It's to let everyone know whats coming. :bang I commend Volker and the producer of Zues, as well as whoever else is putting the work in to develop new things our sport. I am not a heavy hitter in this arena, and I will most likely not be able to afford this product, but dammit I like hearing about upcoming products. I saw very little *****ing about the advertising of the smarty being developed for the CR or the 6.7 CR or the POD.
Think about the ads seen daily for new products. Would they reap much reward for the hard work and efforts put into a product if they did not let anyone know they were developing it?

Or refer to what John at Floor It said.
Rant done.
someone wants us to spend 10k on a standalone and they dont owe us anything, ****ty service I

the title of this thread should say

here it is cummins standalone- available in 2011

I'm not really sure where your going with this. Volker clearly said he wanted to be able to give the best service to the people that purchased this. I'm not sure if you have something to gain by making comments like this but I for one have wanted this ever since I started pulling a CR, and we don't need people bashing innovators trying to help us. I may not be able to get my hands on one of these in 2010 either but I'll be damned if I ***** about it. Carry on Volker/John. thanks for the help mason
Not bashing, I think its great that they are helping the sport, its just hard to not want to try this thing on a I just think nothing should have been said untill the software was available or the product was available. why come out and say its gonna be out when I decide..... why not let people try it, Im confused on why his theory off people blowing up there engines with this ecu? its called trial by error, even if he perfects it, then what we all have to get our trucks tuned by him? say he gets it out to 10 guys this year, then we still have to chase people down about tuning? I want to tune my own truck, Im not as smart as volker or some people on here but im pretty sure I could play with the software and not kill my truck. Esp. if he sends a base map...
Suppose he sells 100 of these.. then thats 100 people, maybe more, that are going to have questions as to EXACTLY which table does what. Even with a wlk through and instruction manual, if one is given, there still needs to be a prodict tech support, Volker. THose 100 people will all have questions when they first start tuning, leaveing Volker to answer. Now, instead of trying to enhance or work on the product himself he now has to walk these people through the system. Being the only one that really understands the system and then releasing to the public would be a BAD idea.
Im not saying that in the future others will not learn, but from reading thi thread and my understanding of it, I completely agree with what Volkers is trying t do. SO far we know of ONE truck that has this system on it. What companies release a product after one test run? On top of that, he hasnt even finished with the first one.
I understand both sides of the arguement here, but I have to say that i side with volkers in trying to perfect the product and see what type of problems could arise in tuning.
Guys just be patient. This has been a along waited project and to see it finally getting the light on it is awesome. With enough time and trial and error these standalones will be the only way to go for competition!
Guys just be patient. This has been a along waited project and to see it finally getting the light on it is awesome. With enough time and trial and error these standalones will be the only way to go for competition!

While it is great what is happening, just hard to see the advantage of a standalone that requires 1 person to run it, and no software to program it. Heaven forbid if Volker dies of a heart attack. Then it appears x number of people will have an ecm with no adjustability if it is a software package that takes years and year to become proficient at.

The question should then be asked isthe software a finished product? Seems like this product isn't ready for the market if that is the case.

Sorry I am being blunt in this, but we have been told by Volker that the software is too complicated and that he has years of experience in the cr world and he still struggles with it.
This is kind of like my time machine I have designed, it works in theory, but it is too complicated to have any usefullness.

Glad to see that folks are working to further the sport.
While it is great what is happening, just hard to see the advantage of a standalone that requires 1 person to run it, and no software to program it. Heaven forbid if Volker dies of a heart attack. Then it appears x number of people will have an ecm with no adjustability if it is a software package that takes years and year to become proficient at.

The question should then be asked isthe software a finished product? Seems like this product isn't ready for the market if that is the case.

Sorry I am being blunt in this, but we have been told by Volker that the software is too complicated and that he has years of experience in the cr world and he still struggles with it.
This is kind of like my time machine I have designed, it works in theory, but it is too complicated to have any usefullness.

Glad to see that folks are working to further the sport.

So, I take it you never heard of this "Smarty" downloader then eh?

TNT/R is to much for everyone, can't run it.
Will this have data logging capabilities when and if the software is ever released to the masses???