I want shop pictures..

Here is my shop. It's a 60x40. It works well, but should have gone bigger. Another thing I regret is the low ceiling....didn't think that one out very good in the beginning! :doh: I've been wanting to install a lift for quite sometime, but I think it's going to be more of a pain in the ass then it's worth.

As it is right now, I can have 4 - 5 vehicles in there at a time and still have room to work.






Yeah man i would have to agree on the needs to be a little (lot) taller! ha ha sharp shop though
I couldn't find a pic of the cabinets we built earlier today then I stumbled onto one while uploading the birthday pics from last Saturday.

Right side is fridge, left side is freezer. When I finally p1ss her off, she knows how to decompose me...I won't be frozen. LOL
Yes, that freezer really is big enough for a body. 3 of them.

That thins farkin huge! Those pull out trap doors on each side for the mason jars of fingers, small limbs, eye balls and such is even sweeter.
Never got the top cabinet built...and can't find pics of the actual deal, but here is the model from when I was designing it.

Thanks. I like to build. I like to build ONE cabinet...not 22. LOL It gets old after the first one.
Thanks. I like to build. I like to build ONE cabinet...not 22. LOL It gets old after the first one.

ha ha I tend to have the same problem with the ladies...... i like to... a couple times.. after that i kinda wanna... something else ha ha!

No really i feel ya there
one of my main debates thus far is, stick frame the roof or order trusses.
definately order trusses, you dont have to be out by much and it pretty much farks the whole thing
definately order trusses, you dont have to be out by much and it pretty much farks the whole thing

i have stick framed roofs on million dollar homes on multiple occassions.(<<spell check) Not really to worried about "being out". its just more that i prefer hip and valley roofs. which would require posts in the middle of my floor. which could actually be used to build a crane of sort. or maybe even a wall up the center of the shop. i guess if i chose to go large enough i could make a wall with openings be quite useful.

I NEED TO SEE SOME MORE SHOPS!! make up my mind on my layout! ha ha

so many thoughts and options. i guess i need to just slap my self and say keep it simple stupid!:hehe:



Here's a couple of mine. 50x40. Nothing really special on the inside, but I will get ya some shots tomorrow.
I would buy trusses personally don't think the slight savings is worth it. And definitely steel roof.