Ive SEEN THE LIGHT!!! Ppump drag truck build

Sounds good, yours is in less pieces than mine is. lol... I'm hoping to be back together to. Be neat to see a couple decent horsepower trucks making passes at Edgewater...Both on firepunk trannys
I'm a puller....can you please explain what time requires a roll bar, and what time requires a full cage? I think that's how their done right?
thats not so bad i too was curious on the cage...

hey chase is the fuel system all you waiting on?
Im hoping to roll up when your off work and heading up there to check stuff out
thats the way im taking it anything above 10.99 and up is roll bar
thats the way im taking it anything above 10.99 and up is roll bar

I'm just curious as what point does something have to be installed? I don't drag race....interested in running my tow pig once I get my trans ironed out...it won't be ANYWHERE close to that....probably more like a 15 or 17sec quarter mile LOL :hehe: Just kinda curious a friend of mine (MidTennPSD) & I were discussing it the other night. He didn't want to go to Florida because he would have had to put a bar in he thought. We have no close by 1/4 mi tracks around here...that I know of.
Roll bar

11.49 to 10.0 a roll bar will work. 9.99 or quiker you will need a cage. Over 135mph will also need a cage.
Stingpuller said what I thought the rules are. Im going to go faster than 10.99 and was just going to do a bar. I know stingpuller has a bar and is into the tens
got it i dont think i have to much to worry about right now lol
Have you done anything about a cage yet?

No I havn't, looking at that maybe summer time... I'm gonna see how it's running and everything the spring then go from there. I'm really not looking forward to needing to put a cage in it, but I know I'll never really be able to use the truck for what I've built it for if I don't....Need to find a really clean looking nice setup to go off of, something I can still street and not worry about the back window leaking or anything if it sits out in the rain.
Anybody have any pics of roll bars in 2nd gen trucks? I think theres a few of us in here would like to see some pics. Been following your build the whole way longhorn keep it up.
Anybody have any pics of roll bars in 2nd gen trucks? I think theres a few of us in here would like to see some pics. Been following your build the whole way longhorn keep it up.

From talking to the guys. I can keep everything in the cab. With our extended cabs we can keep everything inside like Dockboys and a couple other guys just have to take the rear seat out.
Thats what I would like to do, keep it inside the cab. Rear seat is already mia. Center console to.
Just got word that the fuel system will be here by the end of the week!!:evil
That means that if all goes well next week it should be somewhat track capable by Sunday!
Yep! Made an agreement with sponsors to go to 10 or so events that I picked out this year.