Ive SEEN THE LIGHT!!! Ppump drag truck build

If Chase is in Lexington tonight, tell him that clay city is open tomorrow for a test and tune... Gates open at 11, start running at 12 till 6... We went awhile back so he should remember how to get there
he's been in Ohio tuning and playin on the street with it this weekend.
55 psi boost/ around 63 drive. It smokes like a train all the way to 5k rpm. We were thinking throw my 024s in and go from there. We would like to run close to a 11.0 on fuel and rocket into the 10's on spray.
55 psi boost/ around 63 drive. It smokes like a train all the way to 5k rpm. We were thinking throw my 024s in and go from there. We would like to run close to a 11.0 on fuel and rocket into the 10's on spray.

Yep, that's the cut DV's...swap out to the 024's and that should clean up the smoke a lot. I made 551/1083 with a 71mm charger with the pump turned all the way down....

Yep, that's the cut DV's...swap out to the 024's and that should clean up the smoke a lot. I made 551/1083 with a 71mm charger with the pump turned all the way down....


I also have a set of Weston's competition dv's. They make ~700hp on my daily driver with the hp calculator and a 12.02 et @ 114mph. A little dirty under boost with a hx40/475 twins setup and ddp 3.3's, although they clean up to a haze at 90ish boost. Going from the 024's to these netted me 20psi boost with minimal smoke gain. We all decided that it feels like a low 12 or a high 11 second truck other than Brandon who guessed 12.5 lol. I just find it hard to go from your numbers to the 850ish number that we were hoping to find on fuel only with just tuning. I am still running an ED 472.
if it does make 850hp it will fly.. whats it weight 6000? that would be a 10 sec. truck all day.
It was at 5870 last time we checked. I am guessing with fuel and me and some other stuff we added it will be closer to 6200 or so.
I also have a set of Weston's competition dv's. They make ~700hp on my daily driver with the hp calculator and a 12.02 et @ 114mph. A little dirty under boost with a hx40/475 twins setup and ddp 3.3's, although they clean up to a haze at 90ish boost. Going from the 024's to these netted me 20psi boost with minimal smoke gain. We all decided that it feels like a low 12 or a high 11 second truck other than Brandon who guessed 12.5 lol. I just find it hard to go from your numbers to the 850ish number that we were hoping to find on fuel only with just tuning. I am still running an ED 472.
lol sure, call me out...
man this is incredible it truely is plus that flameshot is pretty wicked good work guys ...hurry hurry hurry i wanna see some track time lol
Good Luck!! Its a sweet project for sure! Just spent all weekend swapping out the 6 speed for a Built Billet Auto and WOW!! Its like a new truck and too much fun now. Hoping to run low 12s or faster with it. Good Luck and keep us informed!
Chase you guys trying to go to kilkare this week? I think Im going to take my truck down or 35's and 4.56 see how it fares..lol
I also have a set of Weston's competition dv's. They make ~700hp on my daily driver with the hp calculator and a 12.02 et @ 114mph. A little dirty under boost with a hx40/475 twins setup and ddp 3.3's, although they clean up to a haze at 90ish boost. Going from the 024's to these netted me 20psi boost with minimal smoke gain. We all decided that it feels like a low 12 or a high 11 second truck other than Brandon who guessed 12.5 lol. I just find it hard to go from your numbers to the 850ish number that we were hoping to find on fuel only with just tuning. I am still running an ED 472.

Why are you worried about smoke? I mean, I hate smoke, but if your looking for all the power, laser cuts do make it.

Also, 850 is a big number to make out of the box with a big single charger....tuning, tuning, tuning....

Where is the plate? Did you play with the AFC from where I had it or not?
