Ive SEEN THE LIGHT!!! Ppump drag truck build

That was the plan. I wouldn't be able to make it up there from Lexington until about 4 or so though. Lavon can run it if that is too late.
If you are looking to go to trails friday during the day let me know. A private group I belong to rented the track out for the morning. We talked to NTR today and the weather is supposed to hit early morning but looking to be done before our rental. They are going to dry the track up for us but they are predicting having to cancel saturday night NADM stuff due to more weather rolling in. I should be able to get you a spot during the day. There will only be about 30-40 cars there so there is plenty of space and time.
After what happened to mr toops, I won't run with them.
After what happened to mr toops, I won't run with them.

I dont know all the details about that situation but I have been a member for 10 years and know half the people on a personal level. I wouldnt allow anything shady to myself or someone that is with me. I sure dont blame you or anyone else that knows the situation for having doubts though. I will do whatever I need to do to take care of anyone that comes along with me, and I also plan on addressing some past issues as well in hopes to find some more information about each.
What do you think joel? We have been working our tails off. I can tell its fast but I have no idea what to guess about a 1/4 time. Guess we will see Friday weather permitting!

I gave Lavon my rough guess. I'm thinking 11.43 @ 120, or better on fuel. Easily sprayed into the 10's.
Ohhhhhhhh good old columbus racing! Yeah I love making those glory passes!! lol
Chris what are you talking about they are not aloud to do that that pump what they wish!!!!! That truck needs more timing before you do anything else!!! The afc was set perfect on that pump!!! Your right i don't know much about a p-pump i play with stupid little pumps, but i do know when they are tuned good. If you want to take a little fuel out i understand that. Fix one thing before you start even talking about the next!!!!

:hehe::hehe::hehe: Josh

Lavon has some timing in it....he set it where I told him to start, then rolled 3/16" on the balancer...I'm thinking it's in the 30's:D

One thing is for sure, they'll learn about p-pumps now for sure....:nos:
This is how my dd/tow rig sits and I was kind of digging the race car style stance but I think I would level it out a little more in the rear.

Man I miss that truck, you got er looking good.
I figured with the flame coming out the stack maybe it needed some more. there is more tuning with a p pump then there is with a standalone.
No. I plan on hitting these races in the next few weeks though (weather permitting of course). :bang

22 April - National Trail
6-7 May - Terra Haute
12-14 May - TS

we switched edgewater to the 29th....
we switched edgewater to the 29th....

With the price of fuel being what it is, I need to be selective on what I attend. I don't imagine the payout is very good for a Friday night test and tune. :hehe:
The flame was the first day it was together at 20* supposedly

I was guessing....the lift number CDS gave me when I got that pump didn't seem to be right, so I told Lavon to set it about .5mm of lift higher than where I was running it....I was running it at 14* according to my timing light!
