july 24 TS updates

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He didn't do it again with Seth...he played nice.
Tim beat Brandon in the Super Street final..both had issues...possibly the slowest side by side race ever. LOL
Deranged got it's first win though.

So what was the time on the races between Tim and Brandon?

The 6.4 owner is Mike, goes by Mikes06Lariat, thats all I know.
damn sounds like a good time, I wish I could have gone, but with the event being broken up to fly down for the weekend would have been a bit more then I wanted to spend. Can't wait to see some videos.
It was ugly Adam. I think Tim ran a 17 and Brandon ran a 22
We had a broke shock on Tims truck so it was leaning like it had hydraulics. LOL
Brandon had a broke axle and had to baby it too.
Ugliest race in history. LOL
It was ugly Adam. I think Tim ran a 17 and Brandon ran a 22
We had a broke shock on Tims truck so it was leaning like it had hydraulics. LOL
Brandon had a broke axle and had to baby it too.
Ugliest race in history. LOL

oh, I know how the prelim runs go, our first pass was 20.00 LOL

Its all a process, its just gonna take some time with tuning and fixing odds and ends and it will be a beast when dialed in.

A win is a win though!
I've never seen a shock lock up at full extension...until today. It had SMS serious gangster lean going on. LOL
Thanks though...we're pretty stoked on the win...even if it was by attrition. LOL
Anyone got any word on the d bag that burned Meachum down at the lights and tried to do the same thing to Seth? IN A STOCK FORD?

Real classy.

Why don't you not post something that you know nothing about
Where you there?
Maybe he shouldn't have staged the first light when he didn't even start spoiling
And the stock for got 3rd place
Anyone got any word on the d bag that burned Meachum down at the lights and tried to do the same thing to Seth? IN A STOCK FORD?

Real classy.

Guess it is just because he has a Ford right? It could never happen staging against any other dodge or duarmax, right?

I have no dog in this fight, and I didn't see what happened, and I dont know any of the "fine details" of what actually occurred so I cant say if anyone was right or wrong. But what does it matter what he was driving??

FWIW The truck is pretty far from stock, and it ran an 11.60 from what I heard and got 3rd in pro street.
And the ford staged one light then he staged so he should be abiding and know the seven second rule. I spoke to every one of the officials at the starting line and they said I was in the right so know the facts before you make yourself look stupid, I was not there to screw anyone over. I am sorry if I pissed anyone off too but those are the rules and they came right from Dennis at ts' mouth
Hey...there's a gentlemans agreement in pro street to give time when needed. That wasn't done and it wasn't cool. He's lucky Meachum didn't rip his head off and eat it...the whole pro street field was pissed.
I can almost promise a minimum et needed to run that class in the future. That truck didn't belong in pro street today and would not have gotten 3rd if the driver had done what he should have.
You can say whatever you want, and yes it was legal... But it was still a dick move.
And you can ask one of Seth's crew that I spoke to before we staged I told him that I would let him get one light then I would get a light and then he would get the second light
Hey...there's a gentlemans agreement in pro street to give time when needed. That wasn't done and it wasn't cool. He's lucky Meachum didn't rip his head off and eat it...the whole pro street field was pissed.
I can almost promise a minimum et needed to run that class in the future. That truck didn't belong in pro street today and would not have gotten 3rd if the driver had done what he should have.
You can say whatever you want, and yes it was legal... But it was still a dick move.

I can see that aspect for sure, but it has nothing to do with him driving a Ford..that could have been done by anybody. And as you said, I am sure it will probably be changed by the next time to prevent this.
I tried to talk to him I can understand he would be mad but we are adults here and sorry this was my first time in pro street now that I understand how it all works I assure you this won't hAppen again
We had a great time. Thanks to Jeff and Brandon for the hospitality. Sorry you guys broke, we will get it done next time. We blew a freeze plug, so we took all of the cooling system off and ran no water. It's gonna stay that way. We had a ball. Thanks to everyone that helped so much. I could not have done this project without so many people. We won the ugliest race in history, but this new motor John built runs hard. Had we not locked up a shock, I know we would have been well into the 10's or better!
Congrats to Jim Laydon on his Quick Diesel first place finish. A well deserved victory after some of the misfortunes Jim has had recently. Lucky Dog is back. Thanks Steve B.
Mike (the 6.4L running 11's) is a good guy, and would have never done it on purpose. I'm sure he just got excited. I still can't remember whether he or Meach went into the beams first....with Seth, the "burndown" was because he was worried about doing the same thing because he got a talking to at the line before the race....as they say, "stuff" happens....and everyone learns. I am sure that Mike won't do it again, and Meacham will calm down over time....
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