july 24 TS updates

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Congrats to Jim Laydon on his Quick Diesel first place finish. A well deserved victory after some of the misfortunes Jim has had recently. Lucky Dog is back. Thanks Steve B.

w00t!.. Jim was running very good!
Mike (the 6.4L running 11's) is a good guy, and would have never done it on purpose. I'm sure he just got excited. I still can't remember whether he or Meach went into the beams first....with Seth, the "burndown" was because he was worried about doing the same thing because he got a talking to at the line before the race....as they say, "stuff" happens....and everyone learns. I am sure that Mike won't do it again, and Meacham will calm down over time....

Every race is a learning experience but it's hard to teach someone with a 50k engine on the line. I'm not saying he did not belong in the class but, just know what your getting into when you step up into a pro class. Each team should talk to each other when they find out the ladder to discuss staging/spooling issues.
Like a 12.01 or 12.03 right?!! :rockwoot:

Yep! That old guy can drive! Still funny how that truck still is known as "morse's truck".

Every race is a learning experience but it's hard to teach someone with a 50k engine on the line. I'm not saying he did not belong in the class but, just know what your getting into when you step up into a pro class. Each team should talk to each other when they find out the ladder to discuss staging/spooling issues.

That idea might be all find and good now with the relatively small group where gentleman's agreements are the norm. Don't ya think that that's a bad idea in the long run?
That's fine if that would of happened that run would have gone better, once again I was not out there to screw people over and like I said I talked to seths crew about the lights so it wouldn't happen again you can ask them
Gentlemans rules?

Guess I'll go out and put my neck out there. He may not have meant to do it. But what the hell? This is motorsports. I was always taught that to win, sometimes you need to look for every possible advantage possible. And sometime you have to make them. I have always thought about staging wars in the bigger classes, and thought how easy it would be to take a quick spooling truck and hand many there ass. Yea, you will look like a dick, yea they might take a shot at you in the pits, but it's racing. If you abide by all the rules, and you win, good for you.
I have been running ProStreet for a while now and for what it's worth here's my take on staging.
I always ask at the drivers meeting if the autostart is on.
If it is I usually suggest they turn it off for the guys that take a while spooling.
Now my truck currently will spoolup very quick and if they are going to have the autostart on I will use that to my advantage every time especially if my competitor is faster than me.
I will never intentionally break the rules but I will use them to my advantage when possible.
I believe this makes me a bad guy.
Now I do not believe in double bulbing a competitor. I guess for me that's crossing the line even though I believe it's legal.
As far as how fast ProStreet should have to run is hard to say but until we get full fields why not let anyone run if they so chose?

Now my next scenario is subjective but do you think Greg Anderson wouldn't use a staging strategy against Warren Johnson to get a win?

Now my next scenario is subjective but do you think Greg Anderson wouldn't use a staging strategy against Warren Johnson to get a win?


Exactly...guess they aren't gentleman and have secret rules.
I have been running ProStreet for a while now and for what it's worth here's my take on staging.
I always ask at the drivers meeting if the autostart is on.
If it is I usually suggest they turn it off for the guys that take a while spooling.
Now my truck currently will spoolup very quick and if they are going to have the autostart on I will use that to my advantage every time especially if my competitor is faster than me.
I will never intentionally break the rules but I will use them to my advantage when possible.
I believe this makes me a bad guy.
Now I do not believe in double bulbing a competitor. I guess for me that's crossing the line even though I believe it's legal.
As far as how fast ProStreet should have to run is hard to say but until we get full fields why not let anyone run if they so chose?

Now my next scenario is subjective but do you think Greg Anderson wouldn't use a staging strategy against Warren Johnson to get a win?


Well said there is another way to put this as well....

the slower spooling truck is causing the faster one that is ready to go to be "burning" itself down as well.....so is it a "dick" move on the slower spooling trucks part? I think not....

The lights work the way they do for a reason.... if your truck don't spool don't light the first beam till your up on the charger and ready to go.

one truck lights first beam, second truck lights beam... then the seconds are lit and the race is on.....

kind of like saying you couldn't go I wasn't ready yet when your a kid....

I have no dog in this fight but have always thought it swings both ways.....

Hell I would beg to think that John and Dan are having the gasser guys in the NHRA classes start to hit them on the tree knowing they need time to spool... it happens all the time in racing....

IMO the "dick" move is firing both beams before the other vehicle has a chance to stage... have had that happen to myself more than once....
Y'all tell the pro street guys that. All those boys been competing with each other for a long time...they give each other the respect they deserve on the line. Every word I've said about it tonight was from talking directly with 4-5 drivers from that class tonight after this little "incident" happened.
They'll give each other time on the line and time between rounds if necessary to make the call to the lanes. Just like tonight...Stuckey gave the Smith crew at least an hour if not more to swap a pump out so they could put on a good final. Unfortunatly Seth couldn't make the call but the Stuckey team could have easily ran sooner and taken the easy win. They chose to wait on a team that could have beaten them rather than just walk away with the money....that's called respect in my book.
Before the Redding event, some of the Pro Street drivers discussed it, and they set the autostart at 15 seconds (if I remember right)...that seems about fair to me...
Now I do not believe in double bulbing a competitor. I guess for me that's crossing the line even though I believe it's legal.
The autostart timer doesn't start until both competitors have prestaged and one is fully staged. So if you have a slow spooling truck and your competitor double stages, don't light the prestage bulb until you are ready.

Before the Redding event, some of the Pro Street drivers discussed it, and they set the autostart at 15 seconds (if I remember right)...that seems about fair to me...
15 seconds is a long ass time to be sitting on your converter if you don't have a truck that takes half a decade to spool.
So this respect thing, I have nothing but respect for these guys but when I make a mistake and one comes to me calling me a piece of sh1t and all this without even trying to see what hbappened, acting like a damn crazy person when I'm trying to make everything understood at what happened, how the hell do you expect me to respect him, that's all
And don't stage if your not ready its as simple as that, sorry not my fault, I don't control the lights
I wasn't there so what exactly happened? Did Meacham light the first bulb and Mike didn't come in very quickly to light his first bulb so left Meacham burning up his converter for some period of time? If the guy doesn't come bump the first bulb in a reasonable amount of time, light the second one and time him out. It is best to talk before hand and find out how long it takes your opponent to light his turbos and hopefully decide who will go in first. I think auto start at 15 seconds is too long. 7 seconds if fair, especially if you talk first.
Y'all tell the pro street guys that. All those boys been competing with each other for a long time...they give each other the respect they deserve on the line. Every word I've said about it tonight was from talking directly with 4-5 drivers from that class tonight after this little "incident" happened.
They'll give each other time on the line and time between rounds if necessary to make the call to the lanes. Just like tonight...Stuckey gave the Smith crew at least an hour if not more to swap a pump out so they could put on a good final. Unfortunatly Seth couldn't make the call but the Stuckey team could have easily ran sooner and taken the easy win. They chose to wait on a team that could have beaten them rather than just walk away with the money....that's called respect in my book.

What do your ADRL buddies do in this situation? It looks to me that the ADRL, NHRA vehicles have their staging acts together where about 1/2 the diesel's are still trying to figure that out in just about all the classes. Every truck is so different and responds differently. John told me that NHRA doesn't take that spool time "crap" if I recall correctly, hence the reasoning for his very lose converter.

It just makes logical sense as the money gets bigger and the amount of competition grows the rules will be the "rules".

Hell, Rich, it's written on this board from you where you kicked some poor guy outa the hotel
"Hey...I don't make the rules but I'll damned sure play by them.
I guess spending over 30 grand a year with them has it's perks.".

IMHO, a gentleman would of gotten a room at another hotel right? But the game of life is just that, unfair.

However, I also agree with the other train of thought, lets see some racing. You guys will look back on these posts in 5 years and laugh when it's totally different ;-)
I've raced for quite a long time and don't understand this particular issue.

Isn't this how it works?

1. Do your burnout or go around the waterbox.

2. Trip the first light, spool the truck.

3. Creep forward and light the number two light. If you are deep staging, for whatever reason(12" advantage), move forward until the light goes off.

4. Let 'er rip.

How can you screw that up?
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