july 24 TS updates

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IMHO you should have been in 12.0.
You ran 11.80 or close, right?
Back off the tune or jet down the nitrous a hair and you would have been right there.
I reread this entire thread and best I can tell both trucks bumped in with the first bulb then Mike staged and Meachem couldn't get on top of his chargers before it timed out? Is that what happened? If so, what's the gripe, don't light the first bulb unless you know you can get it done in the 7 seconds. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you can't light them don't light the first bulb. Max'd Out can be tough to spool as well, especially at a high DA, it was over 9000 feet in Wyoming last month and we had to use NOS to spool the chargers. We get them spooled as we are coming to the first bulb. It get tricky to hold and not push through the brakes but doable. I'd give the other guy as much time as I could if my truck spools quicker, but if he lights the first bulb, game on IMO. If after what I consider is a reasonable amount of time if he doesn't stage than I will and I will light the second bulb as well since I'm not too kean on burning down my TC either. From what I've read, sounds like Mike was not out of line and the other truck need to learn how to spool his truck.

As has been pointed out, there are a number of trucks that are faster than the 12.0 index but don't run low 10's or 9's. There should be a class for those trucks if these outlaw events are going to be large turnout events. They made a SuperStreet class for the s-10 and ranger type trucks, I see many heavy 11 sec trucks that should be allowed to run all out and not have to detune to run 12.0 indexs.
True , the fastest I got was 11.6 with a dying solenoid, I wanted to take my chance with the big dogs and represent the ford team, I guess it didn't go too well, but like you said in psn that won't happen again, just a side question, how many times has this happened in competitions
IMHO you should have been in 12.0.
You ran 11.80 or close, right?
Back off the tune or jet down the nitrous a hair and you would have been right there.

BS, he finished third right, sounds like he did pretty good. Is this a drag race or an exhibition? If some of these prima donna ProStreet trucks need a half hour to spool their trucks or wait for the phase of the moon to be right, let them do it in the qualifying rounds, in eliminations, game on. Learn to drive it or put it on the damn trailer.
If that's your opinion then bring your ass on out and tell them that in the drivers meeting. Let me know how that goes for ya.
True , the fastest I got was 11.6 with a dying solenoid, I wanted to take my chance with the big dogs and represent the ford team, I guess it didn't go too well, but like you said in psn that won't happen again, just a side question, how many times has this happened in competitions

It's just like what happened in Portland last night, the quickest truck broke, that happens more often than not. It's the Tortoise and Hair. If the Hair wants to win then he better figure out a way to make it last the rounds. If he is looking for style points do it during qualifying. I totally agree it makes for a great show if the two quickest trucks make it to the finals, but it rarely happens. Now many times when you watch the top nitro guy run that you even see a real race? Usually one of them either smokes the tires or breaks.
a gentleman's agreement is a respectful thing to do but, it is game on for the finals. If everyone were gentlemen about it, buy backs wouldn't be a problem. My truck ran constant 11.9/12.0 - 7.6/7.7 for a while. I never would have entered the PS class for the simple fact those truck are in the 10's. You got lucky and came away with a win but, you were lucky...period. A 11.8 or even a 11.5 truck is a QD class truck that needs turned down or or peddled. Jim Laydens truck could easily be a PS truck but, he runs QD and ET because that's where he's competitive. Good for you for getting in there with the big boys and coming away with a win but, you can't always rely on someone to break to win and unless you get your truck much faster, it sounds like it should be running QD.
True , the fastest I got was 11.6 with a dying solenoid, I wanted to take my chance with the big dogs and represent the ford team, I guess it didn't go too well, but like you said in psn that won't happen again, just a side question, how many times has this happened in competitions

There is no one rule in any prostreet diesel class that can disqualify you as is. Why? No one expects a stock truck (frame, motor, turbos, suspension, weight ect) to run this fast especially a Ford. Why not come back and break in the 10'S? Truly besides cab config and a few other things what is difference in your truck and Rudy's 6.4? Turbos and CC vs Single?

Obviously Super Street would be a better pick for your truck but not all races have both classes.
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Here's what will happen...some asshole with a mid 11 second truck will enter pro street, quick stage every round and time out the others with slow spoiling trucks for the win.
That is so far away from the spirit of the class it's not even funny...but it WILL happen sooner or later.
I wouldn't wanna be that guy afterwards...
Here's what will happen...some asshole with a mid 11 second truck will enter pro street, quick stage every round and time out the others with slow spoiling trucks for the win.
That is so far away from the spirit of the class it's not even funny...but it WILL happen sooner or later.
I wouldn't wanna be that guy afterwards...

I can tell you now that is not the person I am, that imho would be really screwed up, and yes I am going to try to run 10's my setup was just about the same as rudys so I would bet on a nice cold night with the right amt of spray I could go low 11's or even high 10's, don't think that's so bad for a stock turbo truck, like I asked before how many times has someone had this situation happen to them
I think this was a first...and I wasn't singling you out...just saying someone at some point will do that.
Here's what will happen...some asshole with a mid 11 second truck will enter pro street, quick stage every round and time out the others with slow spoiling trucks for the win.
That is so far away from the spirit of the class it's not even funny...but it WILL happen sooner or later.
I wouldn't wanna be that guy afterwards...

Purposely quick staging someone is not cool. I am assuming this person plays fair, respects other drivers and runs heads up.

Is there a norm for autostart time in diesel racing?
Anyone have a complete listing of the race results for all classes?
He had both bulbs on before Meacham came and broke the first bulb which is called double bulbing. But in his defense Meacham could have never moved in a then they would have backed him out. But what he was still rude and I agree he should have run 12.00
From what I saw he had one bulb and I had one bulb, I did not double bulb him, just to make sure I asked all the officials at the starting line and confirmed it
It looks like this is a 2 sided problem that's never going to be resolved.
I do see both sides clearly and they both have a point.
One side wants a gentleman's agreement where as the other side wants to use the tree and there truck setup to get the advantage.
I have been timed out before and it sucked, that's why we will always try to have a quick spooling truck.

Now about the slower truck in Pro Street...That's a big problem as we are not getting full fields of trucks so why not let anyone race the class?

This will and always be a problem. Is there a solution? So far there doesn't seem to be. There is no such thing as a perfect event.

Although we were not able to attend, I would like to Thank, Dennis And Shiela for putting on the event as the things are not easy or cheap to do.

Thanks TS, hope to see yall next year.
He had both bulbs on before Meacham came and broke the first bulb which is called double bulbing. But in his defense Meacham could have never moved in a then they would have backed him out. But what he was still rude and I agree he should have run 12.00

I totally agree double bulbing is totally uncool, unless the other guy just sits there and doesn't light the first bulb after a reasonable amount of time. You have to protect your own truck and not burn it down either. As said earlier, best to talk to the other driver and know whose truck will spool quicker and let the slower spooling truck make the first move.

A lot of this has to be the responsibility of the starter as well, twice this year I've timed out due to a torched TC. I went ahead and staged knowing I'd never get it off the line due to no boost and not wanting to hold the other truck up too much.
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