july 24 TS updates

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Funny...I never see drag racers in the pulling forum telling them how to do it...but it never fails that a puller will tell a racer how to race. Go make a dentist appointment and play in the dirt....
I wonder if now is a good time to bring up the fact that Bowling Green wasn't covered in smoke and stupid kids tearing up the streets all weekend...and the only people in town were the racers. No pullers in town...no problems in town. Just an observation a few people had. :poke: :D

i agree..never saw the first burnout or anything in town
i agree..never saw the first burnout or anything in town

to blame one side is just dumb....i was there for the pull and i remember the comments of quiet streets. i dont think its either side of the competitors, its the masses that come to spectate. think of the new scheid golf cart/quad rule. that wasnt made because the pullers were rippin around in their SxS's. its the idiots who come to watch.
A freaking video would be worth its weight in gold right now. Somebody has one...hell even a picture could have captured a double bulb vs no bulbs....post it up and end the *****ing I remember this being competition diesel last time I checked.
A freaking video would be worth its weight in gold right now. Somebody has one...hell even a picture could have captured a double bulb vs no bulbs....post it up and end the *****ing I remember this being competition diesel last time I checked.

Thank you. Sounds like a bunch of drama B****y women. Lets see some Vids and Pics.
Who was driving the black CCSB 3rd Gen Dodge with an orange Fleece sticker? That was one fast/consistent street truck. Not sure what his fastest pass was, but I saw at least 2 10.80's and I thought I saw a 10.60.
A freaking video would be worth its weight in gold right now. Somebody has one...hell even a picture could have captured a double bulb vs no bulbs....post it up and end the *****ing I remember this being competition diesel last time I checked.

I didn't take one because I saw meachem lined up next to him and was running low on freespace and didn't really expect it to be much of a race, seeing as meachem was capable of running 2 seconds quicker than the ford. I think everybody watching was like WTF After it happened.
Who was driving the black CCSB 3rd Gen Dodge with an orange Fleece sticker? That was one fast/consistent street truck. Not sure what his fastest pass was, but I saw at least 2 10.80's and I thought I saw a 10.60.

Yes! And clean! One of my favorites of the race!
So who all was at the drivers meeting? Anyone want to quote what was discussed?
Jason: Yes it was very clean. We passed it on the road a couple times, and it's a super nice truck.

Mike: Any info on the setup?

That truck impressed the hell out of me. Not to mention the Maroon RCSB 3rd Gen that was clicking off 12.0's every pass. Such a consistent truck. I also saw a new Ford (Maybe a 6.4? Not sure, I'm not versed well enough in Ford's to know front end changes) that was the cleanest running truck there for it to be relatively quick. My memory is a little hazy from the alcohol, but it was silver or white and I saw no smoke the entire pass. I could have swore it ran in the 12's, but could indeed be wrong.
who gives a damn anyway. Can't change it now
Actually any diesel race promoter should give a damn about this to make sure it doesn't happen again.

If the other guy did act the way it has been posted he should be asked for a public apology or asked not to show up at any other event, that is some pretty bad sportsmanship.
This sport will never grow without new blood coming in and publicly humiliating/threatening new blood is NOT the way to get new people in the sport.
Who was driving the black CCSB 3rd Gen Dodge with an orange Fleece sticker? That was one fast/consistent street truck. Not sure what his fastest pass was, but I saw at least 2 10.80's and I thought I saw a 10.60.

Yup, Bryan Parkers, he was 2nd in this years diesel power challenge IIRC... i'm chillin on his couch right now contemplating stealing his turbo setup when he turns his back :evil:poke:
I got the meeting a little late but all I heard was that the were discussing to run the 1/8th or 1/4
Yup, Bryan Parkers, he was 2nd in this years diesel power challenge IIRC... i'm chillin on his couch right now contemplating stealing his turbo setup when he turns his back :evil:poke:

Well, tell him he's got one sick street truck. What does his set up consist of?
I got the meeting a little late but all I heard was that the were discussing to run the 1/8th or 1/4
Ah. The rules discussed were autostart, pro-tree w/courtesy stage. I believe .500 protree for superstreet and .400 pro tree for prostreet. I would recommend showing up at the drivers meeting on time next time and there won't be a fine Southern gentleman looking for you after your pass.
Just to make sure everyone understands how Autostart works:

There are 3 key settings for Autostart (can't remember if these are the exact names in the software but something like it):
1) Timeout
2) Staged minimum
3) Staged to start

There is NO timeout in effect until BOTH vehicles have turned on the pre-stage light, and ONE of them has turned on the stage light. At that time (3 bulbs lit) a timer starts, and if the other driver has not staged by the end of the timeout then he gets a red-light. The timer is set at 7 seconds at many tracks. A simple thing to do is to never light the top bulb until you are spooled and ready to stage, and preferably do it at the same time the other guy is spooling and creeping forward. Another benefit of doing this is that you will see if the beams are getting smoked out before you get there.

The staged min setting is effectively the shortest time for the tree to come down after both drivers have turned on the stage lights, and the staged to start setting is the max amount of time after both drivers have staged.

In my street truck I deep stage, and the only way I can do that is to be sure to stage first. I usually mention it in the driver's meeting that I will stage VERY quickly. I wait until the other truck is rolling forward and about to light the top bulb, and I roll in and try to do my whole staging motion as quickly as possible. If the other guy starts rolling but suddenly stops just before turning on the top bulb, I will be effectively "double bulbing" him, but that is not against the rules. I personally would like to see the tracks go back to "honoring" deep staging, where they don't reset the tree until the deep staging vehicle has gotten in deep, but in the absence of that I will just have to stage very quickly. I guess the moral of the story is to know the rules and adapt to them!

Michael Pliska
It was awesome seeing your truck too JoeFarmer....only saw you fly by once, and the next run you made when I tried to watch, you had trouble hooking up. You weren't the only one though....nice ride.
Mike, your truck kicked A$$ dude. Im glad I could lend you my nitrous lines! I think this whole thing was blown out of proportion. If anybody was paying attention to Meechum's truck they would have seen that he was having trouble spooling all day. The heat simply killed his MONGO-HUGE chargers. I don't believe any of it was handled the correct way. Its ashamed to see a newcomer sh!t on so bad. Those guys have been in the game awhile and are tight and know the scenario. IMHO they should have properly informed you of any "gentlmen's agreements" that were supposed to be honored by the feild. Instead you got the cold shoulder, #1 because your a ford owner and #2 because your young and green. How is the sport supposed to grow with this kind of sportsmanship!?!?!

For the older gentlmen that have been in this game awhile, watchout. There will be new guys like Bryan Parker and Mike out there figuring out how to make their new non-Ppumped trucks fast and consistant. Welcoming them and treating them with the same amount of respect they give you is the key to continueing this great sport.
I definately think there should be a time limit on the pro street class. Hopefully it will be 10.99. If its 10.50, I hope they add a class between PS and 12.0. If ours trucks would have been caged, we would have ran PS. But I would have never done what was done to Meacham, even if it would have meant a win. To have respect for these guys and receive respect back is worth wayyyy more than the amount that would have been on that check.
Our two trucks were in the top three, along with Jim Layton. Earlier in the day, his battery died. We did everything we could do to get him up and running, even though we knew he was one of the best trucks in our class. And then the alternator went out on one of ours and Jims guys returned the favor and gave us a hand. Jim ended up out driving us and took the win.

I think some people get soo caught up in winning, that they overlook the important stuff. I've never met Jim or any of his guys before yesterday. But now and in the future, we are friends. Thats worth more than any win on the race track.

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