july 24 TS updates

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Sorry I forgot something

I would have to see the qual. sheet but i'm not sure if half the field would have made it if there was a cap on et. We need trucks! You fast guys should like the "slow guys" to make you look good. A 11.8 truck should be a joke in that class but guess what? Mike got paid to have a little fun:rockwoot:.
To start things off i had a blast this weekend with the exceptions of the truck i was there with had tranny issues in the last round of tt, but that is how it goes i suppose. my next statement is since when is an autotree new in the rules or new to the drivers of drag racing? I look at it like this, it was done and it worked. congrats.
Actually any diesel race promoter should give a damn about this to make sure it doesn't happen again.

If the other guy did act the way it has been posted he should be asked for a public apology or asked not to show up at any other event, that is some pretty bad sportsmanship.
This sport will never grow without new blood coming in and publicly humiliating/threatening new blood is NOT the way to get new people in the sport.


What a bunch of pissbagging from the so called "Pro's" of this sport. Taking someone out of the race at the tree has been a staple of the gasser world for decades. What is everyone supposed to compensate for a poorly set up truck that can not spool quick enough? BULLCHIT!!! I bet everyone who was crying would melt their best friend down if there was some real money up for grabs. Sure they will come in and say they would not but put 20-50k up and watch what happens. Hell a 2 sec. faster truck should be able to roll out of the box and still run the competitor down. Sounds like the so called pro had issues and broke, then took it out on some innocent rookie because of embarrassment. I just hope the spectators did not witness this because "little" issues like this set the sport back years when the public (read Future racers) see this type of poor sportsmanship.
LMFAO, you need to decipher what whining is, IMO, Travis is whining.."its a ford that did this to meachum"

I was not whining about it being a Ford Abrannan. That is how one describes a truck when trying to find out more about it. Would you agree? Or should I have been as vague as possible and said "There is some sort of diesel pickup that I am upset about all the way out here in Colorado. Anyone know who that was?" I doubt if that would have gotten this thread up to 10 pages.

In travis' defense that statement was apologized for and all is good with him
One again Mike I apologize for blowing up on ya on here. But after our conversation this morning you understand why I thought you were trying to "burn Seth down". Good luck to you the rest of the year, and I hope to see you at SDX and I will buy ya a beer.

well thats good to hear :rockwoot:

Dude it's a brand of truck I didn't call him the (fill in your favorite word for an African American) or a (insert your racial slur for a Mexican) word. It's called brand wars and it has went on in racing for years. I don't really care for Ford Motor Company but that had absolutely NOTHING to do with why I said "Ford". You and Powerstroke Racer need to get over your everybody hates Ford crap.
I was not whining about it being a Ford Abrannan. That is how one describes a truck when trying to find out more about it. Would you agree? Or should I have been as vague as possible and said "There is some sort of diesel pickup that I am upset about all the way out here in Colorado. Anyone know who that was?" I doubt if that would have gotten this thread up to 10 pages.

One again Mike I apologize for blowing up on ya on here. But after our conversation this morning you understand why I thought you were trying to "burn Seth down". Good luck to you the rest of the year, and I hope to see you at SDX and I will buy ya a beer.

Dude it's a brand of truck I didn't call him the (fill in your favorite word for an African American) or a (insert your racial slur for a Mexican) word. It's called brand wars and it has went on in racing for years. I don't really care for Ford Motor Company but that had absolutely NOTHING to do with why I said "Ford". You and Powerstroke Racer need to get over your everybody hates Ford crap.
Did you say something, i was too busy looking at your avatar...........

What a bunch of pissbagging from the so called "Pro's" of this sport. Taking someone out of the race at the tree has been a staple of the gasser world for decades. What is everyone supposed to compensate for a poorly set up truck that can not spool quick enough? BULLCHIT!!! I bet everyone who was crying would melt their best friend down if there was some real money up for grabs. Sure they will come in and say they would not but put 20-50k up and watch what happens. Hell a 2 sec. faster truck should be able to roll out of the box and still run the competitor down. Sounds like the so called pro had issues and broke, then took it out on some innocent rookie because of embarrassment. I just hope the spectators did not witness this because "little" issues like this set the sport back years when the public (read Future racers) see this type of poor sportsmanship.


Been going on for years in the gasser world. Nitrous guys would let the turbo guys melt their engines down. Learn to use the tree and stop complaining. Sounds like the guy won fair and square. Whining about it isn't going to get new guys into the sport.

50% of a drag race is won at the tree. Practicing a good run at T&T should also involve learning to stage and cut a good light, not just run ET and mph.

Congrats on the 3rd place Mike. As stated before, you did nothing wrong. He should have started spooling the truck before he triggered the first bulb if it takes him that long. No need to apologize, in reality he should be apologizing to you for the way he reacted after. Anyone who was around our trucks when that happened would agree that he was not very professional at all. Kind of ironic that he said you needed to learn some etiquette between him calling you every curse word in the book while you were apologizing to him. I can't remember the last time I saw someone freak out like that. No matter what happened, that kind of behavior is not needed in the diesel community.
Just to make sure everyone understands how Autostart works:

There are 3 key settings for Autostart (can't remember if these are the exact names in the software but something like it):
1) Timeout
2) Staged minimum
3) Staged to start

There is NO timeout in effect until BOTH vehicles have turned on the pre-stage light, and ONE of them has turned on the stage light. At that time (3 bulbs lit) a timer starts, and if the other driver has not staged by the end of the timeout then he gets a red-light. The timer is set at 7 seconds at many tracks. A simple thing to do is to never light the top bulb until you are spooled and ready to stage, and preferably do it at the same time the other guy is spooling and creeping forward. Another benefit of doing this is that you will see if the beams are getting smoked out before you get there.

The staged min setting is effectively the shortest time for the tree to come down after both drivers have turned on the stage lights, and the staged to start setting is the max amount of time after both drivers have staged.

In my street truck I deep stage, and the only way I can do that is to be sure to stage first. I usually mention it in the driver's meeting that I will stage VERY quickly. I wait until the other truck is rolling forward and about to light the top bulb, and I roll in and try to do my whole staging motion as quickly as possible. If the other guy starts rolling but suddenly stops just before turning on the top bulb, I will be effectively "double bulbing" him, but that is not against the rules. I personally would like to see the tracks go back to "honoring" deep staging, where they don't reset the tree until the deep staging vehicle has gotten in deep, but in the absence of that I will just have to stage very quickly. I guess the moral of the story is to know the rules and adapt to them!

Michael Pliska

Thanks for the explanation. I could have been the one getting chewed out at this event. Have not ran a auto start tree ever.
TS Race

Sorry, In my post above I said Tim and it should have said Rich(unbroken). I was thinking of someone else. I was thinking of someone on the other side of the world. I'm just surprised it got that heated. Jeff
First event with my new camera, I was a little shaky, be sure to watch the vid in HD. I am not sure if I caught the race in question or not yet.

I had a great time with the exception of the freakin Heat!!!

Thank you to Dennis and everyone involved for putting on a great event!!

It was also great to meet a few CompD guys finally!! Glad I got to shake some hands and put faces with screen names!!!

Congrats to all the winners as well!!!
NOW, I don't know both sides of the story but I have been in the sport for a while and have raced turbo cars for a bit. IF you have your so called "gentlmans agreement" or whatever then its up to BOTH drivers to work out what they need to, If not then drivers need to LEARN HOW TO DRIVE, not saying these guys dont know how to drive since I don't know these guys personally but learn your vehicle. I have been timed out racing before when I was having some trouble with my two step. Other times I would stop my vehicle about 1ft before the first beam start my spooling process. If you have a slower spooling truck and know this then start your process before the beams unless you have your "Gentlemens agreement" which then you can do whatever your agreement is. Now this being said double bulbing someone is not cool by any means but I have done it on accident and had to back out when the other guy never pulled into the beams.

Learn to drive it or put it on the damn trailer.

One of the best things I read in this thread

Who comes up with how long the auto start is timed for in a diesel event? Maybe we should have a standard time per class or as a whole? 15 seconds ect. Then drivers including myself can practice spooling up in time.

Autostart shouldnt matter whether it be gas, diesel, electric or bunny powered. Its simple if your truck takes awhile to get on the chargers then START THE PROCESS BEFORE YOU LIGHT THE FIRST BULB. Not saying be at full boost, but be up on them to be able to be at full boost within the 7 sec.

The big gasser classes are really not much of a comparison. With electronics and transbrakes you don't need to time. Most of those guys load after clicking the second bulb.

Pay a little more attention when watching a race when turbo or blower is involved. Or when watching a blown alky vs nitro car, the nitro car normally goes into the beams first since it leaves from an idle, and the blower car will wrap the motor up to about 5k the creap into the beam.
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Who was driving the black CCSB 3rd Gen Dodge with an orange Fleece sticker? That was one fast/consistent street truck. Not sure what his fastest pass was, but I saw at least 2 10.80's and I thought I saw a 10.60.

that was me its the IKT diesel performance truck ...fleece . suncoast truck the truck went a 10.58 for its best passed with a stock motor with bolt ons only and some spray lol*nx*:tree:
Who the hell is whining about it being a ford?

You did a great job mike dont worry about it while everyone in there trucks was sweating their asses off we had our A.C on and the tunes rocking lol but you did a great job man cant wait for schied*nx*:Cheer::ford::bow:
Some people in this thread get it..some don't.
It seems the ones that do have been around for years...the ones that don't are either new or have never been to a race and seen how the Pro Street guys treat each other.
If I was personally putting on a race, and this is soley my personal opinion, I'd put a cap on times to run pro Street...11.5 or so. Slower than that can take it to 12.0.
Love it or hate it...that's my opinion.
Some people in this thread get it..some don't.
It seems the ones that do have been around for years...the ones that don't are either new or have never been to a race and seen how the Pro Street guys treat each other.

I am not saying that they have a set way to do things. I was just saying that if the "gentlemens agreement" was not in the drivers meeting, or someone didn't agree with it a possible way to prevent being timed out.

On a side note, I have not been in the diesel racing scene very long, nor participated in a big event, was just trying to give another perspective.
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