july 24 TS updates

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I don't understand Meachum having a hard time spooling he has a clutch, it should spool as fast as needed. Maybe it was another issue he was having or he lit the top bulb and set the brakes, then started to spool. IDK but it just hit me that he is now using a clutch. I wish he would chime in on this.
You need to know how to race to know what your talking about$.02 And my truck is consistent.
Consistently absent from races....

Funday sunday....

Consistent... LOL
You're getting out of the game anyway...what do you care ?

Because I care that this sort of treatment and behavior sends the wrong message to the younger guys and gals who want to get into diesel drag racing and look to the older guys to learn how. Hell I started drag racing in 1960 and believe me I listened to the older guys and tried to do what was right. No one and I mean no one ever went ballistic on me, especially if what I did wasn't wrong.
Sure, I'll be happy to PM Mike the info so this doesn't happen next time.

I wonder what would have happened if Mecheam had done as many suggest- boosted up to his 80psi and then turned on both bulbs. With the behavior Mike demonstrated, my guess is that he would have Mecheam to burn down.

Brandon I don't understand your post at all. Max'd Out makes way more than 80 lbs of boost and yet we can control it by lighting the chargers at least a bit BEFORE we light the first bulb. If Meacham can't do that then he shouldn't be racing and needs to practice with his new setup. Sounds to me like he doesn't know yet how to stage his new setup and is taking out his frustration on a young driver who was actually playing by the rules.
Mostly what I see here is this:*bdh* and this:bif
How about race results? isn't what this thread is supposed to be about? Oh, and congrats mike on making it as far as you did in your "near stock" truck against more purpose built trucks. tortise FTW!:Cheer:
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Sure, I'll be happy to PM Mike the info so this doesn't happen next time.

I wonder what would have happened if Mecheam had done as many suggest- boosted up to his 80psi and then turned on both bulbs. With the behavior Mike demonstrated, my guess is that he would have Mecheam to burn down.

Ok I might just be reading it wrong and I am just asking, are you saying that you feel I would have just sat there and let him sit at almost full boost?
You know what. If that would have happened, and as long as MPDMike wouldn't time out, it's still fair. If the Autosart is 15 sec (or whatever is is) and MPDMIKE sets there for 14 seconds with the competetior at full boost before rolling into staged position, so be it. IT'S LEGAL.
still doesn't dismiss the fact that mike missed most of the driver's meeting........ that's something a driver should probably be at.
I'm just asking what kind of "behavior" we are talking about
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. You just need to let them piss and moan until someone or something else grabs their attention.
Sorry that I missed the announcement I was busy working on my truck, couldn't hear that announcer that well, ill just not hook the nitrous up next time, and I had just got back from getting bottles filled, it was a bit hectic
Sorry that I missed the announcement I was busy working on my truck, couldn't hear that announcer that well, ill just not hook the nitrous up next time, and I had just got back from getting bottles filled, it was a bit hectic

I am sure you didn't miss much. You won fair and square, the other guy will eventually get over it and learn how to drive his truck.

You've been racing long enough to know that if you missed the drivers meeting...didn't show up untill things for next year were being discussed you probably wouldn't be allowed to race that day.
If you wanna know everything that's discussed...be at the damned meeting. Don't miss 90% of it, admit it online then complain because nobody told you all about it.
Agreed ?


Ok I might just be reading it wrong and I am just asking, are you saying that you feel I would have just sat there and let him sit at almost full boost?

Your in a lose lose situation with some of these guys. You wait to long, your an inexperienced dick. You don't wait at all, your an inexperienced dick. Racing is exactly that. Racing! First one to the end wins in this case. I understand both sides and can see why Meacham would be upset. But you owe nobody an apology or an explanation anymore. You told them what happened and thats that. Everyone that is being hard on you knows it was an honest mistake. Its happened to everyone at some point in their life. I wouldn't explain anymore to anyone. Congrats on a good weekend for you.
I think it's funny that the people who are arguing this ...weren't even there?
As far as results go, I had a awesome weekend! I hauled a truck up that hasn't even been cranked in 2 months, got it running Saturday morning at about 4am, and finished 3rd in the 12.0 index. Thank you for having this race, and look forward to next year! Everyone that I had the opportunity to speak with was great!

Thanks again,
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