Las Vegas results

cjohnson said:
Still doesn't work for me Kat, probably me being ignorant. Any other ideas.


I will try to rehost when I get home tonight. It did do something weird when I uploaded it. But it did open for me here. But I will do it anyway if people are having problems.
so did Maddog run yesterday--they were talking that he was going to in 2whl drive with Zane's slicks I think---and he laid down an 1150 on #2 only on the dyno--is that correct??? chris
csutton7 said:
so did Maddog run yesterday--they were talking that he was going to in 2whl drive with Zane's slicks I think---and he laid down an 1150 on #2 only on the dyno--is that correct??? chris

Ya he did Zane ran his truck and He ran Zane's than Maddog ran later in the day got loose and lost the turbos than cruised to a 12 something at 120mph and he did hit 1150 on 2.
thanks---too bad about the turbos---back to the drawing board it sounds like---chris
csutton7 said:
thanks---too bad about the turbos---back to the drawing board it sounds like---chris

No he just lost the boost or something the turbo's are fine.
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Sutton, should have been there, we missed you. Unfortunately, DHRA has to make it back to the corporate office, check with the tech notes to verify the wins, once the results are "official" they will be posted on
Eric--I saw you, but you didn't see me---how could that be??? the video cam was great, to bad it kept knocking out on me--may have been my end though----oh yea I had that coming and surprised no one chipped in before you!!!!!

believe me I had planned on being there, but I got hammered on two ends--parts not being here and my right hand man moved away, so now I have to cover double and it sucks when I want to do things and it caught me at this time--

I can understand the official results, but maybe post unofficial results until verified---just a thought ....

Also I want to say Congratulations to you and the DHRA Crew--hope you can make it happen again next year----chris
Had a great time. Brought my Dad to his first diesel event and he had a blast. Great job guys on the event:rockwoot: . Good to see everyone again, and to meet some new faces. My only regret, no cooler racing, maybe next year:Cheer:
Kat still not working for me, but I am at work. Tom says he got to see it but it might have been on the other site. The video you have is the 2nd day, Sundays pull.
Thanks. It's the same link so I should be OK.
The DHRA guys deserve a big high five for putting together a great event. Everything was incredibly well organized and just plain fun!

Congrats to everybody on some great passes and pulls.
cjohnson said:
Still doesn't work for me Kat, probably me being ignorant. Any other ideas.


You need to have an EFILive tune on your computer to see it. Sorry!


Thanks for helping out at the pulls Craig, you always make any event you attend a better one!
Thanks DHRA!!!!!

I would like to start off by thanking everyone from DHRA for putting on such a fine event as you guys did. It was great seeing everyone, Dieter, Gene, Eric, David, Timbeaux (Dale Earnheart JR):hehe: :hehe: :hehe: and Amy. (maybe think of keeping the rift-raft out of the "official shirts" (craig)) To everyone who had some sorry excuse for not showing, you now have permission to beat yourself up thoroughly over it. You guys missed out on a fine event.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that helped get my truck to Vegas: Sara, Craig+Christy, Wes, Ken, Clint, Matt and Brad, Gene, Joel (for the generator), and them funny fellers from Ultimate Diesel for their generator on sunday.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: Thanks again guys, the truck would'nt have been there if it were'nt for you guys.

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I was very impresed with how well Dale Jr. and Eric comentated together, FENCE.:hehe: :hehe:
I gotta say that some of the commentary from the two of you was hilarious. The REVGAIN discussion was .... well.... Priceless.

That dang DHRA sticker upset our weight balance, and caused a huge wheelstand. I am holding you responsible, Eric. You should put a disclaimer on them.
I do have one regret about the event. I was so busy with 3 events, 3 trucks, a busted trailer, and 2 kids, that I did not get enough time visit with old friends and meet new ones. Next event I need to "simplify" things.