Letter to EPA from ATS

Originally Posted by inline6power
no problem. i just dont understand how they cannot see it from our point of view. even after i use his way of thinking. dont know how they can say they will not apologize cause they did nothing wrong yet he is the one being hypocritical.

Exactly this is all to familiar with the actions of politicians. Are we sure ATS isnt based out of Chicago?

I wonder who ATS voted for... :poke:
Joel's an alright guy.
so who is lieing richard? clint, eric, joel, byran? about cables... three of them say he is a sub contract person the severse no real leadership in ATS then another comes in and say calbes is an OP manager of ATS data base error no comput :bang
and the IT guy that doesnt enforce a company to change passowrd every XXX days? that is not business sense to begin with...

The "Dixie Chicks" all over again.
at least they kept the same story and didnt change it :bang

weres the back peddling wtf am i smiliey???
My name is Joel Richards. Many of you know who I am. I’m the IT guy at ATS whom some of you think should be replaced/fired/burned at the stake, etc… I’m a contractor for ATS and have been for over 5 years. I’m the one responsible for the ATS website, email servers, application servers, among other various things.

I’m sending this out because I feel that somebody should give you all a life-lesson. Might as well be me. I'm not posting on behalf of ATS. I'm posting on behalf of me. I wasn't asked to post, nor was I asked not to.

Read fast, as this will surely be deleted in short order... Copy and paste on other forums at your hearts content as this will be the only forum I post to since it all started here with someone thinking he was doing the world a whole bunch of good. For those of you whom this does not apply to, please forgive my use of broad terms such as “all” in the following text.

I love the fact that the people posting this rhetoric use the “I’m not sure if this is true, but...” line of crap. Here’s a new concept for you. Find out if it’s true before you post, eh? Wow – hard concept to grasp sometimes I guess. I’m also aware that there will be pieces of this letter that are pulled out and will be used out of context – it’s to be expected, but oh, well. It will be interesting to see who’s afraid to post it in it’s entirety and who isn’t.

So, I begin:

The vast majority of you are propagandizing hypocrites! You sit behind your keyboards and pass judgment on ATS and Clint, but you don’t know 1/10th of what goes on at ATS or any other place of business in which you deal with.

So, Clint admits that the letter was written. He could have just as easily denied the whole thing – after all, only Clint and Stewart even knew the letter existed. Everybody at ATS was as stunned as I was when the letter hit the forums. Clint admitted the letter was written, and also said that he shot down the idea immediately. What do you all take from this? You don’t take the fact that he ADAMANTLY said not to proceed with the letter at all, but rather you just look at the admittance of the letter being in existence to add to your condemnation of him and ATS. What else would anybody expect from a bunch of forum rats. Sometimes I wonder why I’m no longer active on forums... Thank you all for reminding me!

Then you all condemn ATS with the “lawyers don’t do things like this on their own” bull****. Are you so stupid that you can’t figure out from the many posts about it that Stewart is the OPERATIONS MANAGER of ATS! Of course he knows what’s going on with EVERY ASPECT of the company – and he’s an attorney to boot. He serves multiple roles in the company, but some of you obviously can’t comprehend that. For the past two years Stewart has attended every CARB/EPA/SEMA meeting with Clint so that ATS could try to help relax the EPA’s rules on diesel emissions – for the benefit of the entire diesel community! How stupid can you be??!! The difference between stupidity and idiocy is simply this: idiots don’t have the capacity to learn, therefore they are doomed to an idiots’ existence – stupid people, on the other hand, have the capacity to learn but they refuse to because they are lazy and would rather have others do the thinking and learning for them. Open your eyes and you’ll see what the hell is going on here, or keep them closed and continue to be lead around by the invisible noose around your neck like sheep being lead to slaughter. The choice is yours – seriously.

So now we get the “I don’t buy that Clint’s email was hacked” bullcrap. I’ll enlighten you as to some of those things at ATS that you aren’t aware of. Clint trusts the management of ATS with privileged information – he trusts that team to the extent that ALL OF THEM KNOW HIS PASSWORDS for his email, domain, etc… Imagine that! That’s one of the many ways he’s helped by his management team to run ATS – you’re all fools if you think he runs this company all by himself. Some of the people that were management at ATS are no longer around. You constantly bring up ex-ATS employees that are disgruntled. It’s no secret that there is a high level of animosity between those ex-employees and ATS. Unfortunately, Clint hasn’t changed any passwords until just last week when it was discovered that his email was compromised. You’re all pissed that this letter, which was privileged and confidential, was released on the forums. You’re pissed that Clint is upset for people finding out what was one person’s thoughts on a specific situation. Don’t you think he has a right to be upset that an idea he said no to is out there being used to discredit him? Are all of you so daft that you can’t see what the hell is going on here? So, the person who ILLEGALLY compromised Clint’s email decided to grab a copy of something he thought would bury ATS. It was sent around to everyone under the sun so that numerous people could again attempt to discredit ATS to the best of their ability – but you’re all ok with that person sending the email…

So you’re all pissed off at Clint. You’re saying that the letter was “leaked to the forums on purpose” – what kind of glue are you sniffing??!! Now all that ATS has to do is find out what can legally be done to prosecute the person who accessed Clint’s email without his knowledge or consent. Make no mistake about the fact that ATS will prosecute the spineless twink who did it. Many of you know who it is, in fact, but you refuse to “rat him out”. You all protect him, yet have him to thank for everybody in the diesel community, including the EPA being made aware of PDI manufacturing and selling DPF delete kits. Yeah, that’s right - him, not Clint.

Speaking of DPF delete kits, everyone reading this knows that they are illegal. They will void your manufacturers warranty, and it’s against the law to install one of them on your truck – PERIOD! To hell with the “this product for offroad use only”, and the releases that must be signed to purchase one. Why do you think that you have to sign one of those releases anyway? It’s because they are ILLEGAL!

Some of you also have stated that Clint has been sending letters to the EPA for a year – putting DDP in Monroe out of business or some such crap. Where’s the proof? Show me the letter – show all of us the letter. You can’t because IT DOESN’T EXIST! You’re just trying to be big man on campus pulling crap out of your rear end to sling and see if it sticks. God, I hate liars. Very few of you demand proof of such crap, but when it comes to ATS and Clint, you need no proof at all because you read it on the Internet... What gives?

How many of you believe that the US Government is hiding aliens down in Roswell? These forums are a conspiracy theorists’ wet dream!

Many of you seem top think that this is a carefully concocted marketing plan to advertise the release of the ATS’ new DPF system. Perhaps some of you really are idiots and not just plain stupid after all.

Besides all of this, according to the vast majority of you, Clint and ATS doesn’t have the ability to design and manufacture products. ATS is the ONLY company to offer their unprecedented warranty on ATS manufactured products. Who is manufacturing all of ATS’s products then? Get a clue, people!

So now, thanks to the person who compromised Clint’s email, that person has generously provided the EPA with numerous lists via all of the forums of a good many of you who would rather break the law by installing DPF Delete Kits rather than try to help find a solution for the inevitable fact that DPF’s are a part of every diesel owners future. He’s a hero, and Clint is an ass??? Get real!

Now, all of you are calling for a boycott of ATS – “Let’s put Clint out of business” most of you are saying. To hell with the 40 people he employs who don’t even know that these forums exist. To hell with all of those employees and their families??!! I mean, Hey! They can just find other jobs in this economy. There are plenty of jobs available for converter builders, dyno operators, transmission builders, shipping personnel – no problem, right? Or the vendors which ATS deals with, or the taxes ATS pays to help bolster the local economy. To hell with all of them due to some spineless twink illegally compromising Clint’s email thinking he’s doing something good for everyone – copying that email which was stricken down by Clint the second he read it.

Yeah, Clint and ATS is surely the bad guy here – right??? All of you who subscribe to this rhetoric are just simple hypocrites. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't even really know why I am getting into this, but I will say I have never had dealings with ATS and I have always had a neutral opinion of the company. After reading the above post I have now developed a negative attitude towards ATS. Many of the people who the above poster calls idiots, and stupid have posted information on the site that has helped me a ton. I believe that the lack of respect shown to these members is most likely a reflection of the company. It doesn't matter that some of the members here want to throw ATS off a bridge, they are the customers. ATS is the business, the business should have more respect for the customers no matter what, even if they are wrong. We the customers make or break the company . I am in the market for a T4 manifold, it was between ATS and PDI, I will now be purchasing a PDI based on the simple fact that I feel disrespected.
Some of you also have stated that Clint has been sending letters to the EPA for a year – putting DDP in Monroe out of business or some such crap. Where’s the proof?

DDP is out of business? wow. when did this happen? i need to call leonard.
I don't even really know why I am getting into this, but I will say I have never had dealings with ATS and I have always had a neutral opinion of the company. After reading the above post I have now developed a negative attitude towards ATS. Many of the people who the above poster calls idiots, and stupid have posted information on the site that has helped me a ton. I believe that the lack of respect shown to these members is most likely a reflection of the company. It doesn't matter that some of the members here want to throw ATS off a bridge, they are the customers. ATS is the business, the business should have more respect for the customers no matter what, even if they are wrong. We the customers make or break the company . I am in the market for a T4 manifold, it was between ATS and PDI, I will now be purchasing a PDI based on the simple fact that I feel disrespected.
well said
how about you look at what you just said and picture it this way. what if YOU were or ARE married and you did the same thing. looked at a girl walking by. now what would happen if you wrote a letter to that girl saying you wanted to do this and that from head to toe to here but didnt send it. all of a sudden the letter gets out and your wife finds it. would you tell her not to be mad because it was only a thought and you never intended to send the letter or would she be pissed because you actually had that thought and wrote it out with almost intentions to send it? what if her family or your family found out about that letter. would they think differntly of you? absolutely they would

you have to look at it from both sides and understand why people are pissed off at you guys, well ATS in general.
From what I can see, the analogy works - the way you describe it, the letter to the girl would be a letter between 2 independent parties. In the real case here, it wasn't passed between, nor was it ever considered to involve 2 parties, it was internal. The impulsive part of your mind (Stewart) came up with those acts, but could not follow through without consent from the rational part (Clint). So, the analogy applies in that you're keeping your lewd thoughts internal by only thinking those things, not expressing them to anybody else. To go further, if we forget about all else, the wife in the analogy would not be analogous to the general public, but to those companies named and only to them. The general public would be more like a co-worker that occassionally asked your wife to make a pot of coffee. Would it be reasonable for that co-worker to demand an apology from you, not even to the wife but directly to them, after intentionally targeting you via ESP & reading the dirty thoughts that crossed your mind but would never have gone any further?
The general atmosphere of this form may appear to be more "hostile" than others because there are a great deal more hardcore diesel enthusiasts per capita at Comp D than any other place I can think of....... Couple that with the fact that we moderate a bit more freely than other places and well, things get dicey from time to time. Comp D is not and was not intended to be a "chip and exhaust" forum, so the members cannot be expected to be as nonchalant as those who make 300 hp, pull a camper and only read event coverage in a magazine. The guys here are quite opinionated and very loyal to those who support them. Take John Porterfield for example. That guy would walk through fire for you guys. Now imagine a place with a bunch of folks who are just as enthusiastic as John and support any number of manufacturers with just as much tenacity................. That is Comp D.

BTW, when it comes to opinions of folks, I'll say this:
Clint has never been anything but professional with me. Many folks I am close to speak super highly of you guys and I value their opinions very much. I have had no direct dealings with ATS other than shooting the breeze from time to time with Clint and other staff, so I have no place commenting on how you guys do business or your products.

Thanks for coming on and taking part in the discussion Eric. The crowd here may not show it, but it is appreciated.
That's the impression I've gotten, and I definitely wasn't referring to the atmosphere in a negative way. I don't mind it, but was just admitting that my attitude had deviated from the strictly business one I normally post with - there aren't many punches pulled here, but it seemed somebody was offended when I showed a little less restraint than I normally would. Thank you much for the kind words, and I am happy to be here despite the current circumstances, and I'm looking forward to the gloves-off environment.
I have every right to express my opinion and for that matter I will never purchase anything from ATS.
I never said you didn't, and who you purchase from is your choice. I'm not commenting one way or another on you or your vendors of choice, I was just stricken by how completely irrelevant your post was.
Why waste your time typing all of that nonsense then???? You should have just kept your ".02 cents" to yourselft. Afterall once ATS goes out of business you will need them.
I'm guessing he's probably a little rattled from all the people saying he should be fired over this and other statements against our IT that boil down to being deeply personal attacks without knowing anything about what he's done here. You keep holding your breath for ATS to go out of business - the type of guy Joel is, I can guarantee he'd be the first to try to get you going again after you pass out if he happened to be there when it happened.
So anyone know this joel richards clown? He wasn't asked to post here, never posted before, but suddenly found this board and this thread to come and depend ats? Jerkoff
Jerkoff? Did you happen to, by any chance, actually read what he posted or are you just pissed cuz there wus 2 many big werds? (Timbeaux, is it too early in my Comp D relationship to start that?) He clearly says exactly who he is & why he's posting.
then why and the hell do you guys sell a e power programmer that has dpf delete software inside for a duramax if its illegal?

you tell us to get a clue come on man. are you serious? as far as you should be concerned everyone you talk to on hear is a potencial consumer of your product. by coming on here and talking this way and saying idiots and stupidity and such will only hurt you more. your company is what you guys make and and how you present it is up to you guys. . you guys are solely to blame for the way people feel about ATS wheather it was the letter or they didnt like you guys before the letter.

the second part i highlighted i cant hardly believe that you said that. you call us hypocrites but be real. what do you think was going to happen by listing PDI as the company and H and S both by saying they are the ones selling delete kits , go after them epa because i told you who was doing it and let me gain points by creating a highflow dpf that will lead the market. did you think what could happen to those employees and their families by turning them in to the epa?
Well first off, we don't sell a programmer with dpf delete software - for the d-max or any other vehicle.

As far as Joel goes, he is at this point an independent contractor, not an actual employee of ATS (as he stated in the beginning of his post). Therefore, he is free to post as he likes, and he is posting out of personal frustration over the comments about ATS needing to fire him for not doing his job when they've got no idea of what he's done here. He said what he felt he needed to say, but it is by no means on behalf of ATS nor an expression of ATS' views and policies. Please keep that in mind.

With that, I'm leaving here yet again an hour and 45 minutes after quitting time. Y'all have a good night.

I don't even really know why I am getting into this, but I will say I have never had dealings with ATS and I have always had a neutral opinion of the company. After reading the above post I have now developed a negative attitude towards ATS. Many of the people who the above poster calls idiots, and stupid have posted information on the site that has helped me a ton. I believe that the lack of respect shown to these members is most likely a reflection of the company. It doesn't matter that some of the members here want to throw ATS off a bridge, they are the customers. ATS is the business, the business should have more respect for the customers no matter what, even if they are wrong. We the customers make or break the company . I am in the market for a T4 manifold, it was between ATS and PDI, I will now be purchasing a PDI based on the simple fact that I feel disrespected.

Dont forget about HTT for your manifold as well.
As far as the letter goes, i agree with some of what this guy said but the real point is that, the ideas and the backstabbing letter still originated in thier office, turned down or not, pen went to paper with these thoughts. If it was never written it could'nt have ever got out in the open. Ever heard the saying you made your bed now lay in it? Ya, i could see being pissed if thats the truth and some jerk stole the e-mail and let it leak on purpose to get back at you for past purposes, but like said, the letter "acually" was written from your staff, thats twisted thoughts to try to bury your compitition. Wonder when that letter was written if the "writer" stopped and thought about the potential other companys employees that could lose thier jobs, in these tuff ass days? Just a thought....
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As far as Joel goes, he is at this point an independent contractor, not an actual employee of ATS (as he stated in the beginning of his post). Therefore, he is free to post as he likes, and he is posting out of personal frustration over the comments about ATS needing to fire him for not doing his job when they've got no idea of what he's done here. He said what he felt he needed to say, but it is by no means on behalf of ATS nor an expression of ATS' views and policies. Please keep that in mind.

With that, I'm leaving here yet again an hour and 45 minutes after quitting time. Y'all have a good night.

wow that is the same thing that was said about stweart cables.............
Dont forget about HTT for your manifold as well.
As far as the letter goes, i agree with some of what this guy said but the real point is that, the ideas and the backstabbing letter still originated in thier office, turned down or not pen went to paper with these thoughts. If it was never written it could'nt have ever got out in the open. Ever heard the saying you mad your bed now lay in it? Ya i could see being pissed if thats the truth and some jerk stole the e-mail and let it leak on purpose to get back at you for past purposes, but like said, the letter "acually" was written from your staff, thats twisted thoughts to try to bury your compitition. Wonder when that letter was written if the "writer" stopped and thought about the potential other companys employees that could lose thier jobs, in these tuff ass days? Just a thought....

Wow! If i was Clint, and cared anything about my business, i would tell everyone at his shop to stay off the forums and let him do the talking! After reading joels post and relaizing that were all just forumn RATS! You guys are digging your own grave! If you would of just stepped back apolgized (even if you didnt do anything wrong) This subject proably already would of been droped! But thats all right, keep digging! If your so worried about your jobs why are you on here calling your potential costumer a RAT?
This is directed to Eric and Joel,

I have noticed you have quoted everyone on the thread but you have not commented on how nice my boat is:what:...Just in case you missed the pic I will post it up again. You have to admit it is a really cool boat:rockwoot:

then why and the hell do you guys sell a e power programmer that has dpf delete software inside for a duramax if its illegal?

To start, I'm nuetral.


1. The above statement is exactly why they would NOT send this letter to the EPA.
2. If this was a "draft" was another/different letter sent?
3. If so, where is it and what did it say?
4. If not, then all was well until it was leaked. Shame on that guy.
5. I'm not offeneded at all by "stupid idiot" remarks. He is obviously just very po'd and applies to those who have made judgment before hearing both sides.

6. Highfinance and Travis; I need an avatar!

My $.02

So now we get the “I don’t buy that Clint’s email was hacked” bullcrap. I’ll enlighten you as to some of those things at ATS that you aren’t aware of. Clint trusts the management of ATS with privileged information – he trusts that team to the extent that ALL OF THEM KNOW HIS PASSWORDS for his email, domain, etc… Imagine that! That’s one of the many ways he’s helped by his management team to run ATS – you’re all fools if you think he runs this company all by himself. Some of the people that were management at ATS are no longer around. You constantly bring up ex-ATS employees that are disgruntled. It’s no secret that there is a high level of animosity between those ex-employees and ATS. Unfortunately, Clint hasn’t changed any passwords until just last week when it was discovered that his email was compromised.


What are you the worlds more retarded IT "professional"? Even MSCE's know better then that! I do not care if you are just a contractor, I would personally not be involved with any business, big or small if the owners can not comprehend security 101. This is not 1995 anymore folks. This chit is for real. You do not fark around with security and let every one and their mother know your passwords. Every server platform provides mechanisms to grant access on a need to know basis with a click of a mouse.

Tell me, Mr IT professional, Does ATS have any SOX or PCI compliance requirements? what about ISO?

Everyone do you now trust your financial information with ATS? Maybe previous customers should be contacting their lawyers to ensure your personal information is not compromised as well

This is insane, absolutely absurd, immoral and down right STUPID, sharing your passwords. My own GF, mother, father, brother, they do not even have a clue of what my passwords are.

WOW. Good luck guys. I know I can sleep good at night since I've never purchased anything from ATS....

I'll stop here. Cuz, I can go on and on.....

So you’re all pissed off at Clint. You’re saying that the letter was “leaked to the forums on purpose” – what kind of glue are you sniffing??!! Now all that ATS has to do is find out what can legally be done to prosecute the person who accessed Clint’s email without his knowledge or consent. Make no mistake about the fact that ATS will prosecute the spineless twink who did it. Many of you know who it is, in fact, but you refuse to “rat him out”. You all protect him, yet have him to thank for everybody in the diesel community, including the EPA being made aware of PDI manufacturing and selling DPF delete kits. Yeah, that’s right - him, not Clint.

Good luck with that. Since his password is common knowledge, it's understood everyone has access to everything. LOL Lemme guess, was his password the same password on his luggage? 12345? LOL LOL

ok, enough.. i'm done. :)
Ok I have a couple question.

1. What was the first forum to have this letter to the EPA?

2. Where is the OP?
Good luck with that. Since his password is common knowledge, it's understood everyone has access to everything.

Do you think the guy who stole the "letter" copied and saved the above post by ATS's IT pro?LOL
its a lose / lose situation for ATS. if it was my shop, you wouldn't see a word further from me and let my, NEW, lawyer do the talking with the hacker for compensations for the lose of profit.
Make no mistake about the fact that ATS will prosecute the spineless twink who did it. Many of you know who it is, in fact, but you refuse to “rat him out”. You all protect him,

So... Does that mean you don't know who hacked into the system?
its a lose / lose situation for ATS. if it was my shop, you wouldn't see a word further from me and let my, NEW, lawyer do the talking with the hacker for compensations for the lose of profit.

if it was my shop the letter never would have been written. No letter, nothing to hack and post on forums.