Lynnville FFA Truck/Tractor pull and dyno

1st week death in the family
2nd week got sick and throwing up
3rd week got the sh*ts
4th week call in dead lol

Lol yeah im already scheduled off for the delta fair and midsouth fair and got a training class the third week of covington so i wont have to work on saturday so ill only have to call in for ur pull whats one day gonna hurt.
are the rules for each class posted somewhere?
i will have tech sheet for u to fill out when u sign up
stock-chip,intake,exhaust and other mods will be addressed as the when u sign up
street -street driven truck
open-anything goes permitted u have some saftey gear
our new anouncer stand before i left

new playground equipment for those who want to bring there kids along and also a softball field
He didn't last year, unless I'm thinkin of a different truck.
Yeah, I was definitely not thinking of that truck. Never mind...

Is he comin Chase?