MiniWheat - 2014 Ram 1500 Cummins Pro Street Build.

Bummer Ryan. But glad you were able to keep it straight with the wet rear tires!!! Good driving!!!

Once you get these new build gremlins worked out the truck is going to be awesome!!! Looking forward to have it in the crosshairs of our Canon camera's in a couple weeks at TS!!!

I don't know that I'll personally be at TS, but the truck will be! Just got word from my wife today that she's 2cm dilated with our #2.... I have two backup drivers for MW for TS just in case I can't make it!

Glad it didn't cost you a truck, or your life.
I can't believe a reputable shop would build a race engine and not spend the hour and $20 on plugs to make sure this didn't happen.

Thanks for taking the time to post and share the details of your build. I know people have learned a lot from it.

In their defense, they expected and wanted me to run an electric water pump, but I refused since I had one fail on me last year.

Hell I think he is a gluten for punishment some times.

Posting all of his progress and set backs on the internet for all to see and second guess his moves and critique. Hell It is hard enough to not have his status blasted all over FB by other people. The man has balls for sure with his zero F&^%# given approach. Kudos!

I'm not shy lol... failure is a given, it's what you do about it that matter :rockwoot:

Yes and he's also strapped into a funny car today according to the Book

Yes... yes I was! The past two days I attended the Frank Hawley Drag Racing School (per recommendation from Rob Coddens... thanks man!!) and managed to get the passes in to complete my Advanced ET 3B license (as fast as 6.0 & under 125" wheelbase). Fastest pass of the day was a 6.75@212mph in an alcohol funny car with a clutch! Best $$ I've ever spent on racing....
PS, haven't had the valve cover off yet, haven't even been home yet and truck is still in the trailer... we're headed home early tomorrow am, soon as we get there the valve cover's coming off, parts are already on the way assuming its a freeze plug.
Congrats on the baby. Hope you got by without any damage with the engine issue.

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Sorry that pic was supposed to have text that went along with it, but I saw something shiny and then...

Yes it was just a freeze plug, parts will be here tomorrow and it's going back together and hopefully running again tomorrow night! Necessary adjustments made to tuning/setup to make the damn thing stage and launch right and she's getting shoved in the trailer!

My wife's due date for our number two is June 12th and she swears he's coming early... This makes my attendance personally at TS very iffy... The truck WILL be there and I have two potential backup drivers somewhat lined up or worst case scenario it can sit in Fleeces booth...

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Fixed it for ya! :Cheer:

Head is over at SunCoast on their bridgeport getting freeze plug holes drilled & tapped... with any luck it'll be running tonight. I flushed out the crank case best I could last night with it open and left it wide open over night, looks like a bunch of the water evaporated.. didn't look *AS* milky. Going to fill it full of regular truck oil & fresh filter, warm it up, dump it, refill it, change filter, repeat a few times until I'm satisfied then I'll put the good oil in it and see if the changes I made will help me stage the truck better out in front of the shop.... retorque... shove it in the trailer for TS!
Head is over at SunCoast on their bridgeport getting freeze plug holes drilled & tapped... with any luck it'll be running tonight. I flushed out the crank case best I could last night with it open and left it wide open over night, looks like a bunch of the water evaporated.. didn't look *AS* milky. Going to fill it full of regular truck oil & fresh filter, warm it up, dump it, refill it, change filter, repeat a few times until I'm satisfied then I'll put the good oil in it and see if the changes I made will help me stage the truck better out in front of the shop.... retorque... shove it in the trailer for TS!

Tuning or hard parts changes for the staging problems?