Mis-Matched? No longer.

Shipping did it. Or installer. Guarantee that is what they say since you didn't check them right after you got them. Then if it was broke they would blame shipping.

I checked them. They were installed the same day i got them. The way things went down looked liked a gasket, then the cylinder scuffing and bent rods figured it was a compression issue then.

Basically, two thing loosely related. none the less, these injectors shouldn't have been one of the issues after they came back .
Super tiny piece of metal worked it's way into the injector. Not sure what it's from... One of the pumps failing? Weird.

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Super tiny piece of metal worked it's way into the injector. Not sure what it's from... One of the pumps failing? Weird.


We had a pump fail just before the Edmonton race this year, and it took out injectors. Cross over tubes were full of metal bits.
We had a pump fail just before the Edmonton race this year, and it took out injectors. Cross over tubes were full of metal bits.

There wasn't anything in these tubes that I recall. I know we didn't look at all of them but we did check out the one with the broke injector and nothing obvious. I'll ask chris to make sure there isn't anything in any other cross over tube, if there are, then I need new pumps too. :(

It is note worthy that all the injectors were looked at and tested and only one piece in one injector. Harvey thought it might just be a stray piece that might have been in say, the modded rail that just finally came lose or something.. But I've had this rail installed for YEARS...

My Pumps are older Floor it Stage 2's. So nothing crazy and wild other then the fact that they are older.
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We used compressed air and blew them out onto a clean rag. We were running a couple season old Floor-It's as well, but the big ones.
Super tiny piece of metal worked it's way into the injector. Not sure what it's from... One of the pumps failing? Weird.


Was this in our #1 injector??

Did the injectors flow the same as the first time they were tested?
Chris is going to double check them tubes and let me know if i'll need to fork over a few more thousand...
Well.... trucks running. :) w00000000000t!

American Airlines best not fuk up my flight home.