My class Idea?

I see what your trying to do, but there would easily be 700hp+ dmaxes in this, and im sure when EFI gets worked out there would be the same with cummins'.

x2 I've seen quite a few make 700hp single pumped with a s300 based turbo
The biggest thing for this class to live will be that it has to be clearly better and have reasons to do over workstock. In this area (Indiana) it will be interesting how the summer plays out with 2.6 and 3.0. WS is still there but wheres everyone going to land and how many places will have 3.0 or how many trucks will be in 3.0? i doubt a lot of places want 4 classes. If it can be a solution to WS than i say game on but i really dont know if there is a problem in WS anymore? used to be the dmaxes could out charger people so much but it seems the he351(?) is getting pushed just as hard now. maybe a current workstocker can comment on that more though.
The biggest thing for this class to live will be that it has to be clearly better and have reasons to do over workstock. In this area (Indiana) it will be interesting how the summer plays out with 2.6 and 3.0. WS is still there but wheres everyone going to land and how many places will have 3.0 or how many trucks will be in 3.0? i doubt a lot of places want 4 classes. If it can be a solution to WS than i say game on but i really dont know if there is a problem in WS anymore? used to be the dmaxes could out charger people so much but it seems the he351(?) is getting pushed just as hard now. maybe a current workstocker can comment on that more though.

this is true along with the 6.4 powerjokes and there twins.....this class could be a good option for say Central Ohio but where WS is in full force like found in KY it would have to be a replacement...
The biggest thing for this class to live will be that it has to be clearly better and have reasons to do over workstock. In this area (Indiana) it will be interesting how the summer plays out with 2.6 and 3.0. WS is still there but wheres everyone going to land and how many places will have 3.0 or how many trucks will be in 3.0? i doubt a lot of places want 4 classes. If it can be a solution to WS than i say game on but i really dont know if there is a problem in WS anymore? used to be the dmaxes could out charger people so much but it seems the he351(?) is getting pushed just as hard now. maybe a current workstocker can comment on that more though.

I'd say the 2.6 class is going to be very packed this year in Indiana ITPA
Yeah and i know for central indiana it is pretty much already a 2.5 class. heck ive been in places where guys try and sneak in with chargers tht are a 2.6 and identical or slightly bigger than guys runnin in the 2.6 that same night. They of course were DQ'd but still refused to run in the 2.6 class and opted to run exhibition for 0 money and no placing. So for all the guys who may think that in a lot of places guys wont try and sneak anything in the WS class over 100 bucks your wrong they do it all the time around haha
I'd say the 2.6 class is going to be very packed this year in Indiana ITPA

which could leave some 2.6 guys out in the cold with no class with this no over abundance, itd be nice to have a class for those guys to go to instead of probably loosing them unless they decide to fork up the bigger cash to run with them. its just hard because pulling is starting to turn into you better cough up big money or your not hookin anywhere and WS is your only option. I know you have to pay to play but if theres no entrance to the sport it'll die off.
Sounds to me like you are trying to tailor the rules to the truck you want to build...

There are no average Joe's in competitive motorsports. Average Joe's buy an Edge Juice and have the hottest thing on the road.

Why not do like NASCAR and spec out the entire truck? Then the whole thing is chassis setup. Maybe a class of all reg cab manual tranny Ram 2500 with a 12v, 370s and a 64/71. No variations, no exceptions. A field of identical trucks apart for suspension setup...
I know a lot more then you think partner but I am not going to put your buisness in front street.

Like i said you have no clue on what goes on in our farm operation. Or what i got worked out. You have no facts to lay out on the front street. Do yourself some good and quit worrying what other people got going on! Dont you need to get back to your website This where your getting your info? Cause i havent heard your name in the pulling world anywhere else
Sh**s gettin deep.. time to put the waders maybe they should just add an open 2.6 class.. and make the current 2.6 this unknown class...cause all the hot 2.6 guys could run open...the guys that have already dumped the money pretty much run whatever they want yet are limited to a 2.6 inlet...that would allow them to go 3.0 cause we all know what kinda mods are being done to chargers to pass 2.6..this would allow the underbudgeted 2.6 and hot street guys who dont pull ona normal basis.. or want to pull to see what its like... be competitive with one another and wont have to worry about competing with big money 2.6 trucks and getting their butts handed to them....just an idea.. probably an epic fail because its hard to say whats Open 2.6 and whats normal 2.6...but.. it might be a piece to this puzzle...but i see where it would fail because its been mentioned.. no one wants another class added to the roster... plus the rules that would separate Open trucks and normal trucks woudl probably cancel eachother out...but just an idea.. might be a part of a piece to this puzzle.
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I dont really know why average joes cant pull. I'm a 2.6 truck right now so not sure how id be tailoring rules to my own, but i am a average joe money wise guy and dont want to compete with guys who have over 100K in a 2.8 truck that hooked close to 80 times in a season and now are 2.6. Now i feel like i scapped everything together enough to compete or at least be interesting, but i didnt honestly want to do that i like it being more of a street class. So no im not trying to make a rule set for my truck just saying more of an entry level class is needed where a WS class isnt established.
open street class. 1 ton drive train and no power adders. Any thing else is fair game. Easy to tech and you would balance power and breakage.
Troyer put some hair on your chest before you run your mouth to me kid. I am not worried about what's going on your truck. Funny how your calling everyone paranoid as hell wondering who is going to be running a stand alone. I am out of 2.6 so have you fun keep. Failing keep taking your down to Kentucky to get ripped off.
I dont recall failing at all last year.. I recall being in the top 5 at almost every pull this year. And with in a couple foot of gainer all year. Theres no way you can bad mouth my truck unless your a complete idiot. And im far from getting ripped off buddy. You really have no clue. And when did u ever pull 2.6 i never remember ur name being a top contender. And i could care less who has standalone i know if i need it ill buy it thatys all that matters to me.
I am out of 2.6 so have you fun keep. Failing keep taking your down to Kentucky to get ripped off.

Raw has far from ripped me off buddy.. Quit running your mouth about a top notch outfit.. Theyve treated me far better then ne other diesel performance shops ive heard of treating there customers. And might i add wesley is top dog with dodge common rails. More wins then ne other person i know.. And had a work stock truck that was unbeatable all year.
Troyer put some hair on your chest before you run your mouth to me kid. I am not worried about what's going on your truck. Funny how your calling everyone paranoid as hell wondering who is going to be running a stand alone. I am out of 2.6 so have you fun keep. Failing keep taking your down to Kentucky to get ripped off.

Do you have any clue what your talking about?

Do you pull?

Do you have a truck?

I like how these people try to get online and bit$h and Moan about the rules and how much it costs to pull. Bottom line it isnt cheap, rather you have sponsor or not. But if you dont have a clue about the trucks, and how each reacts to pulls, dont try to make classes using the excuse to make it cheaper. Leave it to the guys that are actually putting trucks on the dirt.
With 2.6 getting to expensive and workstock dominated by Duramaxes.

if i had a dollar everytime i heard this about a dmax in w.s. i would be a rich man:hehe::hehe:

i got an idea lets make chevys run a lil baby charger like us dodge guys gotta run in w.s. and see what happens:stab:
Although the concept to allow an in between class sounds good, I really fail to see where implementing another class would be of any benefit, unless if you were wanting to replace WS with a 2.5 class. Or just make workstock a 2.45 class only allowing 62mm chargers or smaller in. Lord knows a stock HX35 isn't a player in workstock. Bottom line is this, adding another class will only take away from the already trivial payouts offered to attract trucks in.

Just out of curiosity and since 2.6 has sort of been brought up, what would happen if they ran 2.6 like they did with the 2.8/3.0 down at BOB with the different weights for compressor housings larger than S400s.

S300 8000 lbs
S400 or larger frame 7500 lbs or 7600 lbs etc?