New From Tennessee

15, you have plenty of time to find a 98 12v ext cab short bed. Take your time to find the perfect one, jumping from vehicle to vehicle is EXPENSIVE. I lost over $20,000 in depreciation of various vehicles(cars, trucks, motorcycles) over the years (I'm only 23) and I kick myself everytime I think about it because the money I wasted would have bought a MINT of a 12v. But I did find a 97 12v 3 yrs ago with 57k on it :) Good luck on the search!

Thanks! I'm gonna get the one I want, the first time!
My guess the Post Office or Chris Hansen. Oh wait....that's Roachie she is probably thinking of. LOL

Welcome to CompD. Lots of great folks here from our area. We did a meet and greet last year and it was too dang cold. Time for another.

Haha, thanks. I see you're from the Knoxville area as well.
My guess the Post Office or Chris Hansen. Oh wait....that's Roachie she is probably thinking of. LOL

Welcome to CompD. Lots of great folks here from our area. We did a meet and greet last year and it was too dang cold. Time for another.

So...she still knows me:rockwoot:
98 12v ext cab or manual? I know where a red manual is at as well as a black auto..but it's up in Indiana
Welcome to Speedway Motors, Home of Diesel 4x4 Trucks and Cars. Browse our online auto lot for diesel cars and trucks at

And welcome to CompD, there's lots of good info on here.

Either, but I'd prefer an auto. I've found a black 98 12v but it's not a short bed. I'm not too picky about that, but since I have a few months to get one I'm gonna find the right one.

Thanks! & that's why I joined, very useful.
Welcome to the site! Lot of good people on here just be careful however...anyone can seem nice "online"
Welcome, good to see another TN face on here. Oak Ridge/Clinton area is my old stomping ground, but right now I'm stationed in Socal. Good luck on finding the perfect truck, good diesels are hard to find at the right price around home it seems like, took me 3 months to find mine.
Welcome, good to see another TN face on here. Oak Ridge/Clinton area is my old stomping ground, but right now I'm stationed in Socal. Good luck on finding the perfect truck, good diesels are hard to find at the right price around home it seems like, took me 3 months to find mine.

Yeah, you got that right. I have a few months to find the truck I'm dying for, but a lot round here end up bein junk! But I'll find it, someday haha. But thanks! :)
Thanks! I'm gonna get the one I want, the first time!

Thats what i said, and now after 14 Diesel Trucks (and a Few Gassers) Way too much money i still havent got my "Perfect" truck yet, Been close though a time or 2:bang

Welcome To CompD
Thats what i said, and now after 14 Diesel Trucks (and a Few Gassers) Way too much money i still havent got my "Perfect" truck yet, Been close though a time or 2:bang

Welcome To CompD

Dang, that's a lotta trucks! Well hopefully I'll find what I want, or a truck that's right for me. And hopefully you will too.
lay low they will be one show up i worked on one
last week he wasnt ready to sell i keep looking
that was agood video you took at the pull