new from Texas (5+ years ago)

you fail, again :lolly: Actually I believe you called my truck a sissy and then called me a punk and then admitted that I was probably right. YOU went looking for ME. it's ok darlin LOL
You just made all that up, Hun. I did go looking for you, but it's cause you told me to! :evil
You're not picking on me, you're flirting.
You just made all that up, Hun. I did go looking for you, but it's cause you told me to! :evil
You're not picking on me, you're flirting.

mmm wrong again dear lol you told me to "like" the page, which I had done long before :shake:

LOL flirting? :hehe: I don't think so darlin dearest lol
Lmao all this babe and darlin and what not would make one think so, sweet cheeks. :poke:
LOL which is what I call everyone... good try tho!

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: give this link a test drive.....

Fart SoundBoard

Dammit man....

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Dammit man....

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this is the thread that never ends... LOL

are we really at page 31? I have it set to 40 posts/page...
this is the thread that never ends... LOL

are we really at page 31? I have it set to 40 posts/page...

I told you way back on page one. Epic !!!


If it wasn't for that Ford I'd vote you Queen of COMPD. But... Fords suck it.