new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Sadly, most every one of my meals is fast food or restaurant so a home cooked meal is a welcome change.

I never eat fast food, I try and cook at least 5x/week lol I have lots of leftovers sometimes *sigh* but if y'all come through town and give me enough notice (like 3 days) I can bake cookies and send them home with you hahaha ask G about my chocolate chip cookies!

but with that, I am off to bed lil darlins!
I cook all my meals, give or take a couple. I hate eating fast food or at a crappy restaurant when I can all my food fresh and local.
Hellz bellz...if all it takes is food to get you mechanics to MY house....I wouldn't have had to make my pregnant wife help me stab my tranny after a clutch install. LOL

Anyone want to put synchros in my tranny? I'll cook! :D

I'm sure you like Robert Earl Keen, Reckless Kelly, and a bunch of those other OK-Tex red dirt musicians. We play a lot of that.
You will! Or I'll see to it that some Pepto gets poured in that tank to go along with them bumpers. :evil:poke::hehe::hehe: We got a new guy in Texas right near ya.
You will! Or I'll see to it that some Pepto gets poured in that tank to go along with them bumpers. :evil:poke::hehe::hehe: We got a new guy in Texas right near ya.

:blahblah1::blahblah1: is all I hear lol empty threats. Cute, but empty. I will annihilate anyone who messes with Pinky truck!