new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Haha this thread needs moar of this


And this
Malibu795-You're right that no one knows who you truly are except you. I think the true sentiment that is trying to be conveyed is sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and that what you convey in what setting doesn't make you dishonest. Life is not black and white there are always going to be areas of gray. How you navigate those areas is what is important. I agree that life would be much simplier if you could be completely open and honest and every turn but that will lead to you getting hurt and others getting hurt. You can't simply "unfriend" your life in all situations.
Malibu795-You're right that no one knows who you truly are except you. I think the true sentiment that is trying to be conveyed is sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and that what you convey in what setting doesn't make you dishonest. Life is not black and white there are always going to be areas of gray. How you navigate those areas is what is important. I agree that life would be much simplier if you could be completely open and honest and every turn but that will lead to you getting hurt and others getting hurt. You can't simply "unfriend" your life in all situations.

due to my life experience i have found it, reguardless of outcome, much easier to tell the truth then to conderup a "white lie" and i have learned that if i dont like bad outcome i dont put myself in a situation where that is most likely to happen.. im sure we all know people where this is the exact opposite.

not to mention mutual respect from peers that see you owning up to ones mistake...
not too mention the truth is easier/simpler to remember the the web of lies that usually gets spun to cover ones ass, especially in aruguments, accusations be it on a legal, partner, friend level.. and really helpful when you come across people that like to talk/argue in circles.

true, life is black, gray, and white and depending on how one was raised really depends on how wide that gray area is, some its very thin.. others the gray area has gray areas... IMO the smaller the gray area the simpler it gets.. and i prefer simple things.

if one is so worried about people opinion about ones actions that they keep things seperate, work, friends, public, private groups of people finding out what you do... those idiviuals have a tendency to have mulitple lifestyles/faces what ever you want to call it, for a variaty of reasons..
if you dont believe me look around..

i dont change the way i conduct myself because i dont do something i would be embarassed about. admittedly some cant, for what ever reason, live their life as such let alone wrap their mind around that simple concept.
I didn't say anything about lying so I'm not sure what that has to do with discretion. These are two very different concepts.

Discretion: The quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment :ability to make responsible decisions

Lying: To make a false statement with the intention to deceive
i was useing lying and how i veiw it as an example.

the principle of changing ones behavor based on people surroundings is socially acceptable..

is not dsicretion as you discribed.. its IMO deceiving.. but the question is deceiving who?

though it is discretion to make a decision to change ones behavor pending one the envorment one is in, and to change it so one "fits" in is deceiving
I can admit omission is a form of deception and deception is a form of lying but the society we created and live in dictates that people omit certain things in certain situations. In fact there are laws on it.

Let's take an example of a man and a woman having sex. That's perfectly acceptable to do in the privacy of their own home but if they are feeling a little aroused in public say in front of a library or in a park where children maybe present you are saying that is ok to have sex according to your book since they are not behaving any different based on their surroundings or audience?

You may argue that is an extreme example but how is it different than the Pinkster being crude or sexually open in an environment were kids might be present?
i was wondering who was going to bring intamcy into the conversation. and haveing sex in pressences of a minor is illegal. im not talking about illegal ativites
you seam pretty confident about that.. but you dont know me any better then the other people..

First, and foremost, it's "seems". A seam is a separation, or "joint", of two different pieces of material. Also "than" would be the correct term.. but I digress.

You're correct, I don't personally know you and I didn't claim to know you. I am judging by your posts (we are on a text based media... that's how one is judged) that you clearly can't comprehend the difference between knowing your audience and using discretion according to your audience, and being two-faced.

Example #2 since #1 failed. Would you be as free with your GCVW (knowing it's overweight) with a uniformed DOT officer as you would with your buddy?
WORDS!!! Words...hurt...Garrett...puny...brain. No hurt more brain. No words more. Loud angry noises scary. More soft...cuddly...niceyness. pleeezz.

I felt retarded just scrolling past that cluster fuk as fast as I couldLOL. Dayum.

Haha this thread needs moar of this


And this
THIS! Moar this!!!
[ame=""]Nachos Recipe - YouTube[/ame]

I think that says more about you than it says about the nachos :D




2x4's stacked/w u-bolts. Please tell me this isn't standard industry practice.