New products for have a say

I missed this.

This could why there has been so much attention drawn towards picking apart some of your products possibly. Mr. Obvious I know.

LOL not to mention some of those are connected to others who are starting to push valve train parts.... Hey better late then never though :lolly:
LOL not to mention some of those are connected to others who are starting to push valve train parts.... Hey better late then never though :lolly:

There was no alterior motive, no matter what Zach or yourself cares to believe. We have sold valvetrain components for over a year, we just don't market like some. I've stated to Zach directly that a customer of his and a friend of mine found the issue with the locks, I did not. I would love to take credit for finding the issue and the solution, but the fact is there were quite a few people who put in a good amount of time on their own part.

Whether or not Zach owns up to it is his decision. But his motives are clear with his posts. He is free to build injectors, it's not necessarily easy money, and there is a fair amount of work involved, best of luck.
I must have missed it but I do not recall myself or anyone else here mentioning you?
Runninlean, Weston although an intelligent person, has not learned one of the most basic rules of Comp D, that I pay good money to be able to showcase my products in this forum and that when he started selling springs and pushrods, that puts him in direct competition with me, and his thoughts on said products are not only not welcome, but will be deleted.......every darn tootin time.

Weston, I appreciate you coming onto this thread to talk about our valve springs and yours, however I think that it might be stretching etiquette or common courtesy in talking about your products which are in direct competition with mine in a forum that I pay for as a way to promote my products.

It would be the equivalent of my going onto SDX's area and talking about the injectors that they and you have sold that have had pop pressures any where from 260-310 bar out of the box in the same set, or the injectors that have had seized parts from incorrect cleaning after honing or about injectors that were not balanced all to well and the customers that I have listened to and yet not said a word.

Do yourself, and me, a favor and stick to the SDX area or the open forums when talking about your products or about issues you have with mine, or I will be inclined to talk about all of the quality issues that I have ever seen with your injectors in the SDX area, or would rather me to get right down to business and open a thread right now.

As far as injectors, that is not my bag, but the day you made my springs your business calling everybody in the biz to bad mouth me, that is the day I made your injectors my business. No reason to hide that fact.

Remember throwing rocks and glass houses don't mix all too well.
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This is not about me promoting anything SDX sells, we both know that. My response was to the implied comment, it is quite clear.

As far as injectors, that is not my bag, but the day you made my springs your business calling everybody in the biz to bad mouth me, that is the day I made your injectors my business. No reason to hide that fact.

I'm going to catch that little edit right here, I only called a few people to have them compare measurements. You know this, I know this, and the staff members of this site know this. Everything that was posted was cleared through the staff, and was clearly stated as to not "sling mud", don't try and turn this around. There were no calls bad mouthing you to everybody in the biz.
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Took 4 calls while I was typing the last post and forgot to proofread it before I posted.

This is what I meant to say.

Since the 12v heads have been outlawed in some sanctioning bodies, I took the money that would have been our CR heads later this year, and used it to promote our current 12v heads.......... that is the reason for the Valve-train.

We are waiting on our new pistons, pump springs, pump cams and a slightly tweaked new order of the 12v head with slightly better ports.
24v heads and new 5th gears are have been put on the shelf as we focus on injectors.

I wouldnt say your guys' heads were outlawed, that rule has been floating around pulling long before your heads were around. Maybe they just didnt have to enforce it much. Im sure the rule will be taken away after a while as people will realize it wont change the 2.6 class as we know it, nor will it drive the cost up as it does not take huge bills to win like people seem to think. But for now, rules are rules.
In some places it came to a vote, in some it was outlawed and in some it was already allowed. Certain people lobbied against it and it was outlawed in some areas. Rules have been in place in different sanctioning bodies for quite some time banning aftermarket heads. This is well known. However when it comes to a vote and then there is a rule against it, this is called being outlawed by different sanctioning bodies is it not?

Weston, this is nothing that you and I and a pair of boxing gloves could not have figured out, but I'm glad we are getting the chance to bring all our grievances out on to the front lawn in full Jerry Springer fashion.
When I talk to 10 people on the phone in one day and they all tell me "Weston has it out for you" "He has been talking major trash about your head and your springs" it makes me want to not leave your and SDX's quality lapses out of the conversation. I have not been trashing you and SDX, should I have been?
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When I talk to 10 people on the phone in one day and they all tell me "Weston has it out for you" "He has been talking major trash about your head and your springs"

I'd gladly take a list of these names. I know whom I talked to about the situation, and what was said, and I'm sure these people would have no problem verifying that.
I'd like to keep who is loyal to you and who isn't as my information and not yours if you don't mind. Oh and I'd gladly pay to see a set of the parts with the "issues" that you are taking upon yourself to spread all over the world. All of the evidence presented thus far has been anecdotal at best.

Like I said in a thread last week, When I asked you to not come in my section as a competing vendor and talk about springs, that was not a suggestion.
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In some places it came to a vote, in some it was outlawed and in some it was already allowed. Certain people lobbied against it and it was outlawed in some areas. Rules have been in place in different sanctioning bodies for quite some time banning aftermarket heads. This is well known. However when it comes to a vote and then there is a rule against it, this is called being outlawed by different sanctioning bodies is it not?

Sorry, i dont keep up with every sanction in the country, i will say MOST would not allow aftermarket heads long before your head was around. Im looking at the bigger picture....

None the less im not against it one bit
Oh and I'd gladly pay to see a set of the parts with the "issues" that you are taking upon yourself to spread all over the world. All of the evidence presented thus far has been anecdotal at best.

This is a question, not as a vendor of a competing product, but as a member of this site;

Did you not send a set of replacement locks to the original person that found this issue and informed me of?
The people that I have contacted like diesel wrencher have refused to send the parts back, and stated they would handles sourcing a fix, hence the reference to anecdotal evidence.
I did not know he was the "original" person in question. And yes, he is the only one I have sent a set of locks to. No word back yet and "defective parts" have come back to me. Hence the reference to anecdotal evidence.

Next up SDX injectors.

I have seen sets that come set anywhere from 260-310 bar in the same set. Can you inform the good folks out there as to how likely they are to have a set that was set up poorly?

I am just looking out for their best interest, you know. If it were me personally and I had a set of SDX injectors, I would definitely pull them out to have them pop tested. This could cause anything from poor economy to a lope at idle to damaged injection pumps. The only problem with this scenario is only 1 out of 100 people have a pop tester on here. I tell you what if you have SDX injectors and you want them pop tested, for the next two weeks. Send them to me and I will test them for free.
So quick to change the subject aren't you Zach.

Luke was the original one with the issue. He was going to return the springs, I told him instead to try simply changing the locks, and he contacted you. Now this disproves your claim that I have "trash talked" your products to everyone in the biz.

You can now change the subject to pop testing our injectors, since your childish motives are simple.
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I don't think Luke is in the "biz". And I have yet to see a part with an issue.

As far as childish motives, I think that started the day I refused to give you my piston manufacturers name. I guess you could say I took a play out of your book.

Anything else?
I was simply curious as to the manufacturer. And I'll tell you the same I told Micheal, I cannot help you with the pistons I am working on since Eric from Mahle is doing the design work.
Guys I consider both of you friends and respect you both a great deal, I can honestly say this is not going to help either of you. You are grown men so if you must, have at it but I don't see it helping in any way.
totally agree, this is not good for anybody involved. Weston has been heaping this on my head for weeks, so I figured I'd share the wealth.

I'd much rather be doing something else.
You claim what you want, Cliff knows what I told him in a PM. It was direct, check because there could be an issue, no heaping of anything.