cant wait to get the rest of the bugs worked out i really think that truck has alot more in it
Very nice Wade, give ya credit for getting it done. Now that the record is broken will Banks bring the truck back out?
Yeah.. MPH??

I didn't think he was geared for that kinda Pass in the Quarter..

Guess ya'll have been busy lately.
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yes it was 159 but we are geared out way early that is something were going to change before our next race. we ran again right after and had 160mph
Gearbound at that speeds will only kill a tenth or one word, awesome....although a timeslip will have to be produced I am sure. Truck looked like it got to the 330 and 660 ultra quick.
Smoked Lights and rear-wheel start....I am sure Wade will own up to it ;)
That thing must have a snuffer on it!

All joking aside great run keep pushing the envelope
Yep... the staging lights were on after he left. He may be dragging the body or something. Pass till looked good though.