ODRA/NADM Texas Diesel Roundup October 9th Crandall, TX

Oh yeah, I tried to send Dan that beer I said I'd give him when we were at the cotton gin but I was told he was drinkin tea.:doh:
Yea the track did get better later in the day. Who would have guessed that I should have turned down my 350' pull in the 2.6 class. Every truck after me went another 5' further, it was like 390' that won it. I ended up with 4 checks so its all good.

I didnt see what he was drinking then but Im sure it needed to be tea.:hehe:
Seriously if you dont want to come back because you didnt get to run on a dyno, then dont come back. There are plenty of other people that actually come to race or pull, so no big loss.

The douch bags in the parking lot... you little ****ers can go hang out with the guys that are pissed about the dyno when they dont show up next time.:banned:

Not trying to argue with you, but many folks attend these events....FOR THE DYNO contest. I think your comments are a little harsh. Would you have felt the same had the sled not shown up? I'm not saying its NADM's fault at all as i do not know the details but again, I think your a way off base telling people good riddance.
Yea the track did get better later in the day. Who would have guessed that I should have turned down my 350' pull in the 2.6 class. Every truck after me went another 5' further, it was like 390' that won it. I ended up with 4 checks so its all good.

I didnt see what he was drinking then but Im sure it needed to be tea.:hehe:

I didn't go further...

Congrats to Gwoody for a win in both the 2.6 and 2.8 class.
Myself I wished I would have just been the flagger all day.

Yes the track was very disappointing, but hopefully the issues will get worked out.
Why do you say that?

Blakes dad was racing in dmax service truck in et brackets with a dial in of 16.60. The guy running the lights radioed it up to the tower and somehow 16.60 turned to 16.16. His dad didn't notice the time on the board due to the glare( 4 in the afternoon) he had a good reaction time and was.08 off slower than his dial in, got back to the pits I looked at his slip and pointed at why he lost. We went to the tower, the track operator guy said they wouldn't let a rerun( which may be a rule to bracket racing but this was obviously the track crews fault) the Track operator said to give him some adrl tickets or something.

Losing due to breaking out or red lighting is one thing but losing due to track crew error sucks.
I am glad I got to meet some of you guys! I had a blast, I was gonna run brackets, but blew a wheel bearing on the way to the track so I was an hour or so behind...

Nice trucks to all of you, but the douchebags flying through the pits and doing burnouts was pretty retarded.

Hopefully next year we can get more guys in the Race For The Warriors and try to get some nice prizes.
Why do you say that?

Well, I see there's been many posts painting a picture of how the day played out. I understand that these events take alot of planning, and things WILL go wrong no matter how well scheduled something is. "Gates opening at 8 a.m. with the racing beginning at 9 a.m."leads me to believe that time trials will start at 9 a.m. with eliminations to shortly follow. I understand that with this many things going on, delays are very possible. BUT they delay lasted hours, and after just the first elimination of the bracket racing the track was shutdown and the sled pulling ran. This left the remaining bracket trucks in the lanes while an entire round of pulls went on. I really enjoy attending diesel events of any size. I don't believe I have attended an event yet that went 100% smooth, but that isn't what bothers me. What really gets under my skin is the over abundance of issues I saw at this event. In addition to the delays, I heard of a couple issues that involved discrepancies with track officials/NADM officials/racers. My father usually tries to attend the Texas events, and normally just spectates. This year with alot of convincing, I got him to come out and not only spectate, but even brought one of his service trucks out to bracket race and show his support in our hobby. After making it to the second round of the bracket racing, he made his run and "lost" his race. When some discrepancies came up with his run, which would have technically gave him a win, he took his questions to the tower. From what I was told, NADM officials were no help to him, and told him there was "nothing they could do." Everyone has rules that we must abide by, but when my father had his issue with a track official, NADM was of no assistance. They easily put him in the "**** out of luck" category and went about their way. I'm no sled puller, so I really can't make an opinion on the sled track, but all I have heard is negative feedback on how poor the pulling track was. I've heard since the event last year that they would be working on a pulling track after the huge upset from a year ago. So with a year to prepare, I would expect a much nicer pulling track than what it was

Not trying to argue with you, but many folks attend these events....FOR THE DYNO contest. I think your comments are a little harsh. Would you have felt the same had the sled not shown up? I'm not saying its NADM's fault at all as i do not know the details but again, I think your a way off base telling people good riddance.

I agree with you here also. I myself had no intentions on putting my truck on the dyno, but I know of NUMEROUS trucks that sat in the parking lot for the entire event, and even though they enjoyed spectating, they came to take advantage of the dyno the believed would be there. When questions arose before this event of "Will there be a dyno?" It would have been much easier on everyone if the question could have been answered simple and honestly. Instead, everyone interested in dynoing just had to go out on a limb and HOPE a dyno would be there.

Many people were let down by this event. Like I stated earlier, every event will have its "hiccups", but each section at this event had NUMEROUS issues. I know I heard the comment from a few people that this was the last of the NADM events they would be attending, my father included. I hate to see things happen like this in a sport like ours. The sport needs to keep as many wholesome competitors as possible, but this is defiantly not the way.
Blakes dad was racing in dmax service truck in et brackets with a dial in of 16.60. The guy running the lights radioed it up to the tower and somehow 16.60 turned to 16.16. His dad didn't notice the time on the board due to the glare( 4 in the afternoon) he had a good reaction time and was.08 off slower than his dial in, got back to the pits I looked at his slip and pointed at why he lost. We went to the tower, the track operator guy said they wouldn't let a rerun( which may be a rule to bracket racing but this was obviously the track crews fault) the Track operator said to give him some adrl tickets or something.

Losing due to breaking out or red lighting is one thing but losing due to track crew error sucks.
It's a unfortunate situation, but it works this way at every track. Always check your dial-in before you light a bulb. Once you light a bulb, you confirm the dial-in time is correct.
I would like to thank NADM for making the best of the hand they were dealt.

The pulling track issue was definitely out of NADM's control.. They were promised equipment that never showed up, then their BACK UP equipment failed to show up as well. We were lucky to have even the skid steer show up to help with the track.

NADM was also promised several loads of clay to build the pulling track, however, the sponsors providing the clay backed out at the last minute due to some recent developments regarding the track... As in, the track will not BE a track in 2-3 months.. Its going to literally be turned into a scrapyard as the track owner filed bankruptcy!
I too would back out of donating clay to help an event out when it is only going to work for ONE season.. as the future of the track is pretty bleak.

There won't be another event here, which is sad, because the facility is great and has a lot of potential.

Thanks to everyone that showed up to spectate and compete!
To the idiot in the maroon 2nd gen doing multiple burnouts in the parking lot; that kept revving his motor to 4,000 RPM's, you suck at life. I went over and asked him what the hell he was doing, and he replied 'trying to have some fun'. I replied with ' are you trying to get us un-invited back?' and I walked away.

Yes, it was a cluster of an event. The dyno was held up in Tennessee for some reason, don't know why, but that sucks.

We ran into the guy who owns the track at the bar later, and apologized profusely for the guys who were acting like idiots
I'll post pics later.
i drove 5 hours from san antonio expecting to race, but my accumulator broke in the trans so once i got it apart jb quicked it together i went to see if i could run since id driven so far and was told no, i guess next time ill have a billet accumulator... damn autos!
Was a disappointment that the dyno didn't make it since that was main reason I made the drive. Still had a good time and got to check out Ryan's car. Made a few slow passes and was able to meet some more folks.

To all the naysayers, every diesel event I have been to has some issues of one kind or another with keeping the flow of events going. instead of pi$$ing and moaning about it, take advantage of the time to meet some new people.
All in good fun, I'd expect you to rag on me if I killed it off the line or something.

Or if everybody was lined up ready to race and u were nowhere to be found. LOL

Guess we were supposed to sit in our hot trucks for hours on end lol.

There alot of hiccups , most of em not really NADMs fault. I had a blast and just hope the next goes alot smoother.
I had a damn good time. There were some problems for sure but there always is. I just watched all day and drank some beers and enjoyed myself. Pretty good Saturday in my book. Got to see some faces I haven't seen in a while. Mike
Yes, it was a cluster of an event. The dyno was held up in Tennessee for some reason, don't know why, but that sucks./QUOTE]

Okay first off, I ask how much the dyno was going to cost me to get on. No one would answer so I show up at the event ready to dyno to be told that it was broke down in between Mass and TX by a NADM official. I immediately called BS on the story because no one would answer me or anyone else in this thread but instead would respond about pissing matches or whatever. Later in the morning I was talking to a NADM official and he tells me that there was never going to be a dyno, and that they are full of chit up at the NADM registration tint. A OFFICIAL TOLD ME THIS!!! I had already decided to race even knowing I had no chance but it is hilarious to think they lied about it knowing there wasn't going to be a dyno.

Funny story Gary, some like to dyno when they update there setup just to see where we are at.

Next problem, track officials say we will run the brackets until there done. We make one pass and next thing we know after standing there for go knows how long back in the staging lanes, they are stopping racing to go watch the pulls. After the pulls a ton of people left thinking the event was done and didn't go back to the track while we finished it up.

On Brandon's behalf, he was notified last min that he was about to race and his truck had cooled off. That is just begging to blow every plug out of that thing and the track should have taken that into consideration.
Or if everybody was lined up ready to race and u were nowhere to be found. LOL

Guess we were supposed to sit in our hot trucks for hours on end lol.

There alot of hiccups , most of em not really NADMs fault. I had a blast and just hope the next goes alot smoother.


You nailed that one on the head. I waited and waited just to look up and find everyone, including track crew, was over at the pulls. Then I guess they announced, on the pa you could barely hear on the track much less the pulling track, that they went back to racing but I never heard it.