Opinions Wanted

Well I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!




Bed will be getting a spray in liner. Thus the reason it wasn't painted.

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Glad you decided against the 6 spd. They're junk. Looking good!

Thank you sir. I love the six speeds. I just have too much invested in the auto to swap to a six speed. The original plan for the truck was a 500-600 HP trailer puller. The 6spd would've worked great for that. It turned into a 700-900 HP play truck tho and the auto is better suited for that lol.

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Looks awesome, keep up the good work. I see you switched colors.
Looks awesome, keep up the good work. I see you switched colors.

Thank you. The price of paint dictated that choice lol. It saved me over $1000 just on base and clear. I've been daily driving it for over a week, and so far it's been doing great. Just need to get the AC working lol. Turbo turned out just right. This thing screams.

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Thank y'all! I'm very happy with it so far. Purrs like a kitten too. I'm finishing the interior now. I can't find the brackets to mount my rear seat. Gotta find some then it'll be pretty much complete.

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who needs a back seat ????.... that just means that you will have back seat drivers ...... easier if they are in front seat .....LOL .... IMHO LOL
Today Darren and I threw some more timing at it (25° now), shimmed the throttle cable, and adjusted the TV cable. It loved the added timing and now I have full throttle. It's a blast to drive.

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Oh nice ...... glad to hear its nearly done then ....... was the green a factory color or custom blended color ?
Oh nice ...... glad to hear its nearly done then ....... was the green a factory color or custom blended color ?

Just the little aggravating things left to do. I'm not sure if it's a factory or custom color. I found it in a color book, but it didn't say what the color came on. It's called dark pine effect.

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