pcs help


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I've been hijacking everyone else's threads, so I figured I would just start my own. I have a 1997 Ford with 95 12v and 97 diesel E4OD, I believe my PCS is now wired correctly (thanks to some people on here) but now when I try to open the program it gives me a message saying "run time error '438: object doesn't support this property or method" After "ok" past that, it gets me to a blank screen that then won't even let me hit any of the option buttons. So, what the hell is going on with this thing?
What OS are you running, and remove and reinstall it in default directories.
I've tried a few things, doing that compatibility mode tab, as soon as I hit it, a message comes up saying "the folder 'C:\program files (x86)\PCS\Automatic Transmission Controller\Calibrations' specified in the Start box is not valid....." I go into that folder and there is not Calibrations folder in there. Other problem I see is in the Cal Templates folder my transmission (E4OD) is not listed, it does have 4R70W-AODE 1998+ in there, but I don't know if that can be used. Lastly, in the drivers folder, the file "PCS_USB_To_Serial_Install" is messed up. During the install, it prompts you to a message about loading the drivers, I hit install and that pops up a box saying Cannot Complete the Device Driver Installation Wizard because of errors, and both Driver name's show Install failed in their status. So what's happening with this, I though it was a simple to load cd?
just to update anyone that cares, talked to pcs and they were very helpful. Going to try a new driver cable they are sending me direct, hoping it works.
so we got it online, now running into problems with the TPS not reading. IF the TPS is good, how can I check for 0-5 volts like they ask for?
really ??? do you have a voltmeter ?

I'm really sorry if I'm not as smart as you, I'm just asking how to test it. I have a simple meter with ac/dc/ohms and I can test normal electrical. I guess what I'm asking is do I have to move the shifter through the gears to get different readings, or is it just test in park and if you have 5 volts you're good?
Yes, You can test it in park with the key on,

At least that's how it is on my common rail tps
so we got it online, now running into problems with the TPS not reading. IF the TPS is good, how can I check for 0-5 volts like they ask for?

The TPS has nothing to do with the gear shifter, what are you having a problem with?
in the setup it asked to calibrate the tps, I moved the pedal and it read nothing. We tested it last night and everything checked out perfect. I guess what happened is that when I bolted it on the bracket it didn't quite go on perfectly and it wasn't turning when the linkage was moved. Now I went to retrieve the file I thought would be there, and there was nothing, so I emailed Destroked to see if they could email another setup.
There is always a file in the TCU, glad to see you found your installation error. I may have Cliff-1972 file around here some where when I made his.
There is always a file in the TCU, glad to see you found your installation error. I may have Cliff-1972 file around here some where when I made his.

my computer smart friend fixed it, said he had to dumb down my antivirus and trick the file to thinking my OS was windows 7. idk, but it worked and that's all I care lol. That would be great if you had something I could at least work from. they never sent me an email so I'm truckless for another weekend otherwise. thanks
anyone have trouble with the Dodge TPS, it tested perfect, and if I take it off and use a flat blade to rotate it, the thing works perfect. Bolt it on and it works like crap, poor readings, doesn't return to "0", and its very jumpy when moving the pedal. Any tips?