pcs help

I had the same issue, well 2 of them. First set your linkage so the closed throttle voltage is just over 1.25 volts and next is make sure the connector pins are not stretched out and are closed up good. Also try some dielectric grease in the connector.

I replied to your email and it got kicked again..

I replied to your email and it got kicked again..

i'll try that with the tps. sorry about the email, I don't get it, pcs sent me a base tune without a problem. I sent you another with a different email to try. thanks again
Got kicked again, I will send you the error I received back.
I got the one from your gmail, "generic E4OD", is that any different from pcs' base file?
That was Cliff-1972 without all the special features we did to it with the inputs and outputs.
That was Cliff-1972 without all the special features we did to it with the inputs and outputs.

oh great, I will load it tonight. Moved it out of the garage last night under its own power finally. Few leaks to tighten up and should go for a ride tonight. thanks for helping me out Tim.
The TPS calibration should be .5v = 0% and 4.5v = 100%. Not 0v and 5v.
This should be how all 5v dodge calibrations work.

Not sure if this will help you or not.
The TPS calibration should be .5v = 0% and 4.5v = 100%. Not 0v and 5v.
This should be how all 5v dodge calibrations work.

Not sure if this will help you or not.

yeah I ended up buying a new tps even though mine tested fine. put the new one on and calibrated it with the pcs, now everything is perfect. thanks though!
next issue, drove the truck a few times down the street. put it in drive and go, 1 and 2 are good, gets to 3rd and suddenly truck is lugging and basically shaking til I put it in either neutral or manually down to 2,1. Hooked up the computer and it shows that the tcc is engaging when it shakes down. Is this trans or wiring problem?
I loaded that file you sent me, is there something I can adjust in there to fix it?
there is a section in the software that just deals with the TCC lock up, speed vs. tps. You will see it in cal A
I found that, looks okay. My speedo on the monitor is way off, reading way higher then actual. Where is the setting for that? Could that be the reason the TCC is locking to quick?
Email me your current file in the truck and a data log and I will check it.
Email me your current file in the truck and a data log and I will check it.

Tim I tried to make a datalog, but it didn't save anything apparently. I will read the manual again and try tomorrow. On another note, could my issues possibly be because of the Manual Lever Position Sensor. I had put a new one on because mine was broken, I read that there is adjustment to its mounting and it can affect many trans related issues. Just curious...
Check the MPLS in the monitor mode on the laptop to see if it jives with where it actually is. Data log is a little tricky, I know you can do it. I am out of town for a few days and off grid so I will be checking email once a day by satellite connection so be patient.
yeah that's one of my issues, the indicator on the menu is different about each time I test drive it. I'm attacking it tonight, hoping to make a difference, its getting cold here and the Bronco isn't very well insulated.
30* here at camp. checking email by satellite once a day...
can anyone tell me the correct way to load a file, I believe I have one loaded but with all the problems I'm having I just want to be sure. Also, how do you load a second file (calibration B) and can you switch between the two.