Perkins rebuild and Allison6sp swap

1st cast was on for 2 week
[ame=""]1370382593_zps97b9aeea.jpg Photo by 2wpuller | Photobucket[/ame]
2nd cast will be on for 3 weeks
[ame=""]1370382596_zps9ba74471.jpg Photo by 2wpuller | Photobucket[/ame]

I don't know why photoBuckets pictures are like posting the same
The cast is what is making the forearm hurt close to the elbow.I can't wait for this to get better.I know it's only been since the 5/15/13

Looks uncomfortable, best of luck with it, hope you get it back to full strength!
Thanks,How is your work doing getting any better.Have you been able to play on your project.

Work has been good,no time to work on project tho. Not home long enuf. Need more help to get it all in ad weleded up
How has the truck been running Dale? I wasn't sure how much or if you are driving it with your arm. Is your arm healing up okay?
Yesterday is the first time I driven it since may 18th I put a new tune in yesterday afternoon did shift better.I am so for happy with all up shifting.Still have to do more adjustment to 4th to 3rd still little harsh but better than last tune.Motor is running good start first hit of the key

Thanks for asking about the arm.It's doing good as for as the bicep I have a stabbing pain in my hand and wrist.Going back to the Doctor tomorrow hopefully he let's me take the brace off it been on for 4 weeks sucks in this heat hand humidity.I need to charge my AC in the truck haven't had the extra money.I seen you got your truck back together quickly.Glad no one was hurt.

Well glad to hear the truck is doing good and hope its nothing major with your hand and wrist. I'm glad we weren't hurt to we got really lucky. I had no choice but to get the truck back together as fast as I did its my only ride. If it wasn't for a friend having a good radiator he gave me I would have been screwed.
Thank God for good friends and family that willing to help.
My brother come over yesterday morning to fix the axle leak on the truck so I could drive it.

I couldn't agree more. Has the doc gave you a time frame on when your arm will be healed so you can get back to work? I'm sure your bored with all the sitting around you have been doing.
He don't really know how long.He might be able to give me a better time frame tomorrow.he originally said at least 3 months.President of the company called me yesterday to see if I could drive my truck.He has some Lt duty for me if I can drive.He wanting me to go around and see the contractors that we pour bring concrete to bring them refreshments and talk to them.The company going to pay beats sitting on my but watching I have to charge my AC.Depending on how Rehabilitation goes on when I will go back to driving my mixer.

Your Wright there.I'm getting 40 hr.benefits paid in on workers comp.I don't know how that is going to work on Lt duty if I don't get 40hr in.