Platte city, MO/july 25

And for you Wesley Wade you have been the top dog alot I can't belive you've never been called a cheater unfairly. You should know better that to spout off when you have no business talking, it just makes you look bad and you usually don't come off that way.

Where did i spout off? Yea ive been called a cheater, but i have also been beat by a cheater and it realy burns my rear that some guys take the time to build and tune there truck up to running good, and then someone thats too lazy to build and tune the truck in takes and hides a bottle to win. So when a truck beats a truck one weekend by 100 ft that is normally with in 10 ft of the pack, what do you think. :nos:.

And please tell me where i called Troy a cheater.
I know someone got caught with N2O at Gordyville ,Ill when tryingto run with the 3.0 guys in Jan of '07. We watched the video last night a few times and it doesn't clean up enough to have very much if any spray on it. I got both classes on video and will try to get them up sometime.
Where did i spout off? Yea ive been called a cheater, but i have also been beat by a cheater and it realy burns my rear that some guys take the time to build and tune there truck up to running good, and then someone thats too lazy to build and tune the truck in takes and hides a bottle to win. So when a truck beats a truck one weekend by 100 ft that is normally with in 10 ft of the pack, what do you think. :nos:.

And please tell me where i called Troy a cheater.

Well this isnt the situation, it was 18 foot, and the 2nd place truck broke, he maybe could have got another 5 foot. Looked like to me Matt came out too hard and blew the tires off right at the beginning. I would think you being a sled puller you would know that difference in tracks, and drivers 15ft is not that uncommon.
Congrats Troy and crew. Your truck always runs strong when the converter is holding. You are a master at gauging tracks and seem to continue to get better. This is what sets you apart from the others, IMHO.

Wes ain't talking crap, he's just heard things like everyone else, but he never called anyone a cheater. I think he knows better after what some have said about his truck.
This is NOT matt williams I was there to watch trucks pull

Here again we have more evidence to support my theory that most of this BS comes from benchwarmer types. Won't run their truck? Then run mouth instead.

Gets old, fast :doh:

Congrats to Troy and company for putting it all together at a big event.
i want to say congrats to troy for a great hook and a great job of driving! again a chevrolet beat a dodge so he is cheating, same old song and dance. if you guys had any idea of how hard we work week in and out on the truck to make it run that well. there are some really talented people that put there heads together to make this truck what it is. sure at ts we had nitrous on it no dought the bottle was right there in the bed no hiding it. why cause in the rules it said in black and white nitrous oxide allowed! you guys just need to grow up, if we get beat in troys truck we sit down that next week and figure out why and fix it. we don't go around raising hell and calling them a cheater, we shake there hand and go on.

also big congrats to chris barton and tanner meyer. they did a great job driving and finished well in the 2.6 class!!
I sure wish I could have made it out for all the excitement. But i didnt get my truck done in time and it was gonna be a rush to make it so i just didnt fool with it.

First of all i was called a cheater for years around home, but i never did run n2o. i ran it once in an open class and that was it. being as i live in ky and pull against matt williams all the time and usually gettin my butt whipped unless he breaks or something, i couldnt imagine puttin that kinda distance on matt. however my truck isnt what is used to be. ive had a lot of bad luck, blown up motors and just plain out dont have the money to stay up with the competition. what i do know is that matt's truck has very little suspension mods to help get the tires planted, he said that to me himself. matts truck makes a ton of power as does troys. on no other venue has either truck actually made a straight up pass against each other on a good track and both trucks having no issues. matt is a friend of mine and i have spoke to troy on a few occasions. im not taking anyones side i am just tryin to help solve the conflict. i just want everyone to get along. we are all out here for fun, cause we sure arent here to get rich. i love pulling always have and always will. i go out and pull every weekend knowing that matt is gonna beat me, just because i love doing it. i dont know if theres is anything i can do to help resolve the conflict but i sure would like to help. Thanks guys
Congrats to Troy on the win. That truck is a strong runner for sure. I wasnt at the pull so I have no idea how it went down, but I will say a couple of things.
1. If you have openly ran nitrous oxide in the past at some pulls, dont be at all surprised when people start to wonder if you are running it even when it is not allowed, especially when you all of the sudden put 20+ feet on some of the best competition in the nation.
2. I heard that Matt Williams broke the ring and pinion. Not sure if it affected his distance at all or if it happened right at the end, but its something to consider.
3. People can think up some extremely creative ways to hide a nitrous bottle. If someone is going to try to sneak it in without getting caught, theyre going to make for sure that its not easily found.
4. Someone said something about Platte City being Troys hometown. Its always going to look a little fishy when a hometown boy that most likely knows all the techs and track crew, wins by a large margin against competition of that caliber. This is just "hearsay" and Im not actually sure that Platte City is Troys hometown.

Again this is not an attempt to bash Troy or his truck and I am not accusing him of cheating. Just posting a few things that might help out the conversation.

Carry on.
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I know Josh and Troy from pulling, I don't think there is nitrous on the truck.
Troy is actually from Lone Jack, which is about 1 hour or so away.
I know Josh and Troy from pulling, I don't think there is nitrous on the truck.
Troy is actually from Lone Jack, which is about 1 hour or so away.

Thanks for clearing that up Dan. I wasnt sure where troy was from, again just what i heard.
i wish someone had some video on here for us. i think these two guys need to put this behind them and square up again somewhere else. because everyone out there are gonna have their own opinions. whether troy ran n2o or whether he didn't no one besides troy and his closest people will know the truth. you can say you didnt run it and be teched out the wazoo (trust me ive been there several times) but everyone will still have their own opions one way or another. i say these 2 guys meet up at scheid. give each others the oppurtunity to look over each others truck or whatever and give them a best 2 outta 3 runs or something. that way you can squash whatever rumors. thats how i ended the rumors about me running n2o i hooked in a triple pull off and won all of them. once again i like matt and i like troy. i just think all this controversy can be avoided and we can just get out there and do what we love doin.
All i have to say is that you dont put over 50 foot on most of the rest of the pack on a tight ass track like that. But dont forget guys his hitch point was almost what looked like to the naked eye without a tape measure it was almost 20 inches up under the truck. that probably had a play in things as well. and if i were the guys that have troy help tune their truck, i would be p...ed at troy for putting the to them for not giving them the same rpm's as troy
Id like to see some video of this. Did no one get any video?

Matt's truck is a very strong running truck. Normally when a top truck gets beat its only by 2 or 3 feet. A lot of the time the top trucks are only within 10 feet of each other.

I have no idea if anyone was cheating or not, but 18 feet is a lot of distance on the #2 truck unless it broke or unless traction was a major issue. I would bet that is 75+hp worth of distance on a running type sled(which is what was used i would assume?).

I still cant believe no one has posted video yet.
