Policing our own

Yeah, someone found them by where we were sitting.
I drove over there to see if I could break into his truck and Liz told me y'all found the keys?

Bummer dude.

Yeah I know it sucked cause we were having a good time just hanging out, but the dumbasses roasting tires around town ruined it for everyone. Im not surprised
Drunk guys letting drunk girls climb all over there trucks...
Looked like it was gonna do wonders for the top of that cab...
Yeah I know it sucked cause we were having a good time just hanging out, but the dumbasses roasting tires around town ruined it for everyone. Im not surprised

Yeah... Oh well, pulls probably won't be in franklin next year...

Feel sorry for Dennis and his crew...
We didnt stay in BG, we just drove home to come back tomorrow, but I didnt think it was as bad as it couldve been considering years past. We just let all the retards go ahead and waited on them to file out of the field and it was smooth sailing. IMO it was better for the rednecks to get all of the smoke out of their system away from everybody instead of acting like the idiots they are on the street. Saw two Officers heading into the parking lot when we were leaving, hopefully it'll get better.
Real easy number for Bowling Green Police: (270) 393-BGPD (Non Emergency)
Thanks :Cheer:

Think we failed.

I wasn't around for any of the nightime activity last year, but if it was worse than the parking area at the pulls tonight then holy chit...

Took 15 minutes or so to get out of the parkin lot, no big deal, but during that 15 minutes there were at least 30 trucks powerbraking their trucks in line, and/or blowing smoke and revin the hell outa the truck.

Didn't see which truck it was, but I swear one guy was bouncin off his rev-limiter over and over the entire time I was waitin to get outa there...
I heard the rev limiter and thought "well, I guess someone felt the need to spin 'er around :doh:

I laughed at the kids by the end of the driveway yelling "Burnout!" at every truck that came by.
That dumbass came back to the track area and was laughing about getting all those to do one :soap:

My truck just sat around and looked pretty at the show and shine. lol Plus no way in hell Id screw up 700 dollars worth of tires.

What sucked though is that we were sittin in back of the best western just BSing, and got kicked out cuase the dumbasses at the front of the best western were doing burnouts
Red day cab stock w/ wheels ?
I must say this is far better than the last few events I've been able to attend. Yelled at one guy up in the parking field at the pulls, he complied without resistance, I think it just takes a common sense moment for some people. The young guy was from Tennessee, I looked at his plate after he parked but didn't turn him in. I think he got the message.

On a positive note....this weather is amazing! I hope to see some good action tonight!
We had a little chat with the drunk hillbillies yelling "do a burn out"! Eric told them to nut up and do it in their own trucks instead of yelling at us. Which almost got me into a fight, except I couldn't stop laughing and calling them all gay.
Think he's talkin about his own truck lol.

He has a red regular cab.
Think he's talkin about his own truck lol.

He has a red regular cab.

oh ok, yeah that was an awesome looking truck, I think I talked to him today for a little bit about the wheels on my truck
Well, the asshats were in full force tonight weren't they? When I finally decided to leave I noticed a car sitting there with the door open, car running, and the lights on. As I got closer I realize there's a guy passed out in the driver's seat hanging half-way out of the car. I was in for a bit of treat when I got to the other side of the car. There was a girl, who I thought was passed out also, squatted down with her pants around her knees(apparently relieving herself), with her head laying on her arms. I stopped, and the girl stands up and pulls up her pants and comes up to my truck telling me to stop. She then went back to the guys behind me, and talked to them. She thought I was the guy who was supposed to be taking her back to the hotel. Apparently he left her there. The other guys helped her out somehow, I guess. She told me I could go ahead. Hopefully, she got a ride back. I would have offered, but I didn't like the idea of a drunk possibly puking in my truck. Plus, I was going south, not north. Wow, this is a long post. Well, maybe someone was entertained by it.
That might have been the girl the cops were talking too when we left, there wasn't anyone looking for a ride when I walked to the lot.

yea the idiots were def. in full force. I don't really understand having "revving" constests...........ur at a diesel event, so theres 200 other trucks that can do the same thing. The only crazy thing I like to do is race, so i had to get that out of my system once we were on the Interstate.
Franklin did nothing so it's their own fault in a way. A dunbass was cuttin up the grass and smoking out around the pay table and the cop there didn't even look his way. there could have been part of the solution there. He was 20' away from him!!
My truck? No it was the only regular cab 08 F-250 6.4 sittin in the show and shine.

I mean there was a red reg cab 6.4. It was here all week during DPC
That might have been the girl the cops were talking too when we left, there wasn't anyone looking for a ride when I walked to the lot.


Not sure if it was the same one or not. All the cops were gone by the time I left. She was wearing a blue shirt, and she was a blonde I think. I believe she was "waiting" for her ride that had already left, and when she saw my truck she thought I was her ride until she actually saw me and realized I wasn't the same guy.
I made the mistake of getting there early on the first day. Parked way up front, had to watch all the retards get stuck in a little wet spot. Luckily the toyota gaytrix fit through the hole in the fence and we got the eff outta there. I'm sure everybody behind us was pissed...oh well