Pro Street - SFI rule committee


New member
Feb 19, 2008
We are working with SFI Foundation to come up with a committee that will review and make SFI specs and safety rules for 7.50 to 8.49 et in the pro street class because there is no safety rules for anyone over 3600lbs to go faster than 8.50et.

Since Jarid Vollmer went 8.51 last weekend at Texas we need to come up with new safety requirements and certifications so we can keep you guys safe.

SFI is asking for a list of chassis builders that are familiar with how the current chassis and cages are being built in the pro street class and also they asked if they can contact the chassis builders to get info so they can come up with safety rules and guidelines

Can you please reply back with contact info including name , phone and email on who you used to build your truck and also let them know that SFI may be contacting them to ask questions and get input.

I also realize that some of you do not compete with the NHRDA but this information will help all of us whether it be the Outlaw series and NADM so please respond back and give me any info that you have.
phone 360-658-4353


Randy Cole
Hmmm I called them a few days ago requesting the same thing. Told me they would get the ball rolling. Followed up yesterday and they mentioned it is about a month process. Mike hurst is who I spoke with.
I am not a chassis builder but I am a NHRA Chassis inspector in Div 2. I am also certified in the exhibition category. 095 CM is the required material thickness in the Jet Truck category. Maybe a moly cage that is along the lines of 25.2/25.3 that's 095 moly and some larger diameter bars in some other areas.
Do they want information on those of us who built the 9.99-8.50 cages ourselves or did they want information from guys who have built 25.X spec chassis?
Do they want information on those of us who built the 9.99-8.50 cages ourselves or did they want information from guys who have built 25.X spec chassis?

The more info they have the better

Send email to Randy
Nomination for the most annoying avatar to farmer........
Better hope nobody here has
Sent info on my truck to you already Randy, thanks for stepping up and doing what you're doing on this subject!
dont monster trucks have SFI specs? There 10,000lbs and only go 70 mph max...

so 5,000lbs going 160+ should be about right.... IIRC they use 2" .120 wall

i'd use 1 3/4 .120 wall to 2" .095 wall CM on everything connected to the frame. Safety over weight savings.....The Life you save is way more important than the weight you save
Let's hope it is adding some bars to the existing 25.5 spec and not requiring only CM or moving main hoops to 1 3/4+. That'll throw a monkey wrench into the gears.
I just hope they don't make me scrap everything I just put together on mine ?

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Sfi rules are trial by error and not necessarily put together by an engineering team. I know they will be stricker by the year. Rules written in blood.
I imagine there will be an intern period if there are any major structural changes. If you have a cert chassis now, putting X bars in Y place will carry you over till beginning of race season 201_. New builds will meet the the new chassis spec for the race season 201_. Would give those who are close the ability with a few small mods to be within regulation until they can make the big changes if there are any.
SFI 25.5A is good to 7.50 at 3600lbs. I would suggest something along the lines of a 25.3A cage with some additional bars stepped up to 1 5/8" from the current 1 1/2". 25.3A is good to 6.50 at 3600lbs. I would think this should be able to create a cert good to 7.50 at say 4600lbs.

The problem with going larger diameter or thicker material than current 8.50 spec is that it would force you to cut out your current cage and start over, rather than just adding to it.
Spoke with Mike again today. Hoping to be set in stone at least by PRI. Appreciate the information and data given from the builders and racers.
All basic cages are 1 5/8 ball around you. Top, sides, bottom, front, back. Then the bars can get smaller once inside that ball. MS will remain one thickness throughout the cage were CM can vary in wall thickness depending on diameter. There are lots of thought about what to do with the heavier vehicles such as these trucks or even some cars that are being assembled with diesels. Some of the EX-Pro Stock trucks have had to step up to 25.2 just because of the weight when a diesel is stuffed into it. As mentioned earlier I think what will happen is one of the 25 series spec will be modified to fit the diesel truck application.
Spoke with Mike again today. Hoping to be set in stone at least by PRI. Appreciate the information and data given from the builders and racers.
I didn't have a 25.5 spec available to me so SFI shipped me one. Can anyone recommend a desert racing spec that could give insight?