Project DeRanged truck progress

Or poorly for the truck.....however you look at it. LOL

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OK, spent the day, Monday at Genes, and have the front end completly done, and the back end stripped. Gene is going to Back halve it Saturday. Here are the latest pics.






When I can get A) money and B) an engine :bang or the wishful C) the 3.oh goes BOOM!
Man I like it when the UPS guy comes. Thanks Jenn, those should be enough to monitor the engine. LOL


did you change trucks?

EDIT..I missed a couple of pages LOL..that sux about the other truck not working..

like I have always said..if anything can be F'ed up..leave it to Doug to do it LMAO!
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Damn, got my Optima battery hold downs the other day. Took them out of the box, and these things are the shizznizzle. This picture doesn't do them justice. Lets just say Dennis Perry would be proud. I got these off of Ebay. Paid 110.00 for both shipped to my door. You could brush your teeth in the polish, its like a mirror.

Are you using them on the ranger or on your truck?

If the Ranger, where are you mounting the batteries? Bed?
Ranger, and yes in the bed right out to be seen, (and probably stolen, LOL :doh:).
Got a projected date for it to be ready? The CompD Invitational?