Project DeRanged truck progress

Look sweet Timmy:rockwoot:, and I know I'm a little slow, I just saw deranged in 8-lug, congrats looked good. I can't wait for a full spread on that thing:Cheer:. Oh and because of school and work I will not be able to drive this season, sorry:doh: LOLLOLLOL:hehe:
hey tim i didn't wanna re-read through 58 pages of posts so i figured i'd just straight up ask... what are you using for a HPO system? dual pumps i'm assuming?
I appreciate you handing me the key and trusting me with what could soon be the quickest POWERSTROKE doorslammer in the country. It was quite a ride up 35 knowing Deranged was looking over my shoulder. And it sure does draw a crowd at a truck stop (Hell yeah I told everyone it was mine!! lol, kidding........well kinda)

hey tim i didn't wanna re-read through 58 pages of posts so i figured i'd just straight up ask... what are you using for a HPO system? dual pumps i'm assuming?

Nope its a single. :rockwoot:

I appreciate you handing me the key and trusting me with what could soon be the quickest POWERSTROKE doorslammer in the country. It was quite a ride up 35 knowing Deranged was looking over my shoulder. And it sure does draw a crowd at a truck stop (Hell yeah I told everyone it was mine!! lol, kidding........well kinda)


Thanks for the help Lonny, it was damned good to meet ya.
Yeah its very custom, and its not just the pump, its a whole package. I will be releasing the details in a few days.
OK, ordered a mustang Manual brake conversion, and a radiator, so I have everything I need now to finish, Sans Drive shaft. Transmissions not in yet, so I have no idea on length. I might actually pull off TS. Woo Hoo
So if you're ready for TS, any chance of lining up against the Stuckey boys? Thinking about it, I don't even know if they'll be there.

That'd be a good time though.
There is a lot to dial in and considering this thing will come together within hours of TS, 60 foot launches is about all you will be seeing at TS.
There is a lot to dial in and considering this thing will come together within hours of TS, 60 foot launches is about all you will be seeing at TS.

Knowing Tim, I bet you'll see more than that before the day is done unless some fair-size problems arise. And I think it'll be done at least a little sooner than that anyway. :D
Tim will be on the trailer turning wrenches while someone else drives to TS :hehe: :hehe:
So if you're ready for TS, any chance of lining up against the Stuckey boys? Thinking about it, I don't even know if they'll be there.

That'd be a good time though.

I will be way too light to line up with Stuckey, and Earl has a few years on me in the racing dept.

Knowing Tim, I bet you'll see more than that before the day is done unless some fair-size problems arise. And I think it'll be done at least a little sooner than that anyway. :D

Must resist temptation. LOL

Tim will be on the trailer turning wrenches while someone else drives to TS :hehe: :hehe:

Proabably not far from the truth. :bang LOL
We were able to finally start working on DeRanged Monday. We are installing the fuel lines to the front of the cylinder heads, our fuel/oil filter housing delete kit, our Performance 66 Compounds, connecting the exhaust to the stacks and a few other things here and there. I will try to post pics ever few days to keep you guys posted. Below is what we managed to get done yesterday.

Fuel Lines to the front of the cylinder heads have been made and run.

Fuel / Oil Housing Delete Kit has been installed and oil lines have been made. The oil filter now sits under where the old battery was mounted.


Tight is an understatement when it comes to the compounds. Tim and I discussed where he wanted the chargers and after a lot of measurements, we have started fabbing them up. The layout of this kit is strictly for DeRanged. Our Super Duty Compounds (both the Performance and Towing) mount on the engine.

High Pressure Turbo Mount being made by our welder Lonny (beast6.0)


HP turbo mounted in DeRanged

We started a new thread for this part of the build up.