Project Leftovers: The Rise of Frankenstein

That truck looks crazy fast! Time to start practicing backing a trailer now! Remember those events are worth just as much. They'll probably be making calls soon, good luck on getting in!

Thanks, it sure feels fast. hopefully the track numbers aren't a huge letdown. I have often gone to the track with a "fast" feeling truck only to be dissapointed by the time slips. although I will say this truck feels incredibly faster than those past "fast" trucks. I do hope to find some time to practice on the other events as well assuming I get into the competition of course.
That stinks really wanted to see this truck in that competition. Still an awesome build.
Dpc is slowly becoming the who "who has the prettiest truck with the most friends and or money challenge"

Not saying anybody in the challenge doesn't deserve it but every year there are mechanical trucks and it would be nice to see one once in a while. The hate spewed towards a certain mechanical truck last year was ridiculous. "Ugly" old or stock appearing trucks seem to get overlooked

Excited to see Rick fox in it none the less.
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^^^ agree! It should be, 1 ppump, 1 vp44, and 1 commonrail. That way fans of all get there truck to root for so to say.
Dpc is slowly becoming the who "who has the prettiest truck with the most friends and or money challenge"

Not saying anybody in the challenge doesn't deserve it but every year there are mechanical trucks and it would be nice to see one once in a while. The hate spewed towards a certain mechanical truck last year was ridiculous. "Ugly" old or stock appearing trucks seem to get overlooked .

I thought the "ugly" one got voted in and he backed out?? Could be wrong

I hate when guys get in competitions like the DPC and had no hands on part in building the truck. I think guys like Todd have WAY more right to be in it then someone who "bought" there way in more or less.

Oh well, guess you'll just have to spank them at the track guys!! Awesome build!

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Dpc is light years ahead of the first few years now. Although it has kind of turned into a "shop truck showdown". Nonetheless should be an exciting event.
I'm surprised the standards to get into a competition event like DPC aren't based on prior competition results. At a minimum, they could require verifiable dyno or track results (race or sled). This would at least insure that good people made it to the voting phase.

Everyone has an opinion I guess. It just sucks that all these kids that vote only have a picture and a made up hp number to base their voting on.
It sucks that such a well built truck won't get a chance to compete in the challenge. It just goes to show, the picture you submit to the magazine is just as important as the components that move it down the track. With that being said, don't forget your 20x14 wheels and light bars! :hehe:
With that being said, don't forget your 20x14 wheels and light bars! :hehe:

Just tell them it make 10,000hp, and photoshop the picture to have every accessory RBP sells, and you're golden.

Really though, everyone here know's that we're the minority. I'd say 98% of the diesel community (not CompD community) likes to buy trucks that they can just toss a tuner on and puff a bunch of smoke out the tail pipe. That's that. They are going to vote for whatever they think is the coolest.

On a side note, do the trucks have to have the engines they came with? Could a Fummins go in under Ford? In that case, the Cummins guys, should just toss a Ford cab on and hop into the competition!
Couple years ago a guy with a 97 fummins won the competition. I think the same year he won, another guy competing had a 78 fummins dually?