Prostreet trucks for sale????

I definitely don't drag race for the crowds and following. I wish the sport had more fans because it is really sad when the only people spectating at a race are the racers.

From the monetary side, I agree.

Otherwise, the only reason I race is for pure enjoyment of racing.
Super street is just as if not more expensive of a class then pro street. 6000lbs and 1500hp + wrecks parts all the time. 4500lbs trucks "should" be cheaper to campaign.
Super street IS expensive, but hasn't been around near as long. The only way I would get into P/S is to pick up one already built for fairly cheap. You could have a good platform at half the cost.
I still have mine sitting on blocks in the barn. Work has kept me from going racing the last few years a majority of the time, however when work did allow racing I opted to stay home and spend time with my wife and daughter. im not done still spend money on the truck on a regular basis, constantly tweaking it. that being said mine could be bought as well....
I have been contemplating giving in. I keep saying to myself, why do I do this, is it fun anymore, do I want to keep throwing money at this and am I getting anything out of it. As long as I can answer yes to 2 or more of these questions I'll keep doing it. Plus i could never sell the truck do to the circumstances and no one could afford it anyway LOL

I am going to try this one more time next season and if it don't work out, ours is going to get a big nasty nitro motor at less than half of the cost I have in the diesel.
I feel that the people that do come out to see the drags, come to see the pro street trucks. I have said for a long time that they should pay these guys to show up at the races. More trucks would come and bring more spectators. JMO!
Seems the majority disagree. :) I stuck around once after the pulls at scheid to see the drag racing. Let's just say finding a good seat was not an issue. :)

This is completley true. And why this statement is true, i will never be able to answer. Im a hardcore drag racer and i always will be. But it boggles my mind to see all the people sit in one place for hours to watch trucks go 20mph and pull a trailer with no wheels on it hopefully 300ft.

And then the guys that do pull drive countless hours to get to hook to the sled 1 TIME MAYBE 2 if your the first guy. It just makes no since to me, in drag racing you get at least 3 chances.

But to each there own i guess just wish more people would drag race.
We took a poll at Diesel Power Challenge on "when was your truck the most fun?" Everyone had the same answer....600rwhp street truck. Fast enough to take out 99% of everything out on the road, yet still dependable and drivable. My guess is there will be a few more of those out there after the Pro Street owners sell their stuff.


I ditched my PS project due to cost and time. I cant justify spending all that money on something to race twice a year... All the races are so far away it just wouldn't be worth it. I might as well just take 4 vacations a year for what it costs.

I got into rock crawling as there are 5 parks within 2hrs from my house. The truth is, the people are a lot better as well. More willing to lend a hand and help out, and not so ego driven. I didn't realize how exhausting it is dealing with all these crybabies and idiots in diesel motorsports, until I stepped away for a while.$.02
When I started low 10's was competitive in PS class at any event. Now if you're not running mid to low 9's or better your just there to enjoy the racing. trying to keep up pretty much broke me and strained the home life between spending all my spare time working on the truck and money. When I dropped the bottom end out of it last year in the finals the fun was gone....
When I started low 10's was competitive in PS class at any event. Now if you're not running mid to low 9's or better your just there to enjoy the racing. trying to keep up pretty much broke me and strained the home life between spending all my spare time working on the truck and money. When I dropped the bottom end out of it last year in the finals the fun was gone....

I think you have said it, until the costs comes down, diesel motorsports are going to struggle.
Prostreet is relatively cheap compared to some gasser classes. Folks have no clue what it takes parts or time wise to qualify in the top half at one of the premier events. You can't strap a big charger, shower head nozzles and a boatload of nitrous like you could in 2005 and run with the big kids anymore. It is sort of like the difference between a top 10 ADRL PX car and a blown promod you see at your local quick 8.

Sarcasm brought to you by Tapatalk
It is crazy expensive, and I'm tired. I'm tired of all the hours working on it. I'm tired of working tons of overtime to pay for parts. I'm tired of the never ending to do list. I'm tired of busting my ass hoping for a small amount of recognition that never seems to come (as shallow as that sounds). Being in this sport as a privateer is tough. Let alone trying to be competitive with the big dogs.This uphill battle isn't fun for me anymore.

I am thankful for the help that I did receive. There are some amazing people in this community and I feel blessed to befriend them. At this point I'm out, I just want to concentrate on my family.
P.S. my truck is in the for sale section cheep if someone wants to give it a try. I am selling it for 36% of what I put into it. Yet another reason to love race cars....
PS is too expensive for most unless heavily sponsored. 8's and low 9's are practically out of reach for most competitors paying for there own race program.. A 10:50 index class might get these trucks back on the track and put the fun back into this sport. This would be for the guys going fast on a budget but not fast enough. I am still in it because I love racing and am hoping to catch the right companies eye and be able to go big. But that hour glass is running out of sand.
Hey fellas, I'll give a big thanks to all of ya who have or still are running any type of motorsport.

First rule of racing: If your in it for the payouts, be prepared to be disappointed. Therefore, do it for the fun, excitement, and self gratification that comes along with it.

Second rule: If you get $.50 on the dollar back when you sell, consider yourself lucky!! I know I'll catch some flack on this one, but, it's the truth.

Most of all, do what makes you happy. You worked for it, it's still a free country, and you never know what tomorrow holds.

We built and campaigned an NMRO class 3 mud truck in 2002. We made it out mid season and got beat at the first two NMRO races. I was never more determined in my life to win as I was then. I spent all our money and we were hardly ever home. When I got off work, we loaded up and headed to a race somewhere. Things finally came together for us at Indy and we set a new 200' record. The next race we set a new 120' record. I was on top of the world, so I thought. Just as someone posted earlier, I woke up one morning, looked at my two little kids and thought what the hell am I doing???? The truck was sold and it has been until now that I am interested in participating in racing again. I have to keep this thing fun, affordable, and never let it run my life as before.

One last note. I bought used parts and assembled (with help) an aluminum headed 598BBF and it cost just over $16,000 to make just over 1000HP and the C16 racing fuel was $7.4/gallon then. As it stands, we have just under $10,000 in our cummins engine, should do way better than 1000HP if we chose to push it, we can drive it to town, and fuel is $4/gallon. Plus, we can blow huuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggeeeee clouds of black smoke. lol
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I am in a constant flux of what to do with my truck... right at this moment I am seriously thinking about parting it out.. I think that is about the only way to actually realize any money out of it
If parts weren't high priced you'd see way more in it. I think its the fact it takes soo much to even make the truck reliable and people realize it towards then end then look at all the money they spent. Mine is no where near pro street or even running and i have almost 25k in it. The moment you look at it as money is the moment you lose interest. I even debate on finishing mine but I've come this far and met a ton of stand out people and some not so much but not everyone nowadays can say they did something worth talking about. Just have fun with what ever your means are.

I agree with a few others on it's the challenge of beating the "BIG GUYS".I just flat want to win! I don't care about records,ego,who has what or how much they spend. I don't care. Just give me the win. It is expensive and to compete it will be. Some just have to ask themselves how much they spend in cigs, beer, car payments, big houses, fancy wifes(lol) and things they don't need to spend money on. I have never smoked a cig, don't drink, if I cant buy it and pay for it I don't own it. Just ask yourself how much extra money a person would have if they didn't spend on stuff that others don't. Racing keeps me out of trouble that i'm sure I would find. Guys just remember you don't have to be the fastest to win! You have to race smart and let the other guy find a way to lose. Don't beat yourself and be the one that finds a way to lose. Guys don't give up this can still be fun. It's nice to see everyone at the races. SDX 2013 bring it on. P.S. Jason 600 hp street truck for sure! That's were the white truck is now and loving life.

BIGRPOWR if I had your money I would burn mine! LOL I would have to stay home from SDX to guard it. Hope to see ya soon.
I am waiting for the diesel drag truck museum to open, so someone else can store it and keep it clean. :hehe: