Race Truck build...

Sh*t, I just read thru 42 pages, just to find out the guys a d*ck and the truck will never see the light of day. WTH.
I don't see what the issue is. I mean, I do, but he made good on everything, and apologized to all parties that I'm aware of. It's like like he's shafting everyone, or even doing it intentionally. And if you feel he is, then just don't buy anything from him. Simple.

If you would like a few more examples he had 2 of my friends install a tranny for him about a year ago. He charged $500 to the person for installing his trans and gave my friends $50 each.(he couldn't figure out how to install a tranny) wow he's got a ton of experience.
Also I showed him how to set valves about the same time period so he decided he was an expert and did it for another person... Guess what!? He forgot to tighten the adjuster and it loosened up and kicked the bridge out.
Want another? He charged anther kid I know( tried to talk him out of going through mike) $6500 for a fully built race trans. Then bought( not built) a cheap trans with only a billet input and some valve body work. Paid $3500 for that trans and put he rest of the money into this "race truck". Ban him. He's a disease to everyone he speaks to.
If you would like a few more examples he had 2 of my friends install a tranny for him about a year ago. He charged $500 to the person for installing his trans and gave my friends $50 each.(he couldn't figure out how to install a tranny) wow he's got a ton of experience.
Also I showed him how to set valves about the same time period so he decided he was an expert and did it for another person... Guess what!? He forgot to tighten the adjuster and it loosened up and kicked the bridge out.
Want another? He charged anther kid I know( tried to talk him out of going through mike) $6500 for a fully built race trans. Then bought( not built) a cheap trans with only a billet input and some valve body work. Paid $3500 for that trans and put he rest of the money into this "race truck". Ban him. He's a disease to everyone he speaks to.

Ok, this post is a bit over the top to say the least.:doh:
I have no problems with you. You've been cool when I've met you before, but you've been around mike enough, how can you still defend him man?
I have no problems with you. You've been cool when I've met you before, but you've been around mike enough, how can you still defend him man?

I am in no way defending him or on any ones side. I try to keep to myself with this kind of stuff because its not my business, (like most everyone should) but when you have guys getting on the bandwagon of hating Mike it gets old. Half the stuff in your post was half truths and misleading. If were talking about people getting screwed over thats one thing but straight up lies are just wrong man.
little6cylinder, those are just stories unless the people your talking about come on here and explain how they were wronged, if they were to the forum may help them be compensated, otherwise I am more interested in his build
I am in no way defending him or on any ones side. I try to keep to myself with this kind of stuff because its not my business, (like most everyone should) but when you have guys getting on the bandwagon of hating Mike it gets old. Half the stuff in your post was half truths and misleading. If were talking about people getting screwed over thats one thing but straight up lies are just wrong man.

Jumping on the and wagon? I knew this d-bag before you did man. And don't hang around with trash like him anymore because he screws people over.
And what am I lieing about? Oh let me guess? Mike told you different stories? That's weird. Bro don't talk about what you don't know. My post was intended to tell people the truth about mike, not to start $hit. Mike already knows I don't like him.
Charger how are these just stories? Because you didn't see it happen?
Jumping on the and wagon? I knew this d-bag before you did man. And don't hang around with trash like him anymore because he screws people over.
And what am I lieing about? Oh let me guess? Mike told you different stories? That's weird. Bro don't talk about what you don't knotw. My post was intended to tell people the truth about mike, not to start $hit. Mike already knows I don't like him.
Charger how are these just stories? Because you didn't see it happen?

See that's the funny thing. Mike doesn't have to tell me crap bro because I was there. I was there when Jd built the tran for chriss. I was there when Jd replaced the billet input that chris broke a week after they put it in, for free btw. Jd has never built a billet tranny for 3500 and never will. I was there for all this stuff bro and know what what went down. I know everyone in this diesel community here and hear and se everything. Its not just Mike there's a bunch of worms out there. Do you even know why mike owed him the 1000 dollars far all this **** talking in the first place? Do you know which company (wich I won't mention, yep even big companies screw people over) screwed mike over so he was out ta turbo and the 1000 dollars? People can talk all they want and it gets old. I've known mike for a few years now and yeah he's done some stupid **** stuff but is also the guy that will come help you if you need it. 2 pennies.
Still....Ban. if somebody needs character references...they shouuld not be here. Ban.
See that's the funny thing. Mike doesn't have to tell me crap bro because I was there. I was there when Jd built the tran for chriss. I was there when Jd replaced the billet input that chris broke a week after they put it in, for free btw. Jd has never built a billet tranny for 3500 and never will. I was there for all this stuff bro and know what what went down. I know everyone in this diesel community here and hear and se everything. Its not just Mike there's a bunch of worms out there. Do you even know why mike owed him the 1000 dollars far all this **** talking in the first place? Do you know which company (wich I won't mention, yep even big companies screw people over) screwed mike over so he was out ta turbo and the 1000 dollars? People can talk all they want and it gets old. I've known mike for a few years now and yeah he's done some stupid **** stuff but is also the guy that will come help you if you need it. 2 pennies.
Then why does chris have the same story as me!? That's what happened! And I know jd doesn't build fully built trannys for 3500! It wasn't fully built lol and oh if all else fails, why did jd agree with me? I wasn't tryin to start a pissin match. Just warning people to be careful when dealing with him. Be sure of what your getting and don't pay till it's in your hand.