Well obviously im not aware of them...when I use to do spool aids I was lazy on the shipping...hence I don't do it anymore...very rarely do I do any side work anymore unless I have time..
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The build looks good. Good luck with the rest of it. Keep us updated.
Im working on it..slowly but surely..I wanna change my mind every week..see something new its like I gotta have..to bad my bank account doesn't agree with all my decisions!!!
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I know what you mean. I'm trying to just get started on my 12 valve but I don't have the time because the closest garage is 130 miles away. Hopefully after the Fall outage season I will get some stuff done in the Winter months.
I wish more threads like this were around. It's neat as hell to see the beginning product and going to the end of it.
I don't see what the issue is. I mean, I do, but he made good on everything, and apologized to all parties that I'm aware of. It's like like he's shafting everyone, or even doing it intentionally. And if you feel he is, then just don't buy anything from him. Simple.
I don't see what the issue is. I mean, I do, but he made good on everything, and apologized to all parties that I'm aware of. It's like like he's shafting everyone, or even doing it intentionally. And if you feel he is, then just don't buy anything from him. Simple.
Key word there. Very few people like to air grievances in public.
You're only defending this guy because you like the truck he's building. Any other forum member and you'd jump right on him. Where's the nut swinger smiley when you need it....
I don't really feel that paying someone back after a year with no extra compensation could be as you refer, "made good". Do you think it is ok if you sent $1000 to someone for a good purchased, and 12 months later after you told them several times you wanted your money back or the goods shipped? I mean what about all of the time you spent trying to get ahold of the guy, or the loss of use of the money for the 12 months.
If you felt he "made good" I will give you my paypal address and you can send me $1000 and I will even actually stand behind what I am saying I will do, 12 months from the day the money hits my account, you will get it returned in full.
If you don't like that, I can tell you I will ship you a turbo and in 12 months I can refund you your money back also, your choice.
That being said it is good that things were worked out, however it shouldn't have taken 12 months to resolve it, go to the bank to borrow money, not "sell" things to folks and use there money.
Seriously kyle? I'm not so much defending him, as I am saying to leave it out of this thread. And is there someone else he wronged and hasn't made good on yet?
FUK THAT....if you're doing this to people, put it every single place this guy posts. Make sure people know that even though he made it "right," it took a hell of a long time to do it!
FUK THAT....if you're doing this to people, put it every single place this guy posts. Make sure people know that even though he made it "right," it took a hell of a long time to do it!
FUK THAT....if you're doing this to people, put it every single place this guy posts. Make sure people know that even though he made it "right," it took a hell of a long time to do it!
Hmmmmn hard question....let me think really dam hard....ummmm not a dam penny ...
Word to all...if you wanna talk chit...make a thread about, not in this one ...I don't care...act tough all ya want...im not a keyboard tough guy I will gladly give you my address and you can say what you want to my face... you'll see how that pans out for you...!!!!
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